Viofo T130 3 Channel Dashcam - 2K Front + FHD Interior + FHD Rear

I have done some testing but it's late in the night here. Sometime tomorrow after I get a mandatory PCR test I'll update.
It should be noted that this T130 is a pre-released unit Supplied by Viofo for testing.

A quick update.
In my case, the rebooting is not related to power problems. I have used two separate power sources both supplied by Viofo. (And have DMM measuring voltage and amperage)
One power source is the car cigarette lighter and the other is the HK3-C connected to a powerful Real - linear supply. (Not switch mode) (15V @ 30A)
Running latest firmware front 1027 and 0906 rear

The memory cards used to test.
Samsung Evo 128 GB
SanDisk 32 GB
SanDisk 128 GB Extreme

The unit started the reboot cycle every minute when it was running on the Samsung Evo 128GB
Placed the unit on the test bench in the house and tried the SanDisk 32 GB - no surprises there - it didn't like it - would just stop recording at 1-minute mark.
Used the SanDisk extreme 128GB continued to reboot every 1 minute. It also had an issue with the format.
Removed it and placed it in the computer and formatted it with the guiformat tool to FAT32
Placed it in the unit kept rebooting.

Disabled the parking mode and it seemed to allow the T130 to record without rebooting.
I think the problem could be in part a stationary T130 (on my test bench) and the GPS might be telling the T130 to go into parking mode but instead, it breaks the process.

In my tests, I managed over 6 minutes without the T130 rebooting After I had disabled parking mode with it using the SanDisk Extreme 128GB (yeah I'm surprised too lol)

This however doesn't resolve why for apparently no reason on a simple drive where nothing in my car had changed the T130 decided to reboot every minute during my 1-hour drive to my destination and also on the return journey - until I disconnected it!
In the first journey about halfway through I did disconnect the rear camera and did a complete shutdown of the unit. It made no difference to it rebooting every minute.

I have one last test and that is to check if the Samsung 128GB is getting old and can't hold its licker anymore!
It should be noted that this T130 is a pre-released unit Supplied by Viofo for testing.

A quick update.
In my case, the rebooting is not related to power problems. I have used two separate power sources both supplied by Viofo. (And have DMM measuring voltage and amperage)
One power source is the car cigarette lighter and the other is the HK3-C connected to a powerful Real - linear supply. (Not switch mode) (15V @ 30A)
Running latest firmware front 1027 and 0906 rear

The memory cards used to test.
Samsung Evo 128 GB
SanDisk 32 GB
SanDisk 128 GB Extreme

The unit started the reboot cycle every minute when it was running on the Samsung Evo 128GB
Placed the unit on the test bench in the house and tried the SanDisk 32 GB - no surprises there - it didn't like it - would just stop recording at 1-minute mark.
Used the SanDisk extreme 128GB continued to reboot every 1 minute. It also had an issue with the format.
Removed it and placed it in the computer and formatted it with the guiformat tool to FAT32
Placed it in the unit kept rebooting.

Disabled the parking mode and it seemed to allow the T130 to record without rebooting.
I think the problem could be in part a stationary T130 (on my test bench) and the GPS might be telling the T130 to go into parking mode but instead, it breaks the process.

In my tests, I managed over 6 minutes without the T130 rebooting After I had disabled parking mode with it using the SanDisk Extreme 128GB (yeah I'm surprised too lol)

This however doesn't resolve why for apparently no reason on a simple drive where nothing in my car had changed the T130 decided to reboot every minute during my 1-hour drive to my destination and also on the return journey - until I disconnected it!
In the first journey about halfway through I did disconnect the rear camera and did a complete shutdown of the unit. It made no difference to it rebooting every minute.

I have one last test and that is to check if the Samsung 128GB is getting old and can't hold its licker anymore!
On your journeys where it rebooted every minute was the gps working? Just wondering if it thought it was stationary and therefore recreating the behaviour in your desk tests.
On your journeys where it rebooted every minute was the gps working? Just wondering if it thought it was stationary and therefore recreating the behaviour in your desk tests.
Good question. I'll check the footage and come back.
On your journeys where it rebooted every minute was the gps working? Just wondering if it thought it was stationary and therefore recreating the behaviour in your desk tests.
The GPS is working correctly.
Every Dot represents 1x minute

Every Dot represents 1x minute
Try to use 3 minutes for the video loop length.
As I have mentioned before, when the camera is powered for the first time, I think there may be a power shortage issue, both to charge the capacitor and to raise energy for the buzzer and beeps.

Just to try different methods, can you try by inserting the type-c tip (yes, I know it can be used both ways, but still) to the camera backwards?
??? Perhaps you are in the wrong thread or missed the previous posts.
Not the wrong thread. Usually the default setting for T130 have 1 minute video length. Your problems are at the 1 minute mark. So you can try the camera with 3 minutes video length, with the correct card, with the correct power source. I am not telling you that this is solving your problem, just to try.
After so many reports from you with T130 working bad you wrote that it is a pre-release unit. You should wrote this from the first report. Also which card was card used. When reporting something, people are reading and having conclusions. After reading your first posts regarding problems with T130 people can assume that T130 is a bad camera which is restarting each minute so it is better to not buy it. But at that time the people doesn't had the information that your camera is not the retail version, but just a factory sample.

Reporting problems is very good for users and for manufacturer, but to be done with correct information. Normally you should edit every your post where you reported problems and write with bold at the beginning of each post that the camera is a factory sample. Adding later in other posts just quick updates like: I forgot to say that it is a factory sample, or the problem is not because of power, or I used a bad card which caused reboot, will not erase from people memory that the camera is restarting each minute.

For sure all people are appreciating your reports, also I appreciate your work, but make them in the correct way to avoid creating confusions.
In the topics for Viofo T130 there are still no users who bought this DVR in retail.
All threads and all posts are written by prototype testers. Then you need not only to edit the posts but also all the topics.
The title of the thread is about T130, it is not containing any word about factory samples, any visitor which is reading these T130 topics don't know what you know. Also these threads are not deleted when the retail version is obtained by the majority of users. For sure these threads are containing posts from the buyers of T130 and not only factory samples.
Street Guardian have private forum and this was a better idea compared to discussing about factory samples and beta firmwares on the public forum where at some moment the informations are mixed.
This was the first thread created for T130
The very first paragraph says
"Early production samples of this camera are being sent out over the next few weeks, so use this thread to share your experiences and post sample videos/images...
Other threads are reviews with and without mentioning they have sample units.
Perhaps they aren't samples as they where supplied in my case boxed in the release box.

Take up the idea of Closed thread with Viofo.
We did have a private thread discussing one item.

My preference is to see the problems and the resolution in the public domain as it shows how responsive @viofo @viofo-support are at fixing them.
My preference is to see the problems and the resolution in the public domain as it shows how responsive @viofo @viofo-support are at fixing them.
If you have private discussion did you asked them if your version have something different compared to the retail version?
Also I have a factory sample and I received it before yours for sure, so my hardware can be even older than yours. Mine was working OK until now, I already posted this.
Also I am interested about your troubleshooting to see from where came your problem so I am watching this thread. But right now I am sure the Viofo team have no solution for you (except camera replacement) because you didn't found yet the source of the problems.
What I discovered until now with T130 is that it needs original power source which means a good power source because depending on firmware version (or not!) the T130 can't work OK with lower quality power sources. About cards I can't say anything because I am not using Samsung Ultra or other not recommended cards, I am using Viofo or Endurance type. Also I used HK4 connected to the car fuse box and not other power source for the HK4. Did you asked yourself if maye HK4 don't like linear power sources?
For sure these threads are containing posts from the buyers of T130 and not only factory samples.
Until now, there have been no messages from users who bought this DVR after it went on sale. I follow the T130 branch regularly.:unsure:
I can confirm that the reboot status can also happen without the sd card.
Until now, there have been no messages from users who bought this DVR after it went on sale. I follow the T130 branch regularly.:unsure:
The T130 that I'm reviewing was sent to me by VIOFO, but it's a production unit and not one of the prototype units.
How can you tell them apart? Maybe we all have a production unit?
How can you tell them apart? Maybe we all have a production unit?
My T130 wasn't shipped by VIOFO until early November 2021. It arrived with the initial production firmware versions for the front / rear cameras of "VIOFO_T130_V1.0_1027" and "Rear Ver: V1.0_0825".

My T130 wasn't shipped by VIOFO until early November 2021. It arrived with the initial production firmware versions for the front / rear cameras of "VIOFO_T130_V1.0_1027" and "Rear Ver: V1.0_0825".

View attachment 59450
Maybe it is best to verify that with VIOFO, so you are 100% sure it is indeed a retail version.
It is likely a retail version, BUT!, the fact it came with an updated fW version doesn't necessarily mean the camera was fresh from the oven as firmware could be loaded into any old stock device prior shipping.
My T130 wasn't shipped by VIOFO until early November 2021. It arrived with the initial production firmware versions for the front / rear cameras of "VIOFO_T130_V1.0_1027" and "Rear Ver: V1.0_0825".
Would 0906 for the rear be a newer release than 0825? If that is correct then you didn't get the latest. However, my understanding was that the rear camera was being replaced with a different Sony Sensor so it might be the latest for the newer rear sensor.

Did Viofo tell you if you got a later model of rear camera?

Vee-o-fo support told me. (working on relearning the way Viofo pronounce it!)