Viofo T130 3 Channel Dashcam - 2K Front + FHD Interior + FHD Rear

Hi @runtohell121 and @Paul Iddon,

Can you confirm please if only the dashcam fell without the mount still sticky on the windscreen or the dashcam fell with the mount together?
Same as @EGS - sticky still on windshield
Hi @runtohell121 and @Paul Iddon,

Can you confirm please if only the dashcam fell without the mount still sticky on the windscreen or the dashcam fell with the mount together?

For me, the whole thing fell from the windscreen, and the sticky pad was still attached to the GPS mount.

My first pad separation was half-way loose from the windshield. The next 3 were full separations from the GPS mount. I used alcohol and some fine sandpaper on the mount plastic and it happened again last week, but I've kept the original pad in use. Probably should have replaced the pad. High heat seems to be involved here as that's when I have problems till the last event which was cool weather.

There does seem to be something going on with this- hoping Viofo comes up with a fix.

Is it possible that the test samples use a different plastic for the mount with higher out gassing, which may affect the bond to any adhesive strip?
Haven't seen enough of the cans being sold now to know what has been done with them. And it will be a month or three before our Australian members see the worst of their summer to know about that.

I used the supplied sticky pad and that didn’t last the day!
It fell off the windscreen within hours.

I have just put a 3M sticky on it so tomorrow will be the test.

Update today.
The 3M sticky that was supplied in the A129 Duo I used to re-stick the T130 to the windscreen.
@0800hrs today it was 20C
@1400hrs it is 30 Celcius and the T130 is still mounted to the windscreen.
I will be taking the car out soon so some vibrations etc may help to confirm if it will stay stuck!

Same as @EGS - sticky still on windshield
In my case the sticky pad stayed in the windscreen and the camera was hanging with the mount attached to it.View attachment 59138

I wonder if the power cable from the HWK is pushing the dashcam off its mount. This version of the HWK has a thick power cable that might be expanding when the cabin temperature rises?
Another possibility is that the dashcam has only been connected with two of the four pins.

I was doing some testing for right-hand drive fitting and one of the things I tested was the ability to only connect two of the pins. In a right-hand drive, this allows the T130 to point down more allowing better adjustment of the field of view.

With that in mind, it would be easy for the T130 to move off its anchor as the friction points would not be engaged.

Mine's in a RHD configuration for testing purposes, and I don't see any problems with cables administering any force which might push the cam away from the mount with the way mine is done. I've had cables push or pull harder on other cams with no issues so I still believe the problem here is adhesion.

I believe there is two seperate issues with the T130 mount.

In mine and @Paul Iddon case the dash cam sticky pad failed and the mount fell from the windscreen.

In @runtohell121 and @EGS case the mount remained on the windscreen.
In @runtohell121 and @EGS case the mount remained on the windscreen.
Wrong. I do not know about @runtohell121 case, but in mine the mount never came off the camera. It fell off leaving the sticky pad attached to te windshield every time. By the way, removing the sticky pad from the windshield wasn't that hard compared to removing a 3M brand or the gorilla tape I'm using currently.
My mount is on the camera; only adhesive sticky remained on the windshield.
I believe there is two seperate issues with the T130 mount.

In mine and @Paul Iddon case the dash cam sticky pad failed and the mount fell from the windscreen.

In @runtohell121 and @EGS case the mount remained on the windscreen.
I understood you meant the 'mount pad' remained stuck to the screen. I don't think anyone is saying the sideways slide camera mount has failed.

Either way, the sticky pad is separating on one side from the glass, or on the other side from the plastic.
An improved pad is necessary or there will be a lot of people wanting to return cams that don't stay stuck. Should be cheap to resolve and that will maintain @viofo reputation for making good products ;)

I have never had a sticky pad let go of the window, but the surface on the mount that happen a lot,,,,,, when i have moved the camera that is and removed old patch , cleaned surface and then put on new patch.
Tried a host of cleaners and even clean -> sanding with 1000 grit.
When it happen i just put a little glue on the mount surface and jam it back onto the patch on the windscreen, and then it stay in place.
Tried a host of cleaners and even clean -> sanding with 1000 grit.
Yes, I think a bit of texture on that surface would help, instead of the shiny surface of the original. More surface area = better stick.
Before gluing the T130 mount to the windshield, I cut out a strip of adhesive tape that came with the kit and glued the mount to the windshield. Our temperature was already -4 degrees, but the mount with the DVR is still in place.


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