Xiaomi Yi Camera: GUI Control & Configure from PC (Win/Lin/Mac)

Hi,and many thanks for this useful application and easy to use for a beginner like me.
The video time-lapse is only present in C&C , in the android app. i have only photo time-lapse that take one photo every x second
then I have to edit them to make a video ...
C&C is useful in this case , hope an android app of it is possible.
Or maybe Xiaomi will finally put that video time-lapse access in a next firmware menu?
If i have good understood it's also normal that i don't have the audio in VLC stream?
Sorry for long delay, got some family "issues". BUT... great news are coming - i'm getting Yi. And if i didn't have the cam and made this, you can only imagine what i will do when i will :D

Nah, just things like wifi client mode, MOST PROBABLY android version of the app (since i own a droid phone), etc :)
My Yi arrived yesterday, and I tried your tool to check the firmware. Happened something "strange", because i formatted the card from the computer in FAT32 but then your tool asked me to format it again, anyway, i clicked on Yes and everything worked perfectly. Then the tool was telling the it has a Z22L installed and the H/W is Z23L, I only wanted to know the firmware version, so no problem with that.

As soon as i get some free time I'll try to do something with autoexec.ash as I told, and maybe something in HTML5 for the iPhone, will see how it goes.

Thanks for everybody's work!
Tool is getting the info from the camera, both for formatting and the HW model. Maybe your sticker says Z23L, but camera's software is returning Z22L, i don't do any conversion there whatsoever (you can see raw output from camera if you use Camera_get.py from standalone scripts)

About the memcard format - again, i don't do any converting or checking, if the camera says that the card is not formatted, then you get the option to format it via camera.

I actually already started to work on android port and since the compiler is multiplatform, the C&C will be probably for iOS as well (i have only old iPod touch to test it with, but still)
you have to grab python for MAC, download CC.py and launch it.
Hi, @Andy_S !
After I have a real-world test to download videos via wifi (about 9GiB), even I got the full speed around 1.5~1.6MB/s.
I decide to give up the way to transfer data via wifi~
waiting & crying for more than 3hrs.

So I'd like to ask, have you find out any method can rename the video files directly in the Yi Cam?
current firmware does not support renaming of files with JSON, it can be done only by telnet access and manualy entering commands needed.

btw this camera contains b/g/n network card, so in theory it should be ABLE to connect with speeds up to 15MB/s. But probably not in AP mode, dunno, ecqu's laptop is only b/g. You will have to wait till i get mine cam to try to figure out wifi client mode that COULD get it working with n-capable networks.
I run this code in window command line, nothing happen.
telnet 8787
what else I can try?

edited: no need to type the port number

it works now:

mount as read & write, use as your own risk:
mount / -o rw,remount

cd /tmp/fuse_d/DCIM/100MEDIA
mv *.jpg *.jpeg
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what do you want to achieve? 8787 is a port used only to download / upload data (data stream port)
I try to touch the filename, as you instructed me to use telnet.
just be aware that using this you MAY possibly harm the camera - if used improperly :)
I do know some linux scripts like: ls, cd :p
not scripts, commands... Poor camera of yours :D
Poor English of me.

I come to today, THANKS for your C&C ~~~:mad:
a what? did i do something wrong?

I'm working on a VR 360 video rig using the Yi camera... so I've got between 6-20 Yi cameras running all at once. It's a seriously exciting project for me because the comparable GoPro rig costs several thousand $$ more... once I get it to a useable state I plan to publish the design and a step-by-step guide for free, hoping to make VR video accessible to all...

Anyway, this C&C exe is quite useful for me. By any chance, do you plan to make it possible to connect and control multiple cameras simultaneously over WiFi? Right now, I have to change settings 20x, once for every camera. This would be incredibly useful.


Thats where i got the money for my cam, one guy asked me to do exactly that for very similar purposes - to control multiple cameras at once. I don't know if GUI will control connect to all of them, but noone said its not possible ;)

For the time being i'm trying to rewrite the app to different framework so right now its feature freeze until i get it working. Few days tops (hopefuly)
I guess multiple cameras control, not yet completed in the firmware. maybe wait for the bluetooth to work first. ref. the wifi "Station Mode".