Xiaomi Yi Camera: GUI Control & Configure from PC (Win/Lin/Mac)

just checked the very same app & cam, works like a charm. so it must be an issue with your computer. Do you run any firewall or something?

I checked stream adress on KMPlayer and it works, so it was VLC fault. Not sure why.
Thank you for your help!

I hope that android app will be as good as this one :)
Is it possible something's wrong with the app? I'm running 23A 1.2.0 and the camera doesn't seem to take date and time from my computer. Everything else is working but that. I tried with reboot, multiple times to no avail.
Yes, there is already confirmed bug with datetime. i might release one last update of CC before i do switchover to new framework, but since its almost 1am here, then tomorrow...
Since you are able to download files from the camera, are you also able to upload files to the camera? Could you upload a .ash file, and then manually reboot the camera?
It might not be that useful but it would be a nice feature I guess. Problems might arise when dealing with different firmwares and hardware setups.
You were also talking about controlling multiple cameras by getting the cameras into client-mode right? I think I understand the basic idea here but are you sure you could time them all to start recording at the exact same time?
I've heard that 360rigs need to be very well synchronized. A delay of 16ms will result in a delay of one frame. I don't wanna sound negative, I'm amazed about all the hacks people at this forum has figured out.
yes, i can upload as well (there is already that feature in CC) and yes, i want to do .ash compiler in new version.
Not able to dismiss the error dialog - won't respond to mouse clicks on the button.
Of course, once I made the WiFi connection, got it going - even though it's not the colorful, organized interface I expected.
Still, I couldn't dismiss the error. Had problems displaying other windows too, but, one thing at a time.
Oh, yeah, Mac/Python.
Any help?

Screen Shot 2015-06-22 at 6.37.17 PM.png
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Hi @Andy_S
I think at the moment, you need to find out the correct wpa_supplicant setting by yourself.
@luckylz: it is not about the setting, wpa_supplicant refuses to launch at all to do its first scan (for which it doesn't need any setting)

@Squeamish: It really looks WEIRD on your computer, what OS version are you using? some older one? Also you need python 2.7.x. I am developping new version of the app using different framework (kivy - goes over OpenGL) so it will look totally different.
@luckylz: ...It really looks WEIRD on your computer, what OS version are you using? some older one? Also you need python 2.7.x. I am developping new version of the app using different framework (kivy - goes over OpenGL) so it will look totally different.

Nothing weird about the system: Plain vanilla Mac OS X 10.10.3 - the current version with no system extensions using Python v 2.7.10 as you suggest. Tried again, connected properly first, and got same result.
The other issue I'm having is that the "Configure" window is empty, aside from the blue bar at top and buttons with no color. The "Files" window appears OK - except the buttons.
Last item: After I exit the camera and end the Terminal session, VLC is still running in the background. Is that normal behavior?
Yes, VLC is launched as a separate thread, so you can close CC and keep vlc running.
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Suggest1: multitrigger use another setting filename, e.g. multi_settings.cfg instead of the C&C settings.cfg.
Suggest2: VLC can choose anyone of the cams.

Maybe you've already been thinking and coding on these issues.
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Hi Andy,

New here, I just purchased my Yi Camera yesterday and found some problems like the noise it makes during video recording and the unfocused lens. Anyway, it led me here. I was just about to open my cam to do the manual refocusing of the lens.

My question is, does this tweak save me from doing the manual refocusing of my lens? Or do I steel need to do that? Is the zoom feature different from the camera's focus?
Hi Andy,

New here, I just purchased my Yi Camera yesterday and found some problems like the noise it makes during video recording and the unfocused lens. Anyway, it led me here. I was just about to open my cam to do the manual refocusing of the lens.

My question is, does this tweak save me from doing the manual refocusing of my lens? Or do I steel need to do that? Is the zoom feature different from the camera's focus?

Focus problem can not be fixed by software. You should tear open the Yi Cam, to adjust the len's focusing point.
Suggest1: multitrigger use another setting filename, e.g. multi_settings.cfg instead of the C&C settings.cfg.
Suggest2: VLC can choose anyone of the cams.

Maybe you've already been thinking and coding on these issues.
S1: D'OH! Very good point !!! i totally didn't think about that, so THANK YOU!

S2: Good idea, will do that, later tho, again weekend, again got my daughter :)

0.1.1 - settings.cfg renamed to Multisettings.cfg
I may be sound really stupid here, but... If i have multiple cameras, do i need to connect them all to my pc through some AP and then make their IP static and use these IPs in the multitrigger conf? Is that the right workflow?
or you can use one of those cameras as an AP and set it like that. But you got it right :)