Xiaomi Yi Camera: GUI Control & Configure from PC (Win/Lin/Mac)

you nailed it. And either set static leases for them in AP or set static ip in sta.sh so all cameras will have always the same IP. Avoid colliding IP addresses. and then use multitrigger where you mod Multisettings.cfg
Tried the standard fix - restart the computer . New version of the app, same result.
But, at least, all the buttons work now.

Screen Shot 2015-06-25 at 12.15.44 PM.png
looks like some unstandard skin of yours
you nailed it. And either set static leases for them in AP or set static ip in sta.sh so all cameras will have always the same IP. Avoid colliding IP addresses. and then use multitrigger where you mod Multisettings.cfg
ok. great. let's do this ... ehm... 14 times. :D
:D Don't forget you need pretty good signal. If one camera fails to trigger, button will get stuck,
but the command for triggering will be sent to all no matter what.

It is coded that way that it first sends command to all cameras and after whole batch it tries to receive a response.
Bear in mind (btw srsly? Why bear, why not ... butterfly for example :D ) that this is first attempt to do this,
so you are basically a large scale guinea pig :-P :D

If you could share your results - i mean what the delay (if any) between these cameras is, that would be perfect.
In the ideal situation ALL cameras should receive the command at the nearly exact same command.
And by nearly i mean matter of microseconds that few program steps take.

But biggest issue will be wifi signal quality, if you get good signal, you should get good results.
Well, you are the only one who has this problem (so far)... So i really don't know :( I don't own a Mac, but i think others would say so
So, I was talking with @Andy_S on the irc channel and I said I would build an "app" file for mac. So here it is. Tested on Yosemite, no need to install python if you don't have it on your mac.
Based on version 0.6.8:

Edit: added icon to App:

Just unzip and the you can put in Application folder so it would show on Launchpad
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I'd love to help with your research, but I am stuck at getting all the cameras to connect. I have zero expertise in creating and managing networks. Some easy way to do that? I have access to my router, but just setting up VAP does not seem to work. I can't get IP on my mobile device, which i am using to test the wifi.
WEP is not supported, it is not considered a safe security option. You need to set your router to WPA. Preferred security option for any wifi network is WPA2-PSK & AES.
VAP = virtual access point... it has WPA2-PSK enabled. I cannot see the cameras connecting anywhere. should i use some external software to create this AccessPoint? Is it enough to modify the wpa_supplicant file (correct ssid and correct key) The cameras are updated to V1.2 of their firmware... how can i run the wpa_supplicant from windows command line or terminal? for testing if i get that resetting error?
VAP = virtual access point...it has WPA2-PSK enabled.
alright, althrough i have no idea why are you creating another virtual one instead connecting cameras to your primary.
I cannot see the cameras connecting anywhere. should i use some external software to create this AccessPoint?
you should see it in the AP config menu. Software? AP is not software, it is piece of HW, so i really don't know what you are talking about.
Is it enough to modify the wpa_supplicant file (correct ssid and correct key)
Yes, same thing as for autoexec.ash applies here - do not use plain notepad, use Notepad++ or PSPad and select UNIX file format.
The cameras are updated to V1.2 of their firmware... how can i run the wpa_supplicant from windows command line or terminal? for testing if i get that resetting error?
It is intended for POSIX systems only, there is no wpa_supplicant tester for windows.
omg... how could I. notepad. and i used to be a Linux user.... -_- got it working now, will be back with feedback!
Ok, I am at this point: I unzipped and set the wifi-stuff on every SD. (edited wpa_supplicant conf only with notepad++) They all connect to my Router and I was able, by setting the multitrigger conf IPs, to make them all connect and trigger together: once for a photo, once for a video. I wanted to download these first results for review and powered cameras off after that.
The multitrigger didn't work properly on a first attempt, but the second one was good - synched start and just 1 second(too late) on stopping the recording on some cameras (3/10)
When i tried to power them all up again and connect to wifi the long beep sound took a very long time to be heard on about half of the cameras. I was not able to reconnect multitrigger again. I also was not able to connect to the cameras via C&C using their IP.
The wifi signal is eccelent, i have them all right under my Router, tried of course powering router and pc on and off--- maybe some of the 10 have low battery, so i put them on charge now and will do this next:
1 - Boot em up again and see if connection works.
If yes - multitrigger testing (with 10 cams atm)
If no - set the IP static and reconnect them, see if that is the issue... may take a while because needs to be done by connecting every camera and i have only one pc.
Does the firmware version influence the behaviour with your "apps"?
I have no logfile from the test before, activated my router-logging now, (there where some STA expired 'though)
It would be best to powerup one camera at a time and wait atleast 10-20s before powering up another one.

i will TRY to modify the script so it will automatically reconnect on signal lose, but not before next week (MAYBE sunday evening).

btw... what exactly do you mean by "synced start" ? Can you test with photos? like ... drop a ball in front of a scaled wall, try to capture it with all cameras at once and compare the diff (if any?) between images.
Well, you are the only one who has this problem (so far)... So i really don't know :( I don't own a Mac, but i think others would say so
You're probably right.
However... This is from my wife's MacBook Pro MacOS X 10.10.2, Python v 2.7.10. In the Terminal, I type: Python CC.pyw and get this:

Screen Shot 2015-06-26 at 11.35.17 AM.png
that is SO strange..... come, join us on IRC, we can discuss that if you'd like. Also, try Shay's binary (if you trust him :D )
Maybe it's worth installing the font from Windows that the app is trying to use on your Mac as maybe it's just a font size difference?

Alternatively do you have the font size increased at all?
its not only the font, those buttons are supposed to be colored and without rounded corners - look in the first post. It really baffles me :(
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