Xiaomi Yi Custom firmware with lastest revision

SD card capacity doesnt matter for FW upgrade. It even works with 128MB card :)
I remember that people bricked their camera, when updating their firmware with exFAT formatted cards. Maybe there's a difference between OTA-update and manual update or was it just a bug in an early firmware? Has anybody informations about this?
An app that change every setting from PC ? I got it?
An app that change every setting from PC ? I got it?
yes. you got it. I tried it and it works really good. for video preview you need to install VLC-player. I use Media Player Classic, so I don't know how good video preview is, but overall the tool makes a very good impression to me!
@hoderer, i've installed your moded 1.12.12 firmware, and the process was done (even with the sdcard formatted as exfat), but now i have problems with my old autoexec.ash (it works with 1.12.10)... Without it (or renaming the extensión to ashl for example) the camera boots normally, but with the script the camera stuck on a bootloop... What can be the problem? Sorry for my english... Thanks in advise!
@hoderer, i've installed your moded 1.12.12 firmware, and the process was done (even with the sdcard formatted as exfat), but now i have problems with my old autoexec.ash (it works with 1.12.10)... Without it (or renaming the extensión to ashl for example) the camera boots normally, but with the script the camera stuck on a bootloop... What can be the problem? Sorry for my english... Thanks in advise!
It's quite often the case, that something is changed in the code of the new update by xiaomi. I didn't try my old scripts with 1.12.12 (my enable 2k-script isn't necessary anymore). Got anybody experience with scripts and the latest version?
@hoderer, i've installed your moded 1.12.12 firmware, and the process was done (even with the sdcard formatted as exfat), but now i have problems with my old autoexec.ash (it works with 1.12.10)... Without it (or renaming the extensión to ashl for example) the camera boots normally, but with the script the camera stuck on a bootloop... What can be the problem? Sorry for my english... Thanks in advise!
Without knowing what you have written in your script we cannot help you. For example setting the resolution in your Script you need in 1.12.12 new adresses!
Hi Fried and hi to all,

I also have a build for you all ;) and it is based on the original 1.2.12 for V22 guess what's inside it o_O :

2304 x 1236p 30 FPS @ 50 Mbps :D - TESTED for more than 3 Minute video, no heat no nothing, usual temperature of the camera, I'm explaining -> on 30 FPS with Micro SD UHC-I x600 there is no risk of heat, because 30 FPS (Didn't tried 60 Mbps, it's scary :D, but I'm 99% sure that it will handle it)

1080p 60 FPS @ 46 Mbps - TESTED for more than 3 Minutes video no heat, usual temperature of the camera and actually the bit rate is stabilized at 41 Mbps (at least is stable, no frame drops no spliting video file), probably the firmware doing it according to the actual speed on this socket for this specific MicroSD card. Same was with my old 1.2.10 custom build for same 1080p 60FPS.
SO ... I'm staying with this setting in future :D it is covering perfectly my expectations for perfect quality FHD 60 FPS.
All the rest of the resolutions I've set them (only for High Quality of course) to 46 Mbps ... didn't tried 720p 120FPS yet on 46Mbps, so probably there could be video file splitting because of the 120 FPS, but will test and will update you here

All the previews are set to 1.1 Mbps, because I saw that 1.5 and 2.0 are too much while recording video with Preview on the app, so the 1.1 Mbps is working very good and no FPS lose on the preview.
Can't wait someone to post .ash script for enabling 1440p 30FPS

And the link of course -> 1.2.12 Custom based on the original 22 I suppose that it is fully compatible for the following ones(correct me if I'm wrong) 22 - 23 - 23A - 23S
Works with CC.exe - TESTED !!!


Enjoy ;)

@ all the members from Poland, I'm currently at Warsaw, if someone is from Warsaw, we can go for a beer :D
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you're right fully compatible with them... :)
I'll link your post in first page...
A question cc.exe is useful to not use phone app but outside you have to bring with you a laptop or eeepc is that better than use only phone?
you're right fully compatible with them... :)
I'll link your post in first page...
A question cc.exe is useful to not use phone app but outside you have to bring with you a laptop or eeepc is that better than use only phone?

No no ... cc.exe (regards to the author, cause he was able to recompile the whole app but for Win/Linux/....) is using links to VLC, but I did the same in the first day when the camera arrived for me from China, I made an investigation and saw that there is "IP....../live" stream of the camera and of course I thought why not to use VLC because just knew about that stram functionality of it, and the only thing that was a blocker was that it need to be connected first to the app and those protocols are enabled and also I was connecting on both, Android Phone and PC, so I was able to view on both.

Congrads to the Author of the CC.exe because he was able to understand how to enable this protocol which is making the camera to live stream, BUT .... the connection to the phone have less lag than the connection on the PC through VLC, now the best live streaming is with th YI app, then with Linkin Eyes and in the last place VLC with CC.exe

Again admirations to Andy_S which created the cc.exe app, but for me this is an workaround if you only don't really have an smartphone ...

Here is my personal opinion in terms of streaming lag, first is with almost no lag and last is with the biggest lag:

1) YI App for Android: Have it on my JIAYU G4S with MIUI V6 on it working PERFECT !!!
2) Linkin Eyes Android App: Have it on my JIAYU G4S with MIUI V6 on working GOOD with some almost not noticable lag (probably app configured to use ABR instead of VBR/CBR)
3) Linkin Eyes iOS App: Have it on my wife's iPhone4S 16GB with iOS 8.1, working GOOD with some almost not noticable lag (probably app configured to use ABR instead of VBR/CBR, but worse than Linkin Yes on Android)
4) YI App for iOS: Have it on my wife's iPhone4S 16GB with iOS 8.1, working with lag of almost 0.5s (probably app configured to use ABR instead of VBR/CBR , but worse than Linkin Yes on iOS), but I've checked this back in the days and the iOS YI app was an old one, from XIAOMI they wrote that in the latest versions, they've managed to fix this lag issue, but I'm not able to test it now as I'm in Poland and my wife is in Bulgaria, need to update her YI app on her iPhone 4S to test it out with newest version :D
5) VLC streaming is the worsest one, lag is more than 1-2 seconds !!!

@Andy_S, please check if you are able to implement one of the other previews for the VLC, because I've tested it with 2.0 Mbps preview mode modified FW and the is always streaming with this lag :(....

again @Andy_S thank you making my life and my wife's life easier, cause I was searching for how to enable the protocol for the VLC, through windows/Linux, because we're using the YI for a baby cam(connected into the direct power supply grid without the battery), and on the phone it is not so usable cause the battery drain, cause when my wife is staying in front of the PC(Facebook etc.), now she will be able to minimize the VLC player in a small separate window and will be able to have live view of the baby while it is in its bed no matter the lag of the VLC!!! Amazing Andy_S thank you !!!

This YI is so usefull for everything !
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Ok warm update from my side according to the splitting of the files !!! Actually this is a bug of the Phone application, while you are connected on WiFi, somehow the camera is splitting the files because of the app (I mean first file for 5-13 seconds is on 60Mbps and after that there is another file on 34-35 Mbps), I've tested it with no Wifi and app connected and it is not spliting the files even on 60 Mbps for 1080p@60FPS and 1236p@30FPS, so the app is containing the splitting bug not the firmware itself :(
Ok warm update from my side according to the splitting of the files !!! Actually this is a bug of the Phone application, while you are connected on WiFi, somehow the camera is splitting the files because of the app (I mean first file for 5-13 seconds is on 60Mbps and after that there is another file on 34-35 Mbps), I've tested it with no Wifi and app connected and it is not spliting the files even on 60 Mbps for 1080p@60FPS and 1236p@30FPS, so the app is containing the splitting bug not the firmware itself :(
I still get split files, even with no connections to the camera - no WiFi, no mobile app... just camera shooting video. Usually fast FPS or high Mbps, of course.
Which SN do you have @Squeamish an which one do you have @cpurage?
I still get split files, even with no connections to the camera - no WiFi, no mobile app... just camera shooting video. Usually fast FPS or high Mbps, of course.

So I finally got it why, now I can put even 70 Mbps but it will record the whole video on the actual max speed of the MicroSD card, the trick is simple Squeamish ... removing the battery before the first boot of the camera, once this is done switch to video and or if enabled to directly go in video then ok and you will have no split ! Try it, it worked for me

P.S. My serial is starting with 221
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So I finally got it why, now I can put even 70 Mbps but it will record the whole video on the actual max speed of the MicroSD card, the trick is simple Squeamish ... removing the battery before the first boot of the camera, once this is done switch to video and or if enabled to directly go in video then ok and you will have no split ! Try it, it worked for me

P.S. My serial is starting with 221
I asked to understand if it's a built issue, anyway nice work ... :)
So I finally got it why, now I can put even 70 Mbps but it will record the whole video on the actual max speed of the MicroSD card, the trick is simple Squeamish ... removing the battery before the first boot of the camera, once this is done switch to video and or if enabled to directly go in video then ok and you will have no split ! Try it, it worked for me...

I gotta check this out!
Somebody tested custom rom from @cpurage Z23L ?
What with android app? I will still have full support of application with new function ( I mean change resolution bitrate etc.. )