XIAOMI Yi ELF Files to Unbrick Camera

did somebody find Z23L elf file ? i try 22 and 22L elf file for Z23L but it doesnt work for me.
Finally I got it to work. First it failed then, I tried it again and it worked. Thank you very much. Finally my yi cam is back to life. Tried turning it on/off 2 times just to make sure no beeping loop will occur and everything went well. I'll try not to update OTA and will do the update manually. Thank you very much.
Finally I got it to work. First it failed then, I tried it again and it worked. Thank you very much. Finally my yi cam is back to life. Tried turning it on/off 2 times just to make sure no beeping loop will occur and everything went well. I'll try not to update OTA and will do the update manually. Thank you very much.

can u explain your method? because i'm still stuck in beeping loop please help me
can u explain your method? because i'm still stuck in beeping loop please help me
I just followed the guide. I also installed the Ambarella Direct USB. When I tried to oped it my pc couldn't run it so instead I used the USByi that was on page 1 of this thread. When I successfully shorted the yi cam and then used the .exe file at first it said failed so I tried it again and it worked. It also didn't have any beep. Just blue light turned on and wi-fi light too so I turned it off and tried to switch it on and connect to my phone and it worked. Seriously I don't know how. I did it on my very old pc which is vista and alway filled with troubles but it worked.
I just followed the guide. I also installed the Ambarella Direct USB. When I tried to oped it my pc couldn't run it so instead I used the USByi that was on page 1 of this thread. When I successfully shorted the yi cam and then used the .exe file at first it said failed so I tried it again and it worked. It also didn't have any beep. Just blue light turned on and wi-fi light too so I turned it off and tried to switch it on and connect to my phone and it worked. Seriously I don't know how. I did it on my very old pc which is vista and alway filled with troubles but it worked.

oh i see, at first time my cam bricked its work fine to my camera, but about 3 day later my camera got looping when i start it, and now using ELF files doesn't give any effect, it still looping although i install the elf files, just like my camera save the looping mode.

thats really good to know that your camera fine now, i hope my camera will be fine soon, although i already do so many method, i hope someone will find the solution to the looping cam, i think here is many people got this problem too.
oh i see, at first time my cam bricked its work fine to my camera, but about 3 day later my camera got looping when i start it, and now using ELF files doesn't give any effect, it still looping although i install the elf files, just like my camera save the looping mode.

thats really good to know that your camera fine now, i hope my camera will be fine soon, although i already do so many method, i hope someone will find the solution to the looping cam, i think here is many people got this problem too.

I'm not sure if looping will occur though. I will try it again after a couple of days just to be 100% sure. I hope you get your cam fixed too.
I'm not sure if looping will occur though. I will try it again after a couple of days just to be 100% sure. I hope you get your cam fixed too.

yeah i not telling that your camera will looping or something, i just tell about my story, lol,

yeah i hope so dude ;)
I'm stuck. I'm able to connect the computer to the camera in Direct USB mode, and I can upload one of the ELF files to it, but when I turn it on after the upload I get a series of rapid beeps like it's doing a firmware upgrade off of the SD card. When I turn it back on after it completes that, it just goes back into the loop. I've tried the 22 and 22L files posted in this thread, and the newer ones that Wita Aldian posted, but it does the same thing no matter which file I use. Anybody have any suggestions?
I'm stuck. I'm able to connect the computer to the camera in Direct USB mode, and I can upload one of the ELF files to it, but when I turn it on after the upload I get a series of rapid beeps like it's doing a firmware upgrade off of the SD card. When I turn it back on after it completes that, it just goes back into the loop. I've tried the 22 and 22L files posted in this thread, and the newer ones that Wita Aldian posted, but it does the same thing no matter which file I use. Anybody have any suggestions?

same here i have the same problem, but have u try to update by script after ELF files ?,
try this :
1. after ELF files, put autoexec.sh and yifirmware.bin (must 1.1.0 firmware) in your microSD and put it in camera.
2. turn on the camera and wait until turn off itself.
3. check in microSD, if there a progress.txt with 100% notes in DCIM folder.
4. if u got it, turn on back the camera. and the looping will stop.
5. but after that u will stuck with another problem after u connect your phone and camera.
6. the application will show u message "System is busy" and camera will not show anypreview from lens.
7. and if u try to update firmware camera from phone, after 100%, nothing happen, and camera just never update itself.

can u try that?, maybe u have the same problem as me. I just sending some email to the xiaomiyi support, sometimes they reply it and sometimes need more time to wait until they reply.

maybe u can help me to send your problem by email, so they can believe that here many people have bootlooping problem,
and so they can find the bugs or something and they can give us the solution to this problem.

here is the email : support@xiaoyi.com
and about 1.1.0 firmware u can download it in Andy_S mirror sites, u can found it in thread here.
same here i have the same problem, but have u try to update by script after ELF files ?,
try this :
1. after ELF files, put autoexec.sh and yifirmware.bin (must 1.1.0 firmware) in your microSD and put it in camera.
2. turn on the camera and wait until turn off itself.
3. check in microSD, if there a progress.txt with 100% notes in DCIM folder.
4. if u got it, turn on back the camera. and the looping will stop.
5. but after that u will stuck with another problem after u connect your phone and camera.
6. the application will show u message "System is busy" and camera will not show anypreview from lens.
7. and if u try to update firmware camera from phone, after 100%, nothing happen, and camera just never update itself.

can u try that?, maybe u have the same problem as me. I just sending some email to the xiaomiyi support, sometimes they reply it and sometimes need more time to wait until they reply.

maybe u can help me to send your problem by email, so they can believe that here many people have bootlooping problem,
and so they can find the bugs or something and they can give us the solution to this problem.

here is the email : support@xiaoyi.com
and about 1.1.0 firmware u can download it in Andy_S mirror sites, u can found it in thread here.

I can get past step 3, but when I turn the camera back on it just goes back into the loop.
I can get past step 3, but when I turn the camera back on it just goes back into the loop.

oh really? are u sure using the 1.1.0 firmware, or maybe u can try with another firmware, maybe one will work for your camera.

and please help me to send your problem to xiaomiyi support, so they will know here is many people got this bootlooping problem
same here i have the same problem, but have u try to update by script after ELF files ?,
try this :
1. after ELF files, put autoexec.sh and yifirmware.bin (must 1.1.0 firmware) in your microSD and put it in camera.
2. turn on the camera and wait until turn off itself.
3. check in microSD, if there a progress.txt with 100% notes in DCIM folder.
4. if u got it, turn on back the camera. and the looping will stop.
5. but after that u will stuck with another problem after u connect your phone and camera.
6. the application will show u message "System is busy" and camera will not show anypreview from lens.
7. and if u try to update firmware camera from phone, after 100%, nothing happen, and camera just never update itself.

can u try that?, maybe u have the same problem as me. I just sending some email to the xiaomiyi support, sometimes they reply it and sometimes need more time to wait until they reply.

maybe u can help me to send your problem by email, so they can believe that here many people have bootlooping problem,
and so they can find the bugs or something and they can give us the solution to this problem.

here is the email : support@xiaoyi.com
and about 1.1.0 firmware u can download it in Andy_S mirror sites, u can found it in thread here.

good morning..after trying many thigs,only with 1.1.0 firmware my cam is alive and wifi working.app shows camera althought i can onlt read status .if i try change somenthing system is busy like your problem..camera cant read the sd card,althought i see it in the app.so i cant make changew or upgrade firmware..just like you...dont know what to do know..hard reset also doesnt do anything.my cam is 22l model ,i used 22L ELF but in app cam shows 22 model,not 22L
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good morning..after trying many thigs,only with 1.1.0 firmware my cam is alive and wifi working.app shows camera althought i can onlt read status .if i try change somenthing system is busy like your problem..camera cant read the sd card,althought i see it in the app.so i cant make changew or upgrade firmware..just like you...dont know what to do know..hard reset also doesnt do anything.my cam is 22l model ,i used 22L ELF but in app cam shows 22 model,not 22L

yeah thats like mine,
do u have bricked problem with 3 red LED before?,
if u got that problem before, i'm sure that your camera SN is different, cause i think when u got 3 red LED problem, your camera elf data got remove itself. it just like you doing EraseNAND from Ambarella DirectUsb.

but here u can find some script to change your SN back, i try it and its work, but my camera still in looping problem when update to another firmware
in the begining i had 3 red blinks with beep and looping again..after the restore with elf files i have blue blinking and looping..the camera after elf firmware(never had the beep after done) and unplug is beeping like to try to write firmware..and after that the blue blinking..if i put sd card with 1.1.0 firmware (only)and autoexec before i unplug,then the camera boots,wifi working but its stack like yours on app,doesnt read sd..nothing else i can do then.and i had made NAND erase by myself.no firmware whatever i try can be push in..now you say to try change the SN back to mine ?do you have link of that solution?
in the begining i had 3 red blinks with beep and looping again..after the restore with elf files i have blue blinking and looping..the camera after elf firmware(never had the beep after done) and unplug is beeping like to try to write firmware..and after that the blue blinking..if i put sd card with 1.1.0 firmware (only)and autoexec before i unplug,then the camera boots,wifi working but its stack like yours on app,doesnt read sd..nothing else i can do then.and i had made NAND erase by myself.no firmware whatever i try can be push in..now you say to try change the SN back to mine ?do you have link of that solution?

oh i see so because u doing EraseNAND, thats why your SN is difference,
i will upload the script for that, but i not sure your camera will get back to normal, cause mine is still stuck too like yours, but u can get your camera SN back ..please wait i'll give you the link
di i have to put the lid on before uplug the usb?or before make a firmware upgade?i can see something like a piezoelectric pin that is pushed with the lid is on.maybe that is a make a difference?i have my cam always without lid because i have to short circuit again
di i have to put the lid on before uplug the usb?or before make a firmware upgade?i can see something like a piezoelectric pin that is pushed with the lid is on.maybe that is a make a difference?i have my cam always without lid because i have to short circuit again

i'm sorry late to upload he he, doing some job,
here is the link for change your SN,


i hope u can download it, after download it extract, open the file first and edit the serial number there make same as your camera SN.

btw sorry i'm not really good in English, what do u mean with "lib"?, do u mean a battery or microSD?
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i mean the front of the camera ,that we have to pull out in order to short -circuit.Thanks for script,anyway
i mean the front of the camera ,that we have to pull out in order to short -circuit.Thanks for script,anyway

Welcome ;)

oh i see, i dont know if there any difference thing about put it back or not, but u can try it hehe, sorry cause i'm not home now so i cant practice it directly, please tell me if u got some good news about your camera
the only thing tha has change is that with the SN change the app sees an update to firmware..before it didnt..and i rtyed to update from there.i did downloiad the firmware but it didnt update.never start the update beep