XIAOMI Yi ELF Files to Unbrick Camera

At first i have the beep .. beep problem, so i do this tutorial to unbrick my camera, but after that i had the 3 light problem. Firmware programming ia done and i do erase nand.
Camera is allready in directusb mode i think.
When i do firmwire files on my sdcard, nothing is happend.
Can anyone help me please?
Sorry for my bad english
Nobody can help me please?
I buy this camera second hand and i cant use it for first time. :(
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@cruz this methot not work on my cam. What BLD execute failed. Any solution for me.? Help me please.


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i try check and not check verify is same. always BLD execute failed. :(
I just did the ELF firmware load again. At the end of it the Yi app shows firmware version 1.2.6 and it's functioning normally.... except that it can't write to a SD card again :(

Maybe my camera just doesn't like the latest firmware. I'm going to try 1.09 now to see if it'll write to the card again.

Edit.... did a normal 1.09 load (no autoexec). It loaded normally. Now if I format the card, the camera writes the DCIM and MISC folders, but won't take photos or record video (three beeps). Arrrrgh.

I might have to give up on mine.

Edit 2.... it seems to have a different screwed up behaviour each time I load something. With 1.09 on it, it seemed to load 1.2.10 normally. Now it goes through a reboot loop with a card inserted. If I boot first and then insert a card it can take photos. If I try to switch it to video mode, it just crashes before I try to record. I'm done with it.

Hi neil, i think i have the same problem as you, do u already fix it? can u help me?
i try check and not check verify is same. always BLD execute failed. :(

Aw i'm sorry, i'm sorry to myself too, i'm still a problem with my cam too, really poor i dont get any method from here to fix it :'(
my yi cam brick, just 3 times beep when i turn on. Try yi cam unbrick method but not working. I try this method but confusing where the resistor to short sircuit in my 23L model. Anyone can help?
Same problem, is there a video explaining how to short circuit?
Hi, i have a problem with my xiaomi Z23L version, i upgraded new firmware but the something wrong because the sdcard not read, show if i put in but can't format.
I tried lot of ...8gb-16gb ..but nothing, how can i downgrade 1.0 or 1.1 ? Where can i find latest ELF file ?
Download this file:
MD5SUM: 1a644d309779d9a8b4b327c5b82762ca

This file contains a full instruction from Xiaomi support. Read this first. I will add my extra items to instruction.
This instruction is for 22 and 22L revisions. Choose the correct ELF file from the archive.

1) Unmount the front panel.
2) Install the program from archive (kind of DirectUSB program ).
3) Connect camera to PC.
4) Run installed program.
5) Check "Upgrade Firmware" radio button
6) On this step you need to short-circuit 2 points of camera - main board (GND) and the point above the resistor - look at the instruction in the archive. Resistor marked by red color in the PowerPoint file in the archive.
7) KEEP these 2 points short-circuited and press Power button to enable the camera. This turns the camera in the DirectUSB mode.
8) Press "Connect" button in the program.
9) Choose correct ELF file and press
10) Press "Download"
11) Wait for "Done" in the programm
12) Wait few minutes for 3 beeps (I do not remember them, but it is better to wait few minutes).
13) Disconnect you camera.

On this step you should get a working camera. Also I downloaded and installed the latest firmware from xiaoyi.com/upgrade after everything, but I do not think that it is necessary.
If everything is OK you will get this message in the program: "Found 1 YXDJ device". If you get "Found 0 YXDJ" then something is wrong. Try to remove the battery and repeat 6, 7, 8 items.
You it doesn't help then try it in the next order:
- 6)
- 7)
- Do not release power button, keep it pressed
- 8)
- Got "Found 1 YXDJ device"
- release power button

My yi camera bricked after trying to update OTA. I would like to try and use this method but I'm using Mac. Is there a way to do this using macbook pro. Hope to get help. My yi cam bricked 30mins after unboxing.
My yi camera bricked after trying to update OTA. I would like to try and use this method but I'm using Mac. Is there a way to do this using macbook pro. Hope to get help. My yi cam bricked 30mins after unboxing.

i think its just the same, just follow the insturctions in the powerpoint file, u will fine :).
i think its just the same, just follow the insturctions in the powerpoint file, u will fine :).

Thanks for the quick reply. But the file is .exe and it can't be opened in mac osx. Is there any possible way to open that?
Thanks for the quick reply. But the file is .exe and it can't be opened in mac osx. Is there any possible way to open that?


I do not know if the same program for Mac exists.

So, there are 2 was for you to fix this problem - quick and long.
Quick - ask your friend with Windows PC to help you. Or ask your friend to give you a Windows laptop for some time.
Long - install VirtualBox or any other visualization system. Install Windows on virtual machine. Connect Yi Cam to this virtual machine.
i try check and not check verify is same. always BLD execute failed. :(


I can advise you only one solution. It sounds ridiculous, but try another USB port and another USB cable. Try to use USB port on the back of PC. Do not USB hub, connect your camera directly to PC, disable other USB devices.

Try this, I have no other solutions if you use a correct ELF file and your Yi cam is an original one.
I have tried eraseand, the driver signature thing, and everything else, i got 2 cams bricked, i short the resistor, and hold the on button, then windows makes its usb sound, and i hit connect, it says 0 xdj devices found.
I have allso installed the driver manually and it only states it is up to date.

1 camera has the 3 red leds on with no interaction possible.
The other is on a restart rampage.
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Can anybody post a video on how to short the resistor. I have several attempts but nothing happened. Still the 3 red LED. thanx
Thanks for the quick reply. But the file is .exe and it can't be opened in mac osx. Is there any possible way to open that?

oh yeah i see, sorry i just never using Mac lol, so i'm not really know, maybe u can follow the solution from @cruz,
u can ask your friend with Windows PC for help.