[Xiaomi Yi] Share your scripts and settings

You don't need to put resolution line cause is already available by default on 1.2.12, anyway for bitrates in hex I didn't find any conversion tool that convert from Mbit/s to Hex so for me is easier change them directly from firmware and reflash... if anyone know how convert them will be appreciated... :)
Trying to complete my autoexec.ash scripts. Anybody has the remaining bitrates? Thanks a lot!

Version 1.2.10
##### VIDEO RESOLUTION /// 2304 x 1296 30fps /// 1.2.10
writeb 0xC06CE446 0x02
##### BITRATE 20Mb/s
# writew 0xC05C1006 0x41A0
##### BITRATE 25Mb/s
# writew 0xC05C1006 0x41C8
##### BITRATE 30Mb/s
writew 0xC05C1006 0x41F0
##### BITRATE 35Mb/s
# writew 0xC05C1006 0x420C
##### BITRATE 40Mb/s
# writew 0xC05C1006 0x4220
##### BITRATE 45Mb/s
# writew
##### BITRATE 50Mb/s
# writew 0xC05C1006 0x4248

Version 1.2.12
##### VIDEO RESOLUTION /// 2304 x1296 30fps /// 1.2.12
writeb 0xC06CC426 0x02
##### BITRATE 20Mb/s
# writew
##### BITRATE 25Mb/s
# writew
##### BITRATE 30Mb/s
writew 0xC05C1EB2 0x41F0
##### BITRATE 35Mb/s
# writew
##### BITRATE 40Mb/s
# writew
##### BITRATE 45Mb/s
# writew
##### BITRATE 50Mb/s
# writew

You already have all bitrates they are the same from 1.2.10
to 1.2.12 only miss 45mbps that is :
Enjoy... ;)
This should then look like:


##### VIDEO RESOLUTION /// 2304 x 1296 30fps /// 1.2.10
writeb 0xC06CE446 0x02

##### BITRATE 20Mb/s
# writew 0xC05C1006 0x41A0

##### BITRATE 25Mb/s
# writew 0xC05C1006 0x41C8

##### BITRATE 30Mb/s
writew 0xC05C1006 0x41F0

##### BITRATE 35Mb/s
# writew 0xC05C1006 0x420C

##### BITRATE 40Mb/s
# writew 0xC05C1006 0x4220

##### BITRATE 45Mb/s
# writew 0xC05C1006 0x4234

##### BITRATE 50Mb/s
# writew 0xC05C1006 0x4248
Exactly same script is also valid for 1.2.12...
You're right use this table for new address.. I didn't use scripts for this sorry...
Hi to all,

Someone can help me to make the correct script to have the 1080 60p at 45mbps?!?

... Someone can help me to make the correct script to have the 1080 60p at 45mbps?!? ...
Try this.
#set bitrate 1920x1080 60fps 45Mbps
writew 0xC05C1EE2 0x4234
Notice that, like all scripted bitrate changes, this is valid only for the first recording in a session using this resolution/framerate. Succeeding recordings in a session using the same setup will be at a somewhat lower bitrate. I don't know why and I don't know how to fix it.
Try this.
#set bitrate 1920x1080 60fps 45Mbps
writew 0xC05C1EE2 0x4234
Notice that, like all scripted bitrate changes, this is valid only for the first recording in a session using this resolution/framerate. Succeeding recordings in a session using the same setup will be at a somewhat lower bitrate. I don't know why and I don't know how to fix it.
So it is better to change the bitrates via AFT in the Firmware ...and 2k resolution is now in new 1.2.12 also available.
So it is better to change the bitrates via AFT in the Firmware ...and 2k resolution is now in new 1.2.12 also available.

Please if you want to explain i'm glad to your explanation :)
So it is better to change the bitrates via AFT in the Firmware ...and 2k resolution is now in new 1.2.12 also available.
That's right. The drawback is that modified firmware is not as easy to changes as a simple script. Scripting can be changed in seconds, firmware mods in minutes :)
Try this.
#set bitrate 1920x1080 60fps 45Mbps
writew 0xC05C1EE2 0x4234
Notice that, like all scripted bitrate changes, this is valid only for the first recording in a session using this resolution/framerate. Succeeding recordings in a session using the same setup will be at a somewhat lower bitrate. I don't know why and I don't know how to fix it.

I try with this script but dont works :(
I try with this script but dont works :(
I know the script works because I tried it myself before posting it. The most common reason for scripts not working is because the user has not used a proper text editor. You must use a text editor that produces Unix line endings (/n - for "Newline"). If using Windows, Notepad++ is recommended. If using Mac, Textedit is good.
Also, the last line in the script must be blank. Don't allow the cursor to dangle at the end of a line of text. Type a <Return> or <Enter>.
I know the script works because I tried it myself before posting it. The most common reason for scripts not working is because the user has not used a proper text editor. You must use a text editor that produces Unix line endings (/n - for "Newline"). If using Windows, Notepad++ is recommended. If using Mac, Textedit is good.
Also, the last line in the script must be blank. Don't allow the cursor to dangle at the end of a line of text. Type a <Return> or <Enter>.

Yes i'm usig notepad and i tried to type enter at the and of the line, but dont works :(
Yes i'm usig notepad and i tried to type enter at the and of the line, but dont works :(
Use Notepad++ or PSPad. You probably have to find it online and download it. I don't use Windows, but I doubt that simple Notepad produces Unix line endings.
- Edit: you may have to change a setting in the editor to make the Unix line endings happen.
Use Notepad++ or PSPad. You probably have to find it online and download it. I don't use Windows, but I doubt that simple Notepad produces Unix line endings.

You can try to make this for me?
You can try to make this for me?
Here's a .zip compressed file. To use it, unzip it and remove the XX in the filename. Then copy the autoexec.ash file to the root of the SD card you'll use in the camera.

