XIAOMI Yi sport Camera died after firmware update

Looking at the date of that prkapp your camera is half running firmware 1.0.0 anyway - the 0.7.13 build was dated the 31 January.

Did you say you'd already tried using 1.0.0 vanilla and custom with the autoexec.ash to try and program?

I'm wondering if maybe it works with only the version that's half on or something?

I tried using the filename of the 0.7.13 firmware given in one of the screenshots above but no joy unfortunately - hopefully once someone with a 0.7.13 camera runs that command we'll have two new firmwares for you to try and use :)
i've tried all the firmwares described in this thread and my camera still kept beeping non stop. very sad.
Why you not update firmware by ota updates from official app? If you did that you will not have any problems.
Anyone can confirm if is safe update via ota the firmware of yi cam.
i did that that's why my camera keeps beeping now.
Yes but you did correct steps to update.?
Please see this link:

And confirm if you follow exactly same process? Because it is correct update of xiaomi.
i on my app as usual to use my cam then it prompted me to update firmware like shown in the video. I let it run till 100%. After that it prompted me to reconnect phone and camera which i did and i could use the camera as usual. After that i went to full charge it because i need to use it the next day for a trip. So the next day when i want to use it as usual, i on the camera and the continuous beeping started.
By the time people get here to this thread they've already had problems with the process above - hopefully the problems will die down as they improve the process via the app and people realise they have to leave the camera updating after the app shows 100%!
@eileenkan does it just continuously beep as the firmware update needs at least a minute.

If it's been left longer than that and no joy have you tried the autoexec.ash etc and seen what progress.txt says?
By the time people get here to this thread they've already had problems with the process above - hopefully the problems will die down as they improve the process via the app and people realise they have to leave the camera updating after the app shows 100%!

I did leave it to update to 100%. Read my reply above. I hope someone can help me.
@eileenkan does it just continuously beep as the firmware update needs at least a minute.

If it's been left longer than that and no joy have you tried the autoexec.ash etc and seen what progress.txt says?

It didn't beep while it was updating to 100%. After 100% I clicked 'ok' on the app and could use as usual after I reconnect phone and camera. It was only after full charge and I tried to use the next day and the beeping started. I tried using all the firmwares stated, 1.0.0, 1.0.7 and the custom one with autoexec.ash. The progress.txt shows [4]
Think now I need help to guide me to start from zero. I read some here could get it to work. I wish mine can too.
Right ok I've updated the script to hopefully get us some more information about what is going wrong with these.

So can you please download this one:


Copy that autoexec.ash to the top level of your memory card first of all.

Now can you download this firmware file please for the first try to the top level of the camera and also the DCIM folder.


Now once they're both on there, turn the camera off, insert the microSD card, connect to USB power and then turn back on and leave for five mins or so.

Now try turning the camera off and removing the battery etc. Put the memory card back into your PC and please see what the contents of start.txt, progress.txt, error.txt and end.txt are? If there's nothing in progress.txt again other than what you saw before I'm hoping we'll also get some messages in error.txt.

You can also try turning the camera back on without a memory card and see what happens if we have information in progress.txt

Second try if that doesn't work is this firmware file:

That one would need renaming to yifirmware.bin after extraction and copying again to the top level of the memory card as well as the DCIM folder too.
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Thanx. I'll start by formatting my microSD card to fat32 1st and see how later. Fingers crossed.
But after update 100% you still have wait until beep 3x final update. Please see the video and watch all steps and we if you really do that. Sorry but it is only official update firmware and don't should occurred problems.
After update, this is what I found.
Screen Shot 2015-04-04 at 6.07.39 pm.png
Screen Shot 2015-04-04 at 6.09.20 pm.png
there's no progress.txt.

Screen Shot 2015-04-04 at 6.13.19 pm.png
but there's itm.bin in misc.
Ah right ok sorry it didn't like one of the redirections - right then I've got another here:

Oh hang on sorry I wasn't quite right this morning - the firmware.bin needs renaming to yifirmware.bin - my error sorry.

If you can rename both firmware.bin files to yifirmware.bin please and try that new autoexec.ash we'll see what happens then.

There should be two new files now - root.txt and dcim.txt - we'll see what they look like afterwards too.
OK so looking at that it never gets past the firmfl command as the script should now create an end.txt which isn't there - maybe it needs more time?

Can you paste up the contents of root.txt please?
OK so looking at that it never gets past the firmfl command as the script should now create an end.txt which isn't there - maybe it needs more time?

Can you paste up the contents of root.txt please?
it's there, the 2nd pic.