XIAOMI Yi sport Camera died after firmware update

f-a-h Apr 4 2015 17:29:50 4096 ._.Trashes
f-a-- Apr 4 2015 18:22:04 137 autoexec.ash
d---h Apr 4 2015 17:29:50 0 [.Trashes]
d---h Apr 4 2015 17:29:50 0 [.Spotlight-V100]
d---h Apr 4 2015 18:06:46 0 [.fseventsd]
f-a-- Apr 4 2015 18:23:22 16496640 yifirmware.bin
d---- Apr 4 2015 17:35:58 0 [MISC]
d---- Apr 4 2015 17:33:28 0 [DCIM]
f-a-h Apr 4 2015 18:23:50 4096 ._yifirmware.bin
f-a-h Apr 4 2015 18:24:42 4096 ._autoexec.ash
f-a-- Apr 4 2015 18:25:26 25 start.txt
f-a-- Apr 4 2015 18:25:26 577 root.txt
Ah ok - so basically it looks like the camera isn't actually getting as far as the last command as what should happen is that after it finishes the firmfl command it will create a new file called end.txt which shows the time it finishes.

Can you please run the card through Disk Utility on your Mac to check the filesystem as I'm guessing it's going to be potentially corrupt.

I guess all that can be done is try again and leave it as long as possible connected to power and we'll see what happens.

It shouldn't be longer than 15 minutes but the fact we don't have the end.txt suggests that firmfl is taking longer than expected so maybe it's worth just leaving for an hour and then come back and see if anything is different.
For my case , after update the firmware , it only show red color status on top and didn't do anything. Can't update the firmware again , too.

There is no progress.txt , too
This time round i left it running for about 2 hrs. This is what I got.
Screen Shot 2015-04-05 at 1.42.44 am.png
there's no progress.txt anywhere. There's only itm.bin in MISC folder.
But this time the beeping is different. Usually it beeps continuously at a constant speed. This time it beeped twice then the red light beside the shutter button flashed. It just went on like "beep beep red flash, beep beep, red flash....".
It's as though it's half way there now - what happens if you rename that yifirmware.bin to just firmware.bin and reboot now?
REV xiaomi should be paying you mony for your work, seem lke you are helpdesk for Yi owners of the world.
Or at the least send a case of yi cameras to you. ( unused ones, not defunct ones they have gotten back )
I try again when I go back tonight. Thank you so much for taking time out to help so many people here. You'll be blessed.
It's as though it's half way there now - what happens if you rename that yifirmware.bin to just firmware.bin and reboot now?
@reverend Just a quick update. Still no luck with my camera and ibuygou are playing hard ball with the refund/return.. Looking like I wasted $222 NZD
Hello. I need your help. after failed upgrade my camera acts like the one from the video on the first page. Following your recommendations i used microSD 16 Gb 10 class fat 32. When i put flash drive and battery inside the camera starts to pip and all indicators are blinking. I was waiting for 15 minutes before i pull out the battery. then i pulled out microSD and put it into the computer. There still were autoexec и yifirmware on microSD, just like before. I don't know what else i can do. I hope for your help. Thanks.
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Oh!! Then, try to restore factory settings...

Press the power button and WIFI button for a while, after a “DI” sound.

not work sir
when press Power + Wifi / Power + Top Button / Power + Wifi + Top Button
All LED (top / bottom / back ) is RED and long press after off only.
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We are same error.
and update ?
Hello. When i update camera by wi-fi, its doesnt work and I saw only red LED's. I tried your method and its doesnt work ( When I put card in camera and Turn on Camera i saw only red ring and LED's , its doesnt *beep*.After 10 minutes , when I put card in my PC , on card only bin file and autoexec. Can anyone help me?
reverend can i contact you via skype and you help me solve my problem , pls mate =)

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Hey guys, I have this problem after update using 2GB card taken out of an Android device. More to say, it looks like it doesn't take any charge at all.

Did any of you experience something like that?
I didn't realize the Camera is suppose to slowly beep after the app says the firmware update is complete (not in English). So I thought I had bricked my device and i took out the battery (most likely bricking the device) What I did is listed below, I really need some help here because I love this camera. I updated the mobile App to 1.4, it said I needed new firmware so I updated the firmware and the camera started to slowly beep, 1 beep ever 2 seconds. I thought the camera was bricked because this happened before when I tried to update so I followed the instructions posted here because it fixed my camera last time. http://en.miui.com/thread-96601-1-1.html. This time it didn't work, camera still beeps non stop. I followed the instructions to manually update to 1.0.7 (found here http://en.miui.com/thread-98910-1-1.html) and the camera has been beeping for 20 minutes. How long should this process take? it even beeps with no SD card inserted.

Next I came to this forum and tried one of your autoexec.ash with one of your firmware bins. thing was still beeping once ever 2 seconds, after 10 minutes I held the power and shutter button and the device rebooted but now the beeping is faster and beeping every second. What's worse is I put in the firmware fix from http://en.miui.com/thread-96601-1-1.html, left it for 10 minutes and no folders were created, which means the device isn't even reading autoexec.ash anymore. What am I suppose to do now? I had this thing for 2 weeks.

UPDATE: OK so it is runnning the autoexec.ash, I can get it to create all the files but still won't stop beeping. I wait 10 mins. I'm going to try the method of pulling the battery at 10 mins, putting it back in until the beeping stops (I hope it will) and then try the last restart. I hope this works because this camera is fantastic.

UPDATE 2: Using a 2gb fat (not fat32) sd card I let it beep for 10 mins, then pulled the battery, let it beep for 10 more and pulled the battery, turned it back on and it worked no problem. My camera is working again :) Thanks brother
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