XIAOMI Yi sport Camera died after firmware update

I've just finished reading all 9 pages here, and have tried (to the best of my ability) each of the various autoexec.ash's, yifirmware.bin's, firmare.bin's, etc, and I'm stuck in what seems like a boot loop. With a card in the camera it it beeps: beep-beep, pause, beep, pause, beep-beep, pause - repeated forever. Without a card, it beeps: beep-beep-beep, pause, beep, pause, beep-beep-beep, pause, beep, and so on.

My progress file is blank (I did mange to get a [4] on one of the attempts), and the MISC folder has the itm.bin (56k) file. But nothing I do gets it out of this stupid cycling mode.

If connected to a PC, I can browse the files on the SD card, and the light is red (charging) - or blue if it's not connected to the PC or charger.

Any other ideas on what my problem is? I bought three of these cameras and this was the only one that prompted me to 'upgrade firmware'. I hit yes, and after the 100% screen on my android phone, the camera started to beep every second or so. Since it said it was 100% complete, and the message that popped up was in Chinese, I figured the beeping meant I should power cycle the camera. And here we are.
Well that didn't take long. All I had to do was throw out a request for help, and presto, I got it working.

My fix is too simple to believe. I simply downloaded the latest firmware (1.09) from here: https://dashcamtalk.com/xiaomi-yi/ at the bottom of the page - put it on my 32gb fat32 card (otherwise completely empty) and power cycled. It immediately went to the 1 beep per second w/blue ring blinking, and shut down after about a min. Works great.
My camera only beep 1 time when upgrading the firmware .i have wait for 5 minutes and still silent. After i pull out the battery and put it back, my yi was bricked , after trying various kinds of methods , the result is 3 LED indicator lights up red and even led the circle of power all the time, how do I fix this ?
well ... I guess I suffer the same fate as StingRhea, my yi action camera became yi dead camera:(
f-a-h Apr 4 2015 17:29:50 4096 ._.Trashes
f-a-- Apr 4 2015 18:22:04 137 autoexec.ash
d---h Apr 4 2015 17:29:50 0 [.Trashes]
d---h Apr 4 2015 17:29:50 0 [.Spotlight-V100]
d---h Apr 4 2015 18:06:46 0 [.fseventsd]
f-a-- Apr 4 2015 18:23:22 16496640 yifirmware.bin
d---- Apr 4 2015 17:35:58 0 [MISC]
d---- Apr 4 2015 17:33:28 0 [DCIM]
f-a-h Apr 4 2015 18:23:50 4096 ._yifirmware.bin
f-a-h Apr 4 2015 18:24:42 4096 ._autoexec.ash
f-a-- Apr 4 2015 18:25:26 25 start.txt
f-a-- Apr 4 2015 18:25:26 577 root.txt
Hi, i have same beeping, do you fix it?

So I downloaded the firmware update and followed the instructions. But my camera is stuck in the beep loop. It just keeps beeping (once every 2 seconds) all the status lights are on except the power button light. How to fix this issue? I even tried the unbrick firmware solution that was posted on other forums.

Please help guys
Hi everyone (first post)

I'm having major issues with my camera as it's not turning on but instead it's just lights up the 3 indicator lights and stays like that with no response whatsoever.

Can anyone assist?

1.jpg 2.jpg
I think we have to contact xiaomi for this problem because nobody can fix it :( Blue circle light and 3 indicator lights running and beeping
There is no solution of this problem.
A similar problem who tried to write them?

when I am sending a letter to the

I come back

The error that the other server returned was:
550 Denied by policy

I tried to write it in skype... waiting for reply
Well, boogers! I have been researching this camera to know if I should buy it, but now I'm not all that sure. I have to ask, Was the camera in question a legitimate device, or was it a knock-off? If so, could the problem be resolved, for others, to make sure the camera purchased is the real thing?
same with others.. just stuck in 3 indicator red light without beeping... i'm try all method to unbricked but nothing gonna happen...
Removing the battery for 30 seconds and reinserting it has no difference. No microSD no difference.

I've tried naming the bin file to yifirmware, firmware and also taking the firmware from my phone (1.07) also makes no difference. Progress.txt doesn't even generate. I just simply can't power on after doing that step in that page that says to press and hold top button, followed by pressing and releasing the power button.

Hello, i have exactly the same problem. Solid 3 red LED and nothing more. I try to put on SD card autoexec.ash and yifirmware.bin (to the DCIM folder too) and nothing happend. Help me please...

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A similar problem who tried to write them?

when I am sending a letter to the

I come back

The error that the other server returned was:
550 Denied by policy

I tried to write it in skype... waiting for reply

You can contact them via support page

My experience with their customer support is quite good. I have emailed headquarters in Malaysia, Philippines and India and always got a reply in English. Try sending email to all headquarters and international one as well..
okey. i write on email:
Chat support is available 9:00-18:00. Please feel free to email us at service.sg@xiaomi.com outside of those hours.

Happened this situation, the camera displays after the 3 red lights (not the circle of light). I tried to restore method: https://dashcamtalk.com/forum/threa...fter-firmware-update.10442/page-2#post-132838
It does not help .... such as I have quite a few:

https://dashcamtalk.com/forum/threa...ter-firmware-update.10442/page-10#post-143571 &

http://en.miui.com/thread-103420-2-1.html & http://en.miui.com/thread-96601-3-1.html &

http://en.miui.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=108713&page=1#pid2128224 &

Maybe it is necessary to modify the script? autoexec.ash

waiting answer................
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So I was wondering if there is anyone with a dead Xiaomi Yi Camera (white) that would like to sell it to me. I am willing to paying up to 40,- for the item and shipping. I lost my battery cover and the only way of getting a new one is buying a new camera. So if there is somehow who is willing to sell their entire camera or just the battery cover, please let me know.
The point is: if you have three red lights, it seems that camera is bricked permanently.
I've opened my camera and soldered wires to UART and USB pins. There are no signals on this pins. Absolutely nothing.
There are 5 pads placed on the other side of the main board which could be JTAG. The only way (IMHO) is to use JTAG pins. But you have to have firmware provided by Ambarella or Xiaomi in .elf or .hex format. If somebody obtains this firmware, please contact me and i'll try to flash it by my jtag debugger.
The point is: if you have three red lights, it seems that camera is bricked permanently.
I've opened my camera and soldered wires to UART and USB pins. There are no signals on this pins. Absolutely nothing.
There are 5 pads placed on the other side of the main board which could be JTAG. The only way (IMHO) is to use JTAG pins. But you have to have firmware provided by Ambarella or Xiaomi in .elf or .hex format. If somebody obtains this firmware, please contact me and i'll try to flash it by my jtag debugger.
Somebody picked up his 5 point and besides me wrote them?


they told me for 3 day the letter was not answered. Today attributed to its service center in Moscow, they will try to contact them if you do not send them come to China to repair it.