0906 public test - bug list in live

I was keeping that button as backup in case the power off button wouldn't work, i assume using it i might also have to do the settings again.

Also not 100% sure if it take 2 clicks of the power button to toggle between camera channels, i will have to give that a try tomorrow.

So, what do you mean exactly when you say the camera "locked-up"? "Locking up" or "freeze" as I understand it is a chip level event that would require a hard reset.
Yes freezing / becoming totally unresponsive to all buttons but power off ( and i would assume the reset button )
Image on LCD also freeze and become a still image.
Yes freezing / becoming totally unresponsive to all buttons but power off ( and i would assume the reset button )
Image on LCD also freeze and become a still image.

What happens if you unplug and re-plug the camera from the power supply during a "freeze"?
I have not tried that as i have the camera so high on my windscreen i am barely able to get the USB plug in and out of the mount :rolleyes:

But just using power off is fine, after that the camera boot and record again when i power on.
FIRMWARE-20170504.zip is used.

To take a photo, you should be in record mode and hold middle button for 2 second. A small camera indicate the photo is taken.
Remote will also take a photo, if screen is on.

Bug: If you select to use screen saver and the screen is off. When you press the middle button for 2 second, the screen will turn on.
Remote will make a quick on/off on the screen to indicate, press. But no photo is taken.

It could be nice with shutter sound, instead of beep.
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Is the font in OSD info going to change? Right now it looks like something from Apollo or Atari era :)
Date/Time just reset overnight. I thought there was a small button cell battery to keep RTC going. Is it not the case?
Have any of you seen this corrupted video?


I did around 4 hours on the camera and a load of the rear camera files are like the above (I'll upload a sample). In fact the whole trip was like that until I got to the filling station to fill her up and it sorted itself out after the engine was turned off and on.

This unit is also having problems closing the last file down.

This is on the latest firmware uploaded here.
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All samples from my rear cam that I checked were OK. (Some of them upside down...) I haven't driven for more than 30 minuets at a time though.
I have focussed on the front camera, but i have also looked as a fair number of rear camera videos, and i have yet to see that corruption above.

Have you taken a look at the connection near the rear camera ? it might have wiggled loose.
Time was also reset for me today to 2000...
I have focussed on the front camera, but i have also looked as a fair number of rear camera videos, and i have yet to see that corruption above.

Have you taken a look at the connection near the rear camera ? it might have wiggled loose.
The connection seems fine and it seems to have fixed itself after a camera reboot.

I'll keep an eye on it - maybe an issue with that latest firmware as I noticed it changed the settings to remove all the metadata stamps from the video like time, speed and GPS. A reset to defaults will probably help :)
Here's a pink screen video along with the log files in case they have anything of interest:


I did another trip today and found the first trip had the issue and then it was fine again after the car was stopped and started - you'd have thought if it was a cable or connection problem it would always be pink like this.

I am wondering if it is something to do with the video flip I had set. V strange indeed!

I haven't had any issues with the date & time resetting yet but the camera has stayed in the mount - maybe when it's taken in and out of the mount the little button battery is also discharging (or it just didn't fully charge in the first place?)
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I just had a quick grep through the log files for the word "batt" as it seems to check something there at startup and these were my values:

20170503_150153.log:Adc= 973, low batt = 765
20170503_151521.log:Adc= 793, low batt = 765
20170504_072943.log:Adc= 703, low batt = 765
20170504_072947.log:Adc= 722, low batt = 765
20170504_074302.log:Adc= 804, low batt = 765
20170504_085509.log:Adc= 793, low batt = 765
20170504_142626.log:Adc= 776, low batt = 765
20170504_145510.log:Adc= 797, low batt = 765
20170504_170026.log:Adc= 832, low batt = 765
20170507_104408.log:Adc= 706, low batt = 765
20170507_104412.log:Adc= 600, low batt = 765
20170507_104522.log:Adc= 765, low batt = 765
20170507_123216.log:Adc= 793, low batt = 765
20170507_165327.log:Adc= 792, low batt = 765
20170507_175601.log:Adc= 801, low batt = 765
20170508_161900.log:Adc= 741, low batt = 765
20170508_164504.log:Adc= 800, low batt = 765
20170508_183134.log:Adc= 791, low batt = 765

Not sure what ADC determines exactly but guessing it's a battery thing in terms of the microcontroller checking the battery voltage and if so it's dropped below the 765 threshold a few times.

Definitely a question for @Rayman.Chan
I just had a quick grep through the log files for the word "batt" as it seems to check something there at startup and these were my values:

20170503_150153.log:Adc= 973, low batt = 765
20170503_151521.log:Adc= 793, low batt = 765
20170504_072943.log:Adc= 703, low batt = 765
20170504_072947.log:Adc= 722, low batt = 765
20170504_074302.log:Adc= 804, low batt = 765
20170504_085509.log:Adc= 793, low batt = 765
20170504_142626.log:Adc= 776, low batt = 765
20170504_145510.log:Adc= 797, low batt = 765
20170504_170026.log:Adc= 832, low batt = 765
20170507_104408.log:Adc= 706, low batt = 765
20170507_104412.log:Adc= 600, low batt = 765
20170507_104522.log:Adc= 765, low batt = 765
20170507_123216.log:Adc= 793, low batt = 765
20170507_165327.log:Adc= 792, low batt = 765
20170507_175601.log:Adc= 801, low batt = 765
20170508_161900.log:Adc= 741, low batt = 765
20170508_164504.log:Adc= 800, low batt = 765
20170508_183134.log:Adc= 791, low batt = 765

Not sure what ADC determines exactly but guessing it's a battery thing in terms of the microcontroller checking the battery voltage and if so it's dropped below the 765 threshold a few times.

Definitely a question for @Rayman.Chan
ADC is probably Analog to Digital Converter, Maybe 0 = zero volts, 4096 = 5.4 (guess) volts .
OK another bug with "0906FW 20170503 V1" which @Rayman.Chan uploaded - I'm missing the speed, time / date & gps stamps completely, even though they were all turned on and the camera rebooted.

Bizarrely they were all there after I turned them on initially, but then after stopping the car for 5 minutes and then starting it's all gone.

Likewise something happened with the time settings as I have the time setting with the +1 for BST, and then after stopping the car and restarting the initial file had the right file name but the wrong write time - I'm guessing it's reset to defaults but that could well be as a result of the test firmware above. Or alternatively the issue with the camera not always turning off cleanly is resulting in corrupted settings - are they refreshed on shutdown or something?

You can see the file sequence jump below (but this is potentially already known)

Most of my journey home yesterday is missing!

Near the start I stopped at some roadworks with a traffic light and turned the engine off while waiting, the camera stopped recording when I restarted the engine.

Near the end I stopped at some roadworks with a traffic light and turned the engine off while waiting, the camera started recording when I restarted the engine.

So I only have the start and end of the journey recorded.

I can solve the problem by hardwiring it, not into the accessory socket power, but this will be unacceptable for many people.
I experienced the same thing regarding speed, time and date stamps after installing the "0906FW 20170503 V1" firmware. Another odd phenomenon was that several (three out of 51) files transferred to my computer from the memory card were listed as "tomorrow" for the write time date similar to what @reverend mentions above.

The one thing to note was "rear camera flip" is now working properly which was the primary reason I flashed to the new firmware in the first place.
I like it for its simplicity at a glance with all the information in one place without colors or spread around the screen taking up real estate

I think @lacibaci is really talking more about readability than simplicity or placement. Many dash cams use more modern, cleaner looking fonts for the date, time and GPS stamping.