0906 public test - bug list in live

One thing I've noticed about the 0906 is that the white balance, dynamic range handling and ability to negotiate difficult exposure scenarios are generally superb. Along these criteria the camera outperforms many others I've had experience with.
The color saturation could stand to be dialed back a few clicks but that is a rather minor complaint. If the various focus and other IQ issues we've been discussing can be satisfactorily resolved, this camera has a lot of potential.

As other dual channel cameras using the same hardware enter the marketplace such as the SG9663DC it will be interesting to see if the color accuracy, exposure and dynamic range handling are a result of the hardware alone or whether the performance is dependent on which team of firmware engineers are doing the programming.
Agreed on the quality, and I quite like the colour saturation, although it is at the maximum I would want.
It's really just the focus and bitrate I have an issue with.
Occasionally there is a little too much sharpening.
Also sometimes in bright light with shadows the brighter parts get burned out too much, although I do like being able to see the shadows.

I think the image quality improvements over previous cameras is mainly due to Novatek (processor manufacturer), I have another dual camera with the same processor that also shows good improvements over the previous cameras, although that uses an IMX117 sensor at the front.
Think you are right, this is from a conversation with @Rayman.Chan:
700ma is not a lot of power, 3.5W, since there is no battery it really shouldn't be a problem.
If it is getting up to 90C then most of that is coming from the sun, the answer might be to keep the sun off the front of the camera - fit a sunshade above it, or just a piece of black card 3mm in front of the camera.

There is no need to shut down at 76C!
I've been "abusing" my Mobius cameras in overheated sunny summer conditions in my dark blue vehicle for three years now without any significant issues whatsoever. Granted we have a different processor in the 0906 handling dual channel data, etc., but one might think a larger housing full of ventilation holes should be able to manage modest ambient temperatures even with some sunshine. Perhaps the fact that the 0906 was designed with an EMI shield rather than an actual heat sink will prove to be its Achilles heel?
I've got to admit I've not seen the thermal shutdown here yet but it's been up to around 73c although it is getting warmer by the day here - summer is on it's way :D

Silly question but for you guys who have seen the thermal cutdown - does it just shutdown or start looping until it gets to a temp it's happy with? Just wondering if that's why I was missing footage on the 3rd May firmware?
It just shuts down until you boot it up again
Thanks Tobias, that confirms it wasn't that causing the missing video issue I sent earlier :)

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
color saturation could stand to be dialed back a few clicks

I mentioned that too, no biggie at the moment, but when the ENG people find time for the little things that would be nice.
If it is getting up to 90C then most of that is coming from the sun, the answer might be to keep the sun off the front of the camera

My sitting so high its cover by then toned windshield. Only a small procent of the light will get to the camera. No help.

fit a sunshade above it, or just a piece of black card 3mm in front of the camera.
There is no need to shut down at 76C!

I like when camera are discreet.
I'm not quite sure what I am about to discuss here is a "bug" per se but it is something that can be addressed through the firmware so I'll post about it here in this thread.

The G-sensor is too sensitive. Whenever I view a folder full of newly recorded files quite a few of them are locked.

I live in a rural area and a fair amount of my daily routine involves driving on dirt/gravel roads, especially since I live along such a road and have to drive at least a couple of miles just to get to a paved one. This time of year the dirt roads can be bumpy, but that is normal driving around here. The G-sensor when set to "low" locks almost every file when I leave the house or return home whereas other cameras I've owned are usually fine in my driving conditions when G-sensor is set to "low". The SG9665GC is a good example; I have no problems with that camera set to "low" but the sensor will do its job if I should have a true impact. I've noticed that this happens at other times as well, such as when hitting an expansion joint on a bridge or some minor road hazard like a pothole or small curb entering a driveway.

My criteria for a G-sensor setting is that it should trigger when slamming the car door shut hard but should be able to withstand "normal" driving conditions even if a road is not so smooth. My view is that a G-sensor should lock the file in the event of a traffic collision but shouldn't be triggered by everyday events.

Has anyone else noticed an over-sensitive G-sensor?

try setting the G-Sensor to high and compare, just thinking if it's so sensitive when set to low they may have the settings the wrong way around, could be something that simple (have seen it happen before) so worth double checking
Yes, I noticed that I also have a few locked files. My setting is on default and I don't remember hitting any potholes.
try setting the G-Sensor to high and compare, just thinking if it's so sensitive when set to low they may have the settings the wrong way around, could be something that simple (have seen it happen before) so worth double checking

Thanks, I'll give it a go.
I have not tried G-sensor but i will give it a go on my drive in about a hour or so, normally i don't use that stuff.
Thanks for the confirmation. It's beginning to sound like the G-sensor sensitivity is something that @Rayman.Chan will need to give attention to.
Speaking of @Rayman.Chan I have't seen him around for a while. Not sure if he is aware of all the issues - are they looking at solutions, changes?
Speaking of @Rayman.Chan I have't seen him around for a while. Not sure if he is aware of all the issues - are they looking at solutions, changes?

I'm sure he is here each day, take notes and get back to the team. When he got new information, he will let us know.
I think the guys ar MEG are bent over backwards, maybe due to realizing that the product was not where it was expected.

I think his last posting was Friday, so almost a week ago.
If we as tester can catch all the small bugs, before it goes into production, we should all be happy.:)
I have a hunch Rayman has been keeping an eye on these threads and will check in soon enough. In the meantime I guess we should just keep testing and posting our results.

While many of the issues we have already identified are typical of this stage of development and are certainly to be expected, I do have to say that I am a bit dismayed that an experienced manufacturer would be shipping out even pre-production samples with some of the issues we are seeing here. In particular, I am referring to the lenses with focus issues and a camera with heat shut-down issues. Many of us who beta tested the mini-0806 will recall the many discussions of heat problems back then and @Rayman.Chan even posted a photo of 0806 camera samples inside a heat testing thermal chamber. How could MEG not be aware of these problems before the cameras even went out the door? Maybe with the lenses it is a question of which lens finally gets selected to go into the samples but the heat shut-down problem should have manifested during in-house testing, no?