2CH Panorama X2. FullHD + FullHD ( 256Gb ). Sony Exmor CMOS. WDR. GPS. 24/7 Parking Mode Rec.

Do you know which test firmware this matches up with against Sungmoon's videos (T1 - T4) at all please?

With the X2 can you set different exposure values for the front and back cameras or is it fixed for both? I couldn't quite tell from the video you did earlier?

Every time I see that TGI Friday in your videos it makes it hungry :D
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Do you know which test firmware this matches up with against Sungmoon's videos (T1 - T4) at all please?

With the X2 can you set different exposure values for the front and back cameras or is it fixed for both?

Unfort. can not set any video quality values separately apart from video resolution.
This is latest T4 ( menu display shows v1.00.10 ). To my eyes its can be compared to Panorama 2 / S FW v1.12.06.
Within half hour I will post side by side night test of X2 vs Pano 2 / S.
Like you say it does look much more like the newer Panorama S firmwares - it will be interesting to see how it looks once you and Alex tweak the focus a bit. Is that S tweaked or is that straight out of the box?

Is it doing the trick with dropping the brightness when you get close to a car in front to read the numberplate or has that been dropped for now? Not sure if that's something that would just kick in when you're sat right behind another car?
I didn't see any noticeable exposure adjustments in the parking lot area and when he stopped behind several vehicles and cycled he lights between low and high. However, I don't think he ever got within 2 car lengths of a plate directly ahead. The parking garage almost looked like daytime in the video, so I wonder if the gain is being cranked up too much at the expense of plate and sign readability. I could only read a couple of plates on cars that were off axis, while the ones directly ahead were over exposed.


Is it doing the trick with dropping the brightness when you get close to a car in front to read the numberplate or has that been dropped for now? Not sure if that's something that would just kick in when you're sat right behind another car?
I just put some function to prevent light reflection. Usually high reflection, can not see exactly on front car. It's useful at korea. The focus issue is firmware bug. I already fix. How lens focus can be changed day and night? I will put some special function step by step what people did not consider. I am just doing my best.
How lens focus can be changed day and night?
1. Focusing is done 1 time in production during Assembly on the conveyor.
Proper installation/setup - perfect sharpness.
2. Unreal white sky - it is possible to decrease the contrast.
You don't mess about! How's the focus?
I have not watched carefully.
About Motion detection recording:

Each camera records it's own motion detection footage separately. For example, if there is a motion detection in front of the car, it only saves video file from front camera. X2 will not record simultaneous video of rear camera, unless there is also a separate / individual motion at the back. Another words, each camera works independently when car is parked and X2 is in Parking mode, which is good, because working individually saves a lot of memory card space and also consumes less power.

Further firmware might have an option to switch off front or rear camera for parking mode.

I have analysed last beta-firmware motion detection recording time and I am getting figures below:

Panorama X2 records 4-5 sec before motion is detected and about 13-15 after motion is "gone". In some rare occasions it was 10 sec after motion was gone.
Those tests were done in daylight. I am yet to test dusk and night time conditions.

Here is video:

You don't mess about! How's the focus?
focus on the front of the camera again is not configured (back camera focus good)
like Niko, front facing camera there is no focus, rear camera is good
RAW (FW test v1.00.09):
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Are these final retail units you and Niko are running?

The guy at the factory had been drinking too much vodka the night before putting these together!

I'm on the phone so can't watch the videos but I'm assuming focus can be fixed manually (and you had good results with the last generation?)

I hope you get on better with the new firmwares - just read your post over on the Russian forum!
About Motion detection recording:

Each camera records it's own motion detection footage separately. For example, if there is a motion detection in front of the car, it only saves video file from front camera. X2 will not record simultaneous video of rear camera, unless there is also a separate / individual motion at the back. Another words, each camera works independently when car is parked and X2 is in Parking mode, which is good, because working individually saves a lot of memory card space and also consumes less power.

Further firmware might have an option to switch off front or rear camera for parking mode.

I have analysed last beta-firmware motion detection recording time and I am getting figures below:

Panorama X2 records 4-5 sec before motion is detected and about 13-15 after motion is "gone". In some rare occasions it was 10 sec after motion was gone.
Those tests were done in daylight. I am yet to test dusk and night time conditions.

Here is video:

According to the evolving manual, you can turn on/off the rear camera parking mode on page 24.
Draft # 11 : https://www.dropbox.com/s/z2o9537ludgcahg/panoramaX2_Eng_manual DRAFT #11.pdf?dl=0
Can you verify this is true, or if it was a mistranslation?


DRAFT Manual in progress:
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