2CH Panorama X2. FullHD + FullHD ( 256Gb ). Sony Exmor CMOS. WDR. GPS. 24/7 Parking Mode Rec.

distance focus adjustment should be from 3-5 meters to infinity

I am really looking forward to a Powerruc Panorama based on this model as a 2ch 1080p 120 FOV with few different specs:
- Capacitor instead of battery
- No Screen or very small screen size to have it discreet
- HDR Video

Also, regarding the current model, in the specs it says "Stable Operating temperature -20 ° C -70 within ℃"
do you mean -20 to 70 C?
I am really looking forward to a Powerruc Panorama based on this model as a 2ch 1080p 120 FOV with few different specs:
- Capacitor instead of battery
- No Screen or very small screen size to have it discreet
- HDR Video

Also, regarding the current model, in the specs it says "Stable Operating temperature -20 ° C -70 within ℃"
do you mean -20 to 70 C?
I never use battery.
Liking Alex's video of the camera dropping brightness behind other vehicles - great idea and looks like it works well!

Have you got any similar footage with xenons please Niko? Just wondering as I'd get similar results with my Passat!
Liking Alex's video of the camera dropping brightness behind other vehicles - great idea and looks like it works well!

Have you got any similar footage with xenons please Niko? Just wondering as I'd get similar results with my Passat!

Yes, I have done some night driving last night with new firmware. Need to process, sync, put together all data. Hopefully soon can post it for comparison.
I have tested G-Sensor Event files recording on Panorama X2.

( NB! This is Prototype with a Beta-test FW v1.00.12. New firmware release will be soon.)

G-sensor set on Medium.

Front (A1) + Rear (B1) Camera.

Event file total length: 51 sec.
Save 30 sec. before event and 21 sec. after event.




Front (A2) + Rear (B2) Camera.

Event file total length: 1 min 5 sec.
Save 45sec. before event and 20sec. after event.




Front (A3) + Rear (B3) Camera.

Event file total length: 46sec.
Save 25sec. before event and 21sec. after event.




On first car example, low beam lights shining directly on numberplates and when approaching car, then I can see the X2 firmware do it's job on processing image, the way where reflection is "removed" and numbers are visible. Other two cars, the light was not exactly on numbers, but still I am happy with first car example.

For similar test I have to have a luck / "lottery" to catch the moment when in front moving car will have numberplates at same level as my low beam lights and second "lottery" is Red light or pedestrian crossing, so it will stop. But from Alex example I can see it is possible. Will try my luck.
Tested latest RV 6.0 (Registrator Viewer )

On Panorama X2 ( v1.00.12 ) I have set Summer time ON.
GMT +0 for Ireland.
When I selected on RV GMT +0, then the time on main graphics bar ( below video ) was showing -1 from local time, so I had to select from RV menu +1h ahead in order to have a correct time displayed.
However on top left corner of RV, the time was still -1h, no matter if your RV GMT is set to +0, -1, or +1. Anyway, it is not a big deal for me personally at the moment.
Other than that gps logger data seems to be displaying correctly on RV.

RV 6.jpg
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Analysed Panorama X2 Microphone vs Panorama 2 / S

Even not looking at graphs, I can say that X2 microphone ( sound / voice recording ) is louder that on Panorama 2 / S

Top: X2 Front Cam
Middle: X2 Rear Cam
Bottom: Panorama S

Panorama X2 vs Panorama S Microphone.jpg
Yesterday was nice, clear night ( unlike last time I did video test when it was raining ), so I made test-drive and synchronised Front + Rear Video from Panorama X2.
This is new Beta FW v 1.00.12.

P.S. today morning I got v.1.00.13 ( new tests results soon )

Front + Rear


P.S. today morning I got v.1.00.13 ( new tests results soon )
Front + Rear
Коль, так ты там иногда и совьет юнион музыку слушаешь...;)


P.S. X2 (v.1.00.13) and 750 (custom, 12 and 6 MB).
















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Looking at that mount is it just glued or do they also have the screw holding the lens in place too Alex?
GPS Logger data analyse ( X2 vs S )

Finally processed and uploaded to YT side by side X2 ( Beta FW v1.00.12 ) vs Panorama 2 / S ( FW v1.12.04 )

In my previous side by side TEST, I did not use GPS logger antenna on Panorama S.

This time I also added GPS antenna to Pano S to compare the GPS data vs Pano X2, especially the gps data lag-time which was suspicious on X2 with my first side by side test.
WIth this test here I can say that GPS data recording / reading on Pano S is practically in sync with Pano X2. So from this point of view its behaves normally. Maybe not perfectly ( not that instant like would like to have ), but within norms of gps logger antennas of same class. At least practically there is no difference between Pano S and Pano X2.

Panorama 2 / S individual video

Panorama X2 individual video