2CH Panorama X2. FullHD + FullHD ( 256Gb ). Sony Exmor CMOS. WDR. GPS. 24/7 Parking Mode Rec.

To be fair the hardware in the X2 is higher spec than in the Marcus 5 - there was talk of a lower end X2 using the same rear sensor as what is in the Marcus 5 - don't know if that got dropped though or whether it is available in any of the domestic markets?
yes this camera system will be at least 450.00 USD. GPS will be optional so that may be WITH GPS. Perhaps maybe $420.00 USD sans GPS, but be assured this cam will be over $400.00 USD ;)
The rear camera is better than the x2 I have never met,
over the front needs a little work (color correction, shooting at night)

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Today I will try to install the rear camera on the windshield. Videos show.
cool will be interesting to see same footage with the 2 cameras, it so sound strange to me that one of them should have other values than the other.
I mean if its more or less 2 cameras glued together, and they are with same CMOS and chipset, my common sense dictate that it should be the same.

But then again, i some times tend to think things are more simple than they actually are.
Panorama X2 - the rear camera is located in front









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To be fair the hardware in the X2 is higher spec than in the Marcus 5 - there was talk of a lower end X2 using the same rear sensor as what is in the Marcus 5 - don't know if that got dropped though or whether it is available in any of the domestic markets?

Well, I was told less than a week ago. So I surely hope so there is a lower end model. It gives more choices for those who is tight on budget.
there are lower end multi cam dashcam systems, but this one ain't it! :D

to be an early adopter costs money. this cam is on the leading edge of the tech in the dashcam sector, so you must expect to pay more.

if you want less cost, there are several other options on the market now.
there are lower end multi cam dashcam systems, but this one ain't it! :D

to be an early adopter costs money. this cam is on the leading edge of the tech in the dashcam sector, so you must expect to pay more.

if you want less cost, there are several other options on the market now.

No doubt there are other cheaper options and that's why I asked about Vico Marcus 5 on another thread. But then Pier 28 approached me and mentioned there might be a better and cheaper one. So I thought why not?

May be I should take the chance of free shipping offering which ends the end of today from here Canadadashcam.
We won't be able to match Korean market pricing but we're doing our best to keep it as lean as possible, freight, duties, taxes etc all need to be covered. We should be able to announce pricing in the next 24 hours. We will open up pre-orders after determining how soon firmware will be out of Beta status.
I'm researching dual dash cams and actually deciding between the Marcus 5 or this X2 and I'm looking to buy one first, and then buy up to four more to outfit all our family vehicles. The recent images of front vs rear is interesting, if alexsoll didn't point them out, one could have easily say the images are of one brand or model vs another!

$450 US is too much for me and if the final pricing is anywhere around it, it knocks the X2 off my list. The closer it is to the Marcus 5 pricing, the better chances of it competing. Now also with the talk of various "possible" less than optimum lens focus, and how members had to refocus for the best picture, plus opening up and doing so voids warranty. I'm certainly not keen to paying more for this front / rear camera difference and sloppy focus.

I hope they can get the pricing and other issues worked out on this supposedly higher end dual dash cam.
yo, don't take my number as the gospel! :eek: o_O

based on what I have seen and read on this forum, thats MY uneducated GUESS. thats all it IS! I am not a rep for the factory or @Pier28 .Since this is in fact two pano Gs stuffed in one system AND its current dashcam tech, thats my take on it.

I predict the cost will be in the range from $0.01 up to

Quick question to those that feel the front cam is too big, how would you feel if that same size camera was a hide away component and both cams were remote like rear one?

That would be something I am looking for.
I use the display ONLY for configuring settings at first install, (in case configuring is not supported over desktop/mobile client, which I always would prefer!) and firmware updates.
If I had use for a display unit, I would rather want have it as DIN or Double-DIN and use it as full rear view camera.
That's what I'm looking for as well, except I'd want normal SD sized slots for ease of card removal or automatic wifi offloading. Unfortunately, if the current pricing speculation is correct, then these options would likely kick the price to well over $500.


That would be something I am looking for.
I use the display ONLY for configuring settings at first install, (in case configuring is not supported over desktop/mobile client, which I always would prefer!) and firmware updates.
Add me to the list. Even if I purchase this camera, I will quickly replace it with a two channel remote dvr with two of the rear camera's of the x2. That is at the top of my wish list, other feature's are not nearly as important as keeping the camera discrete in my vehicle. In the mean time I will likely run the x2 with the rear camera up front and the large front camera in back hidden behind tinted glass.
According to the evolving manual, you can turn on/off the rear camera parking mode on page 24.
Draft # 11 : https://www.dropbox.com/s/z2o9537ludgcahg/panoramaX2_Eng_manual DRAFT #11.pdf?dl=0
Can you verify this is true, or if it was a mistranslation?


DRAFT Manual in progress:
There has been 4 different firmware out already. I will try to test latest one soon for enable-disable rear cam when parked.
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Wasn't Niko running 1.10 or are you trying multiple versions?

Is that a metal lens mount I spot there?

That looks super sharp now you've moved the focal point a bit!

Now its already 1.00.13 out. Maybe more to come. At the moment all firmware are beta, under testing / re-testing to illuminate bugs.
Yeah I definitely see why a HDMI output would be easier to focus!

It must be very difficult in 480i!

Thats why I like focusing Chinese made dashcams, they mostly have HDMI, - just hook up to 40+ " LED TV and focus even at home.
WIth analogue AV port out its big-big headache: Make marks on lens and unit body, drive to car park, focus to each marked position, comment every mark on video recording, then drive home and watch on PC inspecting focus at the specific mark ( or have Laptop along with you ), then go back to car, focus to best marked position, assemble device. Drive back to car park, record video footage to check if all is OK.
This can take many hours for beginner if adding assembly - disassembly and other steps of test n try. Not a pleasant experience for "average Joe", but for sure nice challenge for those who are more geeky :)