A118 Novatek 96650 Full HD 1080P Car Camera DVR

oh i do now... and i don't just use the little foam things you cram into the ear canal, i use full ear covers while using my gas weed eater (mower is a nice quiet honda), and i wear those same ear covers when i go to the place that lets you punch holes in paper at specific distances using small pieces of lead. ;) i prefer to throw that lead using my xd9, though sometimes it's fun to punch .22" holes in the paper too, with a little walther p22. you can (but i don't) probably go without hearing protection on the p22. i DO get away with rapid fire with it, but don't tell the range masters ;)

that said, i re-watched my night video. turned up volume halfway then held the phone next to my ear, and i could hear a distinct high pitched whine.

wonder if it would be possible to code a notch filter into the camera's firmware...
Also getting that high pitch tone through the speakers after I installed my new A118 in the rear window a couple of weeks ago, but not on all radio stations. (Already have a Mini 0801 looking out the front.)
Of course the radio antenna has to be embedded in the rear window.

Have tried placing one or more 4mm and 5mm ferrite filters here and there along the power cord. But can get them to help a little. Did notice the most of the high pitch interference is coming through the left rear speaker, so adjusted
that one down a bit, lol.
Gonna attack the problem again this weekend.
Got the same Highpitch-Noise, and would also appreciate a built-in-filter...

For a Dashcam, "HD Sound" is a nice to have, but no essential... (and if this filter could be activated/deactivated, it would even be a bigger plus for the camera)
Does anybody know how much power the dashcam needs?

Would a strong USB car charger (12watt/2.4Amp per socket) like this https://www.amazon.com/gp/B00E1UWA4O be able to power the dashcam?

*I'm not trying to put a referral link, I got the page off google.*

I do not wish to hardwire it because I am planning to get a new car soon.
Does anybody know how much power the dashcam needs?

Would a strong USB car charger (12watt/2.4Amp per socket) like this https://www.amazon.com/gp/B00E1UWA4O be able to power the dashcam?

*I'm not trying to put a referral link, I got the page off google.*

I do not wish to hardwire it because I am planning to get a new car soon.
Charger that comes with A118 outputs 1 amp at 5 volts (i.e. 5 watts).
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Loaded up 20140821 in my A118. I see one new option in settings for timezone now, must be for GPS. Maybe some other changes too but I can't tell.
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Do I need to rename the file or is it good to go as is?
If it's 'FWB40A.bin' then it's good to go as it is. Simply put in the top directory of your microSD card and turn your A118 back on. It'll download it and then restart.

P.S. Don't forget to go back & delete this file afterwards, otherwise it'll try to download again next time you turn it on.
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Okay thanks, updated it.

All settings seemed to be the same as my other 0717 fw, the only difference so far I can see is that the splash screens now say "Welcome" and "Goodbye" as opposed to "VIOFO"
That's interesting. The "Welcome" and "Goodbye" splash screen have been around for awhile, you can even see it in Chris's original youtube review video. I wonder if you had an early release firmware or something. VIOFO is the name of a manufacturer and distributor in China and they list the A118 as one of the products they sell.
Well I guess I lost my branding then with the update.

Not much of a concern really, but interesting that it disappeared using updated fw from FoxOffer on a cam bought from FoxOffer.

So I guess they are writing generic fw for everyone then, and their hardware is no different than every other A118/B40 out there at the moment. Which is a good thing for compatibility sake, and maybe experimenting with fw from different manufacturers/developers.
Maybe, maybe not, if they got you an update that fixed some bug then I don't think it's a bad thing, there were a lot of bugs when people first started buying these, even if they hadn't noticed
Yeah, I didn't notice any bugs, but I've only been using it for a couple of days.

I also didn't mean that they are writing fw for everyone. Just that they are not including their branding/splash in their fw. Maybe to ensure that if anyone using a generic A118 installs their fw, it won't convert to the VIOFO brand. Which also inadvertently may show that the hardware is the same elsewhere.
if they sell with their brand name on the splash screen they can easily identify it as theirs for warranty purposes, if they release firmware publicly and someone uses it on a camera that was sourced elsewhere it could become a liability for them to have their logo on goods that weren't from them