A119 Pre-production beta test, bugs, fixes, FW and suggestions

In my opinions Viofo should improve:
- white colors
- 120° lens
- 1080p@60 is "jerky" / lagging. We get 60 frames but it's like the time lapse between frames is not the same and we have "micro-jump" that we should not have @ 60fps. Or maybe it's a sort of interlaced, I can't explain. I'll also try with antibanding @50 hz (I always set it at 60 hz) and I'll try 2560p@30, maybe a firmware problem
- fish eye. I don't like fish - eye, I would like to have a sort of correction
I'll also try with antibanding @50 hz (I always set it at 60 hz)
Use only 50Hz and if available in firmware, the Auto. I always manually set 50HZ to all my cameras. 60Hz is wrong for Europe.

In my opinions Viofo should improve:
- white colors
- 120° lens
- 1080p@60 is "jerky" / lagging. We get 60 frames but it's like the time lapse between frames is not the same and we have "micro-jump" that we should not have @ 60fps. Or maybe it's a sort of interlaced, I can't explain. I'll also try with antibanding @50 hz (I always set it at 60 hz) and I'll try 2560p@30, maybe a firmware problem
- fish eye. I don't like fish - eye, I would like to have a sort of correction
It is hard to find a small FOV lens, most lens manufacture prefer to produce wide FOV lens.
And some users send message to us, why we use a small FOV lens compared to A118, so some user like wide FOV, or it is good for marketing.
- fish eye. I don't like fish - eye, I would like to have a sort of correction

Pretty hard to have a wide FOV and not have some fish eye effect.

I agree with Mtz.....60 Hz is really only for North America
Does 50 Hz and 60 Hz really matter?
Yes, my first night video from my thread was recorded with 60Hz by mistake and have flickering problems at its first minute and @jokiin asked me why is that flickering problem and after checking I observed that 60Hz was the problem.

Ok, please check default settings, maybe I'm wrong (I don't remember) but 60hz is the default value. I also think we can have better white balance results using darker exposition (-1/3 or -2/3, I have to test them next days).

I've just uploaded 2 videos recorded yesterday: 1080p@60, 60 hz (!), WDR on, VERNO & date time overlay on, LWDC & FWDS off, exposition +0

If you never visited Pisa (Tuscany) you can have a road trip looking these 2 videos (first part,
second part). These are raw files, I didn't join them because you asked for raw mp4 :)

I also recordered with my cheap THL 5000 smartphone with my cheap mount. I'm creating my first side-by-side video and I'll upload it on YouTube. Viofo A119 has better overall quality but maybe you will find a big surprise ... This is a screenshot, on the left the Viofo A119, on the right the THL 5000. Different lens viewing angle and look at the plate ...

first screenshot.jpg
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The 60Hz setting will create problems only under artificial light. Look here from second 45.

This is the youtube video:

I tested 50 hz, no more flickering problems. Next test: exposition -1/3, -2/3 to have better white balancing.
New test using -1/3 exposure. It's cloudy today. White are better but you can see there is always a fixed dark area at bottom left with this exposure (red triangle in the below screenshot) and sometimes you have too much white (look the other screenshot: sky is all white). Image is too dark.

Download: raw file

Sky explodes:

1 (2).jpg
This dark area appears only with negative exposure and is always present in all the video:

1 (1).jpg
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The dark area looks to be part of your windscreen
it's reflection, you get that with cameras where the lens is very close to the window, some cars it's more noticeable than others depending on the design of the dashboard
it's reflection, you get that with cameras where the lens is very close to the window, some cars it's more noticeable than others depending on the design of the dashboard
Yes the black dashboard of my truck reflects and gives a black triangle in BOTH bottom corners of the windshield in the video. When the lens has such a wide angle is hard not to have artifacts like that.

Also in the picture where you said "sky explodes" I thought that was actually a very well exposed frame - for a dashcam. In a dashcam, we aren't looking for cinema quality - we only care about capturing events leading to an accident or crime. So the road, trees and other vehicles are the focus, and they look good in this example. The sky will never be something that a judge or lawyer will be interested in when trying to assign blame in an accident.
just reviewed the files. on the quick trip to pick up dinner, the last file as i got to the restaurant was corrupt - will not play in vlc. however, the last file when i got back home was ok - it plays fine.

1080p60, wdr on, ldws on, fcws off, gps off, g-sensor medium. didn't try other resolutions yet.
i haven't changed any settings, but right now i don't have any corrupt files on the SD card - every last file where i turned off the ignition closed normally and plays just fine. i need to check if LDWS is still turned on, since it has not ONCE done anything to complain - i fully expected it to beep or something every time i changed lanes, but nope - nothing. it just quietly records in beautiful 1080p60. :)
Not sure Lane departure warning or collision warning are working ...
On other cams they usually need to be set up ...
I have tried both , and nothing ...
Hi tried LDWS myself since my car has an in-built LDWS but the only warning came from the car.
You are right @jokiin
And I could add that it also depends on how visible are the lanes marked on the road. On roads with very old lane marking that became in time almost invisible my car's LDWS is not working at all. So I can not ask to work well a LDWS from an dash cam. My earlier post was meant only to confirm what @old4570 posted above.