A119 (production) firmware updates

It's a known bug they're fixing. Hopefully they'll squash it by the next update. On the plus side, the beta firmware addresses a few other things that I find useful.

Thanks for the info, I'll be waiting patiently for the fix.
Hi. I have successfully updated my beta A119 to the July 24th FW.
Here are my first findings:
1. Added: Speed Unit Option: MPH and KPH; Yes, it is. To be tested with a GPS
2. Added: GPS info Stamp: Speed, Coordinate, Both, Off Yes, it is. To be tested with a GPS
3. Added: Display Customize Text on video;(Please check the attachment, the "Toyota RAV4" is Customize text) Yes, it is. For now I do not have a clue what to write as "Customize Text".
4: Changed: LDWS/FCWS only works in 1080P 30fps mode due to hardware limitation Not checked
5. Changed: Timelapse video duration is 2mins Not checked
6. Improved: No card format warning after read files on computer Tested on Windows PCs (XP and 7): no format warning after reading files
7. Improved: Reduce night time video noise and optimize metering. Due to summer time hour, I will not be able to test it soon.
I got the new Transcend card and here are some observations:

1) The videos are now perfect (except for some noticeable jpeg-like pixeling). The old card(s) are most likely to blame. Also, stay away from no-name cards.
2) No more format warning after accessing card on computer (iMac).
3) I set the GPS info to omit speed but it still shows in videos.
4) The "scrolled text" issue experienced by fubduck is definitely there.
5) The speeds on the video are MUCH MUCH faster than actual speeds. Maybe 50% higher.
6) I left the camera in the car all day today and it's been over 90°F most of the day. With the partly sunny sky, I estimate the interior temperature reaching 110-120°F. The camera still performed well under these conditions.

Overall, we're still very happy with this camera. Keep up the good work, Viofo!
best to get in the habit of formatting the card in the camera after it has been in the Mac anyway

I set my micro SD adapter to write-protect so the Mac can't write anything to the card anyway.
I'm having an issue with the A119 I just received. Whenever it comes on, I get prompted to format the card. I have set the format warning setting to 30 days and it still continues to prompt on startup every time.

I've tried several different SD cards and have tried the 2016.06.07 firmware it shipped with as well as the latest 2016.07.24 beta. The cards have been formatted several times in the camera after being accessed on a computer.

Any thoughts if this is a bug or if I'm doing something wrong?


On mine , whenever I restarted it, I got a prompt to set the date-time ; Language , as well as Format SD... It came with the same firmware : 2016-06-07.
2016_0728_130220_143.MP4_snapshot_00.06_[2016.07.29_22.31.31].jpg The GPS speed is overlapping to the right side of the video with the beta firmware...
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Just updated the firmware on mine (July 24th), and chose the MPH option. It says mph, but the numbers are still in kph, so it looks like I'm driving 120mph on the freeway.
Just updated the firmware on mine (July 24th), and chose the MPH option. It says mph, but the numbers are still in kph, so it looks like I'm driving 120mph on the freeway.

best thing if you find an error is let @viofo know and they will be able to get it fixed for the next update
It's a known bug they're fixing. Hopefully they'll squash it by the next update. On the plus side, the beta firmware addresses a few other things that I find useful.

My observation to “format card” on start problem: I had a same problem. I noticed, that “format card” warning was appearing if I formatted card from that “warning menu”. However, if that warning is ignored and card is formatted from menu, that warning never appeared again. Happened with original firmware and beta one. SD cards were the same used in A118C.
My observation to “format card” on start problem: I had a same problem. I noticed, that “format card” warning was appearing if I formatted card from that “warning menu”. However, if that warning is ignored and card is formatted from menu, that warning never appeared again. Happened with original firmware and beta one. SD cards were the same used in A118C.
Did some change for the format warning in latest firmware, and fixed the stamp display, still working on other things.
Try to release a new beta version this week for testing.
Is it recommended to format the card each time its been taken out and connected to the PC? Its asking me again to format it now when I switch it on, as I had it connected to the PC to take some demo video.
best to get in the habit of formatting the card in the camera after it has been in the Mac anyway

I set my micro SD adapter to write-protect so the Mac can't write anything to the card anyway.

I have CleanMyDrive2 installed. It removes all the hidden junk folders and files + .ds_store litter automatically on drive ejection.

Never had a problem with formatting prompts popping up or other card errors.
Any easy to use workaround for the formatting bug? (Windows) It is a bit annoying. I already missed a couple of things because of that...my old A118C never let me down, I wish this one would be as reliable as that.

I have two ... say workarounds, which I'm using currently, but I don't like them :)
1. Just format the card from the Menu after using it in the PC. Formatting it when it starts and asks for it, doesn't work (at least not for me)
2. Let the sounds of the camera on ON and at least it tells you it does not record. So, you either format the card from the menu, or just hit Cancel

BTW, I'm using a SanDisk ultra 64GB, if that matters in any way.

Other than the bug (which I'm sure it'll be fixes, but...you know, I'm just an impatient person :P) this camera is pretty good.
A new beta version is released.
Download link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/22493212/A119/A119_FW_0805_Beta.zip

Change log:
1. Added: The DOT . as option in customize text/car license number list
2. Improved: Removed the format warning while the files in SD card changed or not set the date/time
3. Improved: Removed setting prompt for language and date/time for first-time use.
4. Improved: Default date time changed to 2016/08/01
5. Improved: Update the menu string text.
6. Changed: Default time-zone is GMT +0
7. Fixed: Screen turned on while motion detected and start recording in screen save mode
8. Fixed: Date/Time stamp display issue in 0724 beta version
9. Fixed: MPH speed error in 0724 beta version
Tested the A119_FW_0805_Beta and it seems the formatting bug is indeed solved. Tried it twice (reading the card with the PC etc...) and it didn't appear. Will keep an eye on it.
Updated to the latest beta firmware. The scrolled text issue seems to be gone. I selected coordinates only and that is all that is shown along with the date/time and A119. The date did not default not 2016/08/01, it was 2016/01/01. The time-zone did default to GMT+0.

Thanks for the update.

Also I am using a PNY High Performance 128GB micro-sd. It is looping properly.
The date did not default not 2016/08/01, it was 2016/01/01.

When I updated the firmware to the latest beta, the date was 2016/01/01. After changing my settings to default, it changed to 2016/08/01.