About autoexec.ash files - for new users

I don't mind your videos in this thread (I like them a lot!), but I suggest you start a new thread about 360 videos, multiple cameras, & panoramas so people can easily find them.
Hi Squeamish, seem not working on my camera. Please help me out
Serial Z221511A3043296 fw 1.2.12
I've tried
writew 0xC05C1EE2 0x4220
writew 0xC05C1EE2 0x41C8
writew 0xC05C1EF2 0x41C8
writew 0xC05C1F02 0x41C8
And it does work.
Thanks alot
... seem not working on my camera ...
writew 0xC05C1EE2 0x4220
That line sets a bitrate of 40 for 1080/60 High quality setting.
writew 0xC05C1EE2 0x41C8
That line sets a bitrate of 25 for 1080/60 High quality setting.
writew 0xC05C1EF2 0x41C8
That line sets a bitrate of 25 for 1080/60 Middle quality setting.
writew 0xC05C1F02 0x41C8
That line sets a bitrate of 25 for 1080/60 Low quality setting.
And it does work
sorry my bad english. It not work. I tried every single of them. And bitrate still 25Mb/s
i want 35 or 50 Mbps

Here are the lines of code for the 35 and 50 Mbps bitrates you want (for FW version 1.2.12 - High Quality setting)
Does not work with FW Version 1.2.13.

# BITRATE 35Mb/s for 1080/60 resolution
writew 0xC05C1EE2 0x420

# BITRATE 50Mb/s for 1080/60 resolutiion
writew 0xC05C1EE2 0x448

Type a # symbol at the beginning of the line you do not want to use, so the camera will ignore the line.
Also, I've attached a .zip of the same code with Unix line endings. You'll have to change the filename to use it in the camera. The 50Mbps line has been commented out with the # symbol in that code. Make changes as you see fit.


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Great thread, thanks for starting it!

I just wanted to ask, which is better; install a custom firmware or use autoexec scripts? I'm on a 1.2.13 22L
Hi Squeamish
Just trying to workout some scripts for 1.2.13, and i hope you might be able to help

I found on a another thread a post that was linked to pjanisio github account

Problem is the table provided for the resolution address does not contain which one is low,normal or high quality

Width Height Fps Default address
6 2304 1296 29.97 4170 0xC05C1EB2
7 2304 1296 29.97 4120 0xC05C1EC2
8 2304 1296 29.97 4100 0xC05C1ED2

bitrate address
18 mbps 0x4190
20 mbps 0x41A0
25 mbps 0x41C8
30 mbps 0x41F0
35 mbps 0x420C
40 mbps 0x4220
45 mbps 0x4234
50 mbps 0x4248

so if i wanted a 2304x1296 High set to 35mbps, it would be

writew ???????????? 0x420C
Hi Squeamish
Just trying to workout some scripts for 1.2.13, and i hope you might be able to help

I found on a another thread a post that was linked to pjanisio github account

Problem is the table provided for the resolution address does not contain which one is low,normal or high quality

Width Height Fps Default address
6 2304 1296 29.97 4170 0xC05C1EB2
7 2304 1296 29.97 4120 0xC05C1EC2
8 2304 1296 29.97 4100 0xC05C1ED2

bitrate address
18 mbps 0x4190
20 mbps 0x41A0
25 mbps 0x41C8
30 mbps 0x41F0
35 mbps 0x420C
40 mbps 0x4220
45 mbps 0x4234
50 mbps 0x4248

so if i wanted a 2304x1296 High set to 35mbps, it would be

writew ???????????? 0x420C

writew 0xC05C1EB2 0x420C
hi, i have firmware 1.2.13 and i have been trying to get 720p @ 30fps. I just cant get it working. I have tried random scripts and these are working. If 720p at 30fps is enabled, does it show in android app too? Cheers

I can change bitrates in existing resolutions/fps whats in app, like 1080 at 30fps i can make bitrate higher and it works, but if i want to enable 720@30fps just nothing happens.
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Can we have a loop?
For HDR timelapse for example.
So made a few pictures with different exposure and then go back
to the start of the script? So loop as long as battery can do.

So now for the Z23L the best official firmware is 1.2.12?
I just updated to 1.2.13, but i read some script will not work,
addresses changed, etc. So as long as they are not discovered,
should i use 1.2.12, right?

Thanks a lot!
hi is there any evidence how i can recognize script is working ? Probably i must test it before and after i quess....by my eyes?

FW is 1.2.13 and i wanted a 2304x1296 High set to 35mbps for autoexec.ash put writew 0xC05C1EB2 0x420C but does not working.

I used Notepad (windows) to edit, for script file (credit holymolywhatever) it's working properly.
#beep testing script
#can be used for all autoexec script at the end to confirm that script has been loaded
#author: holymolywhatever

sleep 1

#long beep
t pwm 1 enable
sleep 1
t pwm 1 disable
anyone have comment or any autoexec.ash for testing.
Thank you.


Cant check the file itself right now, but windows has another line ending format than ambarella requires. You need an editor that allows you to set the line break mode to Unix (like notepad++)
Cant check the file itself right now, but windows has another line ending format than ambarella requires. You need an editor that allows you to set the line break mode to Unix (like notepad++)
Thank you for your info and I'll try again.

Yes, Notepad editor not compatible with Unix script and I've edited by notepad++. Thank you.