[App] AFT 1.3.2 - Ambarella firmware editor (development paused)

Great video! Will hep many guys I guess!
It doesn't matter how you pronounce the name - the accent is great enough :D

Will add a link to it in the first post any also in the "?" > "Help" section in AFT.
Is it the first or second attempt mate so I know for next time please? Potentially neither are right!

My accent is like a box of frogs and is all over the place - I've worked in too many places now so I've picked up bits from all over the UK (and a bit of Dutch when I say smashing!)
Well here in Germany it's pronounced like you said it the second time - but I think thats just language specific.
I forget people are still daft enough to try that - I've added an annotation to the last minute of the video now warning them of the dangers thank-you mate :)
Hi, Tobi@s
I found a bug ...
strings.bin, send it to the post office ...
Good morning z768,
did not receive an email, yet.

Server blocks my program.
If Kaspersky says the presence of virus - do not believe.
Nested gzip.exe can not be a virus.
Hey in passing:
I couldn't load the regular firmware update for Hero3+ Black, however I found a fix..
Re-dump the firmware onto an sdcard by using this autoexec.ash script:

firmfl gen 6 bst bld hal pri rom dsp d:\fwbackup.bin

and you can then load this bin file into AFT. :-)
I was wondering if the following could be an improvement.

In my mini0806 I have chosen in the menu: Auto Exposure Metering for CENTER
CENTER correspondents with this picture:

On the bottom of my screen there is a small part of my dashboard (and reflection) and part of the hood visible .

I thought that maybe the picture quality could improve if I edit the AETable and change the bottom-line to be less sensitive, so filling it with 1's or 0's or something like this:

Could this be the case or have I now proven that I have no idea what I'm talking about :D

Here's an example of my picture (original)
But I was wondering if I could reduce / suppress the reflection a bit and let the black part have less influence on the picture
(here's a full size screenshot)


  • full_size.jpg
    356.5 KB · Views: 35
I've been trying to get a working extract from the Xiaomi Yi camera via firmfl but it just doesn't want to seem to play ball.

If I just extract the standard six sections the file will load into A7Tool:
firmfl gen 6 bst bld hal pri rom dsp fw-8.bin

If I try and extract the LNX partition it comes out and gives a larger file but won't load into A7Tool:
firmfl gen 7 bst bld hal pri rom dsp lnx fw-7.bin

When doing 8 sections (SEC and LNX added) I get a file that is just 1KB off the size of a working firmware but it won't load into A7Tool.
firmfl gen 8 bst bld hal pri sec rom dsp lnx fw-8.bin

Any ideas please?

I've got a copy of all 14 individual partitions as well as a good working firmware (30mbps-firmware.bin) and the good extract (fw-6.bin) and all the others that don't work here:

I'm not sure if it's something to do with the order the parts are extracted in - I've gone off the order firmfl gen specifies them in, ie:

Usage: gen [number of partition] [bst] [bld] [hal] [pba] [pri] [sec] [bak] [rmd] [rom] [dsp] [lnx] [swp] [add] [adc] [filename]
Ex: gen 3 bld pri dsp d:\amboot_kernel_dsp.bin

It looks like the LNX partition is just a UBI based filesystem that you can mount within Linux with mtdtools (I've been trying to do the same with the Lukas camera!!) but I can successfully do this with the extract from the Yi.
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I already faced the same problem in a conversation with @Mtz via email.. He got a SJCAM with latest firmware and wanted to extract it (also has a lnx(which is indeed an ubifs) and sec(ondary) partition) and had the same issues as you. Basically the "bad" exports like fw-8.bin are alright but they are missing header information. I don't know why but it relates to lnx partition. What I can do is creating a firmware update with manually added addresses from the single partitions exports you provided.
Do you have the possibility to recover the camera from a brick?
Ah no mate, I'm not bothered about that one as such - I was just trying to work out how to do a script to generate a backup of the Xiaomi Yi 0.7 firmware - it sounds like an issue with firmfl itself in that case!

I'll get someone to generate the file mate - I wondered if it was me being daft so thanks for having a look :)

Some of the cameras look like they've hardbricked and wiped the bootloaders, some seem to be able to run autoexec.ash but aren't accepting firmwares which is why I'm trying to get a generated copy of 0.7 as that is what they have installed so CRC should match.

They're doing Over the air updates and loads of people are just turning cameras off mid flash and so far no way to get them into DirectUSB (there are no elf files anyway yet either!)
Have you tried the burning cable? (USB pin 4 and 5 linked) Worked on every Amba device I messed around with

The cause of the problem with LNX and SEC could be the fact that they are mounted at the time of backup...