B40 / A118 / AE-CC30 Mounted in your Car. ( Photos )

Hi, I have A118C/B40.
Can anyone tell me, when my camera still recording, is possible create a photos in same time?

I know that I can create photos when set in photo mode, but can I create photo in same time with recording?

No it's easier and more practical to take full resolution screen grabs from the video itself via VLC player or RegistratorViewer
Hi, I have A118C/B40.
Can anyone tell me, when my camera still recording, is possible create a photos in same time?

I know that I can create photos when set in photo mode, but can I create photo in same time with recording?

chipset doesn't support this
But what if I want take photo of traffic delict from my car, but my camera is in recording mode?

Ok, later I can put video in my computer and take print screen from VLC video of my drive with other car in delict, is that picture will be valid for police or they will not take that from me?
why wouldn't they take it? a photo is a photo. and with vlc, you have a better chance of grabbing the correct frame where the license plate is in focus... pressing a button in your car is luck of the draw.
Had a decent day yesterday temperature wise, so took advantage of it and installed the VIOFO A118C cam I bought.

Here are a couple of pics of it installed in a GMC Terrain.

Fitted mine last week in my VW Amarok.very pleased with it apart from the huge cigarette adapter,got a hard wired kit coming.

Working on permanent mounting of the camera. Did a CAD design of front camera, 3D printed all parts and made a mold to make if of a carbon fiber.
Re-soldered capacitors so DVR became thinner. Camera mount will have tilt adjustment and 90 degree pan capability.
Attaching CAD design and a taken apart camera picture:

I will be posting more images as they come..
efoo, yes. It is taken apart A118 camera. The only difference is that capacitors being re-soldered and placed on a sides of the DVR part of the camera.
Here is an update. Installed front cam with temporary power feed. I'll be installing permanent power feed Tomorrow.
That the reason DVR is not horizontal (USB cable touching the rear view mirror. I made a small USB power connectors as shown on the pictures below.


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This is power supplies installed in permanent location. There is a three-way toggle switch for feeding power:
0: No power
1: Power supplied with ignition On
2: Power always supplied


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@FasrCam. - good out of the box thinking. I had similar thoughts over year ago, however only in the camera positioning, not the main unit part you did. I do believe most of users are looking for discrete set-up, but in your case you did hell of a good 3D printing / moulding job and you actually made main unit even more visible then it was being in original shell. The overall "footprint" to outside increased about 3 times which contradicts overall perception what these days people are looking for.
If only I knew 3D CAD as well as you ;)
For your car RVmirror set-up I would place main DVR unit on the thin sunshade strip which runs bwtween car ceiling and RVmirror glass mount.

But of course this is your project, your ideas, your needs. I respect the effort and personalization. Just wanted to give a boost for your future projects due to your good knowledge of 3D and enthusiasm.
Hey Niko!
I agree. The only thing is that wire is too short. If wire would be longer - I'd hide the DVR above the mirror. I barely have enough as is.
The main thing was to make it pan. It helps when you get pulled over.
As for being noticeable - people are not aware in US and therefore car cam is barely noticed, especially by the cops.
Finishing rear cam in a couple of days with pictures.
I got a new car so I figured it was time to retire my trusty old VisionDrive VD-3000 that I've had for about six years now.

The problem is that the A118 is much thicker than the VisionDrive:

It's so thick that it doesn't even fit behind my rearview mirror- though that's probably because I have the mirror raised so much. I could always move the wedge mount up the windshield a couple of inches which would move the mirror farther from the windshield, but I want the lens to be even more discrete from the outside anyway.

I didn't want to 3D print a whole new case, like FasrCam, but I did need to find a better way of mounting it, so I cut up a few pieces of sheet metal to make a new bracket, and milled a piece of delrin to mount the lens so I could mount the A118 sideways on my windshield:

This setup allows me to mount the camera in the dotted area above the mirror:

That's the VisionDrive to the left of the mirror and the A118 to the right. The circle to the upper right of the mirror is the usual angle adjustment knob for the A118 (I only put the knob back on to cover the hole) and the circle to the right of that is the new lens.

Close up of the A118 from a different angle outside:

Sorry for the poor quality, the sun was going down- either there's too much light and glare, or not enough light.

I have since moved the camera inwards more towards the center of the car and down the windshield just a little bit. Here's a screen grab from earlier today:

Obviously, the rear view mirror is visible- you can see my hand on the shifter in the mirror on the video- and there's the dotted area just up in the corner. I figure I need to make a slightly longer bracket to move the lens closer to the window, though I'm not too worried about either the mirror or the dotted area since they're in the corners of the image.

Next steps:
One problem is that the A118 is just slightly visually intrusive from the driver's seat. It doesn't block the mirror, but it's still noticeable because it drops below the dotted area a little bit. Sorry, no photos of that yet. After I put the longer bracket on it, I may be able to move it father out of the way.

My VisionDrive didn't have a screensaver, so I had put in a switch to manually turn off the LCD backlight. Even though the A118 has the one minute screensaver timeout, I might look into putting a switch on its LCD too, just so it's not distracting at all, especially at night.

So why did I get a camera with an LCD in the first place? Oh yeah, just so I could set it up. If the Mobius had a shock sensor, panic button and GPS, I might have used that (actually, I'm trying to figure how to put that facing back).

I might have to dim the status LEDs too. Luckily in this position, they're facing away from me, so that's not a priority yet.

Hard wiring: the colored wires on the back of the rearview mirror stand out a lot in that second picture . I'll cover them or something, and probably add an inline 5v adapter so I don't have even more wires running up my A pillar.

I bought a cheap CPL filter for a camera phone that I hope to put into a fixture that will fit over the delrin lens mount. It's not that large of a filter, so it might clip the edges of the image. We'll see...


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As for being noticeable - people are not aware in US and therefore car cam is barely noticed, especially by the cops.

Yeah, local garage mechanics didn't even notice my huge Panorama X2 when last time I went to change tyres and brake pads. Comparing size with X2, the B40 is an "invisible" dashcam :)
My VisionDrive didn't have a screensaver, so I had put in a switch to manually turn off the LCD backlight. Even though the A118 has the one minute screensaver timeout, I might look into putting a switch on its LCD too, just so it's not distracting at all, especially at night.

So why did I get a camera with an LCD in the first place? Oh yeah, just so I could set it up. If the Mobius had a shock sensor, panic button and GPS, I might have used that (actually, I'm trying to figure how to put that facing back).

I might have to dim the status LEDs too. Luckily in this position, they're facing away from me, so that's not a priority yet.
You can cut the plug off an old broken pair of headphones and plug it into the av out port and the screen will never come on. I darkened my LEDs with a black sharpie.
Rainbows end, is it by any chance a 2016 Civic?
Yes, it is. I was wondering the same about your car, but the extra chrome trim around the vents, the door tweeters, and the angle of the head unit were different enough from my LX that I wasn't sure, and I hadn't taken a close enough look at the higher trim levels.

Did you need to buy a longer flex cable for your lens? Me, I'm at the very limits of the length of mine, so I wouldn't be able to pan just the lens around like I was hoping. But I do have some longer cables on order through eBay coming eventually. I'll want to put a knob or other grip on/under the lens so it'll be easier to move around.

Fortunately, it looks like the empty fuse position I tapped off of for the aftermarket auto dimming rear view mirror is switched, but not interrupted when I start the car. Perfect for the capacitor version of the A118 that I have, so I don't have to worry about it hanging if I start the engine at the wrong moment while it's booting up. Pretty much just dumb luck.

Any ideas for a discreet rear facing camera? I'm thinking a remote lens, but where to mount it? Next to the brake light on the parcel shelf, top of the rear window, waterproofed next to the back up camera, or elsewhere?

ETA: Okay, it looks like you're using the stock flex cable. Since I'm getting ten 200mm cables, would you like one of my extras if they work? I'm slightly worried about the extra cable length, but the Möbius (great, autocorrect added umulats) works fine with an additional 200mm, so I'm relatively confident it'll work if I ordered the correct cable (I think it's 28 pin, but I couldn't count that high :). I also hope to cut down one of my spare cables to 26 pins and see how two 200mm daisy chained cables works on the Möbius.
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