BlackVue Wi-Fi 2-Channel DR550GW-2CH

The new linux kernel that has been compiled has support for exFat which should mean that It will be able to support 64gb (and bigger) sdcards :-)

Are there any plans to change the mode used for the network adapter to something other than AP mode, so that it will be able to connect to a home network/router for transfer of files etc?

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hey guys

any more recent reviews/thoughts on the new blackvue dr550gw ! :p
I understand that the CPU stuggles to process footage at times due to 2 camera system.
front 6, back 2

Can anyone shed some light on what the bitrate for finevu cr500hd is and how it comes to this newer 2013 blackvue model
I understand that the CPU stuggles to process footage at times due to 2 camera system.
front 6, back 2

I think the CPU is capable of better but suspect the limitation has more to do with the WiFi access from a phone and the amount of time larger files would take to process
Well it's not really that hot here in the UK at the moment.. but I wouldn't say that the camera gets excessively hot .. it gets warm but not too bad at all ...

Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk 4
Excellent - I notice they have fixed the Motion Detection in Parking mode issue that i emailed them about!

Has anyone installed the new v1.014 firmware yet?

Any new features / changes ?
hey rich
what was wrong with the parking detection mode?
i've kinda made up my mind, will get this baby over the finevu cr500hd...good idea?

btw do you currently use black magic pro on it? anyone know anywhere to source one less than 50USD?
There was an issue with motion detection where if you set its sensitivity to 0 to disable it .. it diddnt actually disable it but made it very sensitive!
I park in a very busy car park at work and the constant movement keeps the camera recording constantly all day long.. with the motion detection disabled it would only record if the g sensors are triggered due to something actually hitting the car..

I chose the camera over the finevu due to the dual camera setup (which is cool).. only thing that would make this better is if there were to increase the bitrate that It records at, which is why I was asking if anyone had installed the new firmware yet and if any new features have been added (havnt had a chance to install the update yet)..

I do have the power magic pro too that I got with the camera and is a good idea if you plan on leaving the camera to record in parking mode for long periods of time to prevent a flat battery, although the camera doesn't appear to draw much current and I think it would take quite a while to flatten a car battery to the point where the car wouldn't start....

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Just thought I'd say "Hi", I've got one of these DR550's on it's way to me... in fact the very plane it was on flew overhead about 20 minutes ago! so it should be with me on Monday.

Ironically it looks like the very first thing I'll be doing it upgrading the firmware.

From the sample shots I've seen I can't see any particular framerate issues which has been mentioned on here with the dual cam recording? - is it only an issue under certain circumstances?

Looking forward to getting it installed and having a bit of a play. If it turns out to be a good one I'll get a couple more for the other cars :)
I don't have any issues the the "framerate" of this camera but it could be improved by increasing the bitrate that it records at. Under certain situations where there are lots of shadows or details in the video the bit rate is not high enough to capture everything and this results in some pixilation or blockyness in the image.. having said that I am generally happy with the camera and it is good enough for it's intended purpose...

Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk 4
After my experience I've had/having with the DR500 I'll be giving Blackvue a miss, I already have a rear camera with 1080HD that cost only £40 and has none of the issues I've had with the DR500, if only Blackvue backed up their high priced camera with quality image capturing and other issues I would of been happy paying out around £300 I did but as is there are better and cheaper cameras out there to be giving Blackvue any more of my money on iffy cameras, this is obviously only my experience so YMMV
got mine installed over the weekend

only thing is....there's 2 ugly long bubble patches on the 3M sticker to the windscreen which can be seen from the outside.
Is that normal?

I'm thinking of removing it and sticking it on again but it's dam sticky !
It doesn't like being removed and used again Next time do it properly LOL

Or use some 3M Duallock tape get the clear high temp stuff Mine have been n for 2 years with that stuff.

Have even removed it carefully and reused it when had to change rental cars on a holiday in NZ
Yep any of that I haven't got the low profile but it may look better as the ordinary is quite thick just over 5mm when doubled However by looking at those pics I think the stuff I have will grip better

Buy a strip of both and lets know which is best You can buy it from the 3 M warehouse in Yatala Queensland if you live in the area. I bought the high temp stuff as the screen gets pretty hot and so far hasn't fallen off
Well you want news. Caution needed with the firmware update. I installed it and it ran fine for the first few hours. but then when I got home I thought i would look at the angles of the cameras and couldn't get the rear camera on. so I reset the camera and formatted the card in the PC and reinserted. the rear camera came back on for a while but by the time i had connected via WiFi it was gone. I took the card into the house after an hour of turning off and on checking the cables were tight etc.

When I viewed my footage on the pc, (I backed up the files before formatting), I noticed the rear camera had gone off about three hours after the update, and that every time I turned the camera on it came on for a minute. The Rear camera got Very hot even with no power connected to the front camera, and the rear light stayed on for ages. I have had it replaced and will not be updating until I know the software's right.

I sent it back and called the seller who was replacing it under warentee and he said he had had a fair few back where people have updated to firmware 1.014 and the rear cameras died. Mine was the first.

Hope this helps.