
Ignoring the Express article but I treat that with as much respect as I do for racists/xenophobes lets go through your other articles:

GOP senators push for it - that's not queuing up, that's them just saying they would like one. Hey I would like a million pounds doesn't mean I'm going to get it. So no, that's not anything. The second is a statement something from Mike Lee and Tom Cotton both of which have very strong ties to the Tea Party movement who are very anti-establishment and very very free trade. Mike Lee is up for re-election and Tom Cotton seems to have achieved pretty much close to zero in his time in congress.

This is no more proof of 'countries queuing up to trade with us' than me saying Gozilla is about to attack and holding up a DVD poster of Godzilla. Also how long do you think trade deals take? An hour or two? A week? A month? A year? Two years? 5 years? 10 years?

Again you have nothing but a xenophobic racist article and people who have said they want to trade with us but hold ZERO power or sway over the negotiations. As far as I'm aware neither of them sit on any trade committees or have any foreign relations experience or roles.
Bleeping Aztralians!

On a serious note,
The annoyance even with Ca'morron, for even starting this idiocracy (referendum) is big to anyone concerned. Simple educated explanation could have/should have been made vs clown's lies/delusions/game on patriotic feelings ....

Current biggest annoyance is that non elected future leaders are still talking from their horse a$ses, as if they intend or able to negotiate something (anything) out of EU in more advantageous terms, what Ca'morron already had negotiated before referendum.... insult to an injury!
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Racists are racists, they were there before Brexit but now more have made themselves known to the authorities, perhaps not a bad thing and maybe a clean up operation could be the order of the day.

I wanted to remain but only under major reform. Things needed to change and even the EU are now accepting this. We haven't left until Article 50 is invoked and I suspect that May will be PM, hammer out a new deal and come back to the table saying it isn't necessary to leave now.

If that happens then we've suffered a temporary blip in order to secure a better long term future, so that is a result in my eyes and looking further than the end of your nose.

What doesn't help is the constant bashing of the UK. Crap like what the very biased Independent recently published about our GDP slipping behind France based on an incorrect method of determining GDP.

If people have so little faith in useless Britain and think the EU is so amazing as it is then bugger off and live there and stop moaning. The UK will be fine either way, it's a very resilient nation. But I would prefer to stay in, under reform.

The Scottish in particular need to stop whining about being dragged out of the EU against their will. They weren't. The Leave side won by 1.2 million votes. 1.3 million Scots didn't bother their arse to vote. Scotland had the ability to change the result. This constant calling for independence will only create instability.

As for the younger generation whining that they weren't listened to and it's their future etc. Well f##k you. My vote is as equal as yours, that's democracy. What they want is tyranny leading to dictatorship. I have two young children with a longer future than theirs to consider so does that make my vote more important? No.

Whatever happens I think it's important to remember that democracy should supersede anything else and we simply deal with the outcome.
some very good points Dan, most I don’t agree with, thats not to say I’m write or you’re wrong. just that I think different,

I’m sure the fishermen of Grimsby or Hull weren’t too keen on the EEC either in the seventies

yes the pound will /has taken a dive, thats the nature of speculators, and it will also affect me on my summer holidays to Italy,

people voted what they thought fitted in with their thoughts or was best for them DC wen’t begging to the EU for some EU changes that affected the UK, he asked for very little and came back with little, and that was with the EU knowing that we were going to have a referendum and they didn’t sway much, and peoples we have to be in it to be able to make changes, well even with the threat of the referendum they didn’t budge

about the 2005 French and Netherlands referendum and that we were going to get one, till France and Holland said no, you’ll have to google search, it’ll pop up

the minister who didn’t recognise the seven presidents (or the seven top most people in the EU command chain if I have the word president wrong) took place on the Sunday political TV show with Andrew Neil, I can’t remember her name but was a cabinet minister, true 99% of the UK population won’t be able to name many if any of the members of the house of lords, but I’m sure any UK MP will know all the top people in the house of lords, house of commons, and even those MP’s in Hollyrood

she who’s work involves working with the EU would know ONE name out of seven, or who they were or what these seven people did, she didn’t know who they were what they did what they were called and thats from minister who deals with the EU

as you know with in the EU governments are limited to what, how much subsidies they can give,

for some reason, mostly historical and even before the EU southern Italy was not a prosperous part of Italy, and the EU is getting the blame for it from the people of the south, and the new political party in Italy (I think its called five star) it is riding a wave of support right now, of what I’ve heard from news programs is that France and Holland are the most discontented wit the EU, maybe only 50 50 but still high, then I hear in Italy its around 48% who oppose the EU, I’m sure if you do some googling you’ll find the correct answers/numbers

Hungary is right now in the process of having a referendum to see if its people want the quotas of refugees//economical migrants Germany/EU has said Hungary should take in, if I’m not mistaken I hear the czech republic is also thinking about having a referendum on this (but I’m not 100% sure) as for the right wing Polish government they have said no to any/more refugees//economical migrants.

thats the problem when we have Albania or Serbia who also want to be members we here have to subsidise them to get up to the standards the EU sets before entry in to the EU, but if we have someone in Albania working for €2 per hour he/she isn’t going to stay there if they can get €20 - €30 per hour in Germany, France or the UK, and as we the government has no idea just how many people are going to come here next month to settle / live here they can’t exactly make plans for this,

al governments have budget and they could put up VAT or income tax but there is just so much the government can tax before theres no more money

as my command of the English language isn’t as good sit should be, without sitting down and scrutinising what I’ve said and or meant to say this is about as good a reply I can give
In racist- immigrant and xenophobic accusations scenario:
Brexit suporters:
Boozo BoJo- Turk
Farage, apart from absolute clown- German
BSkyB owner- Jew...
Perhaps I am one ("racist"), but I distinguish difference between similar culture and religion migrants from EU and those from outside. One lot benefits economy, tries to adapt the local ways, the other lot is alienating own-self and host nations. Once again- migration, changes on the ground- that is what driven most of Brexit voters, especially elder ones. Once again, idea of momma Merkel destroying EU as what it has been by allowing Turkey in to EU scenario- just no can do!
Scott's, Welsh and Irish- they have had a chance to vote, they voted, but without being aware as what Brexit entitled- perhaps should have done in different numbers and ways. Still, their numbers already indicated where their will stood, but being outnumbered by "grey English" (be it mislead) voter numbers.... not quite democracy, is it?
Practical, economic solutions... there are none! there is NOTHING to negotiate with EU or any reason why they should. Britain already had exclusive deals for trade, own currency and migration rules(refugee quotas) overriding ones set for the rest of EU countries. Since Brexit, there is even less of a nothing to base such "negotiations". Frigid May is only talking about negotiations to public, whilst behind the scenes, she's only making own power shuffling between own peers exclusively. Labour "government" of political figures are "headless chickens", as they where before referendum. Power vacuum?- no, it is lack of actual physical, real humans, that would have decency to come out to tell the truth, be elected and steer the country out of a pit, that it got itself in trusting illiterate monkeys and clowns from runaway circus.
Ignoring the Express article but I treat that with as much respect as I do for racists/xenophobes...
I wonder if the Daily Mail more to your liking?

Last year the Mail revealed how Mr Schulz as European Parliament president has two limousines, two chauffeurs and an entourage of 33 other assistants paid for by the taxpayer.

Mr Schulz, who has been an MEP for 22 years, receives up to 310,000 euros (£265,000) a year in salary and allowances.

The married father-of-two developed an alcohol problem and lost his job as a bookseller after he turned to drinking when a knee injury ended his dream of a football career.
Read more, EU President jobs under pressure following Brexit:
I wonder if the Daily Mail more to your liking?

Read more, EU President jobs under pressure following Brexit:

So you have sent a well known racist/xenophobic newspaper as a link and a newspaper more commonly known as the Daily Fascist.

Not only that is you're basing your argument on sources that are anonymous from a newspaper known to actively campaign against the EU.

I read a multitude of newspapers: Reuters, FT, Guardian, NYTimes, Alzajeera, BBC, Washington Post, and follow stocks and business news very closely. This hasn't been mentioned by any reputable news agency.

Tbf the newspaper you are quoting as a reliable source also has a website dedicated to it that keeps track of everything that according to the Daily Fascist gives you cancer:
Well now the British have said enuff is enuff i am sure the EU will not be schoolgirl angry, if EU do that i am sure it will only look bad on them.

Im sure UK will trade and what not with EU, and if EU dont want the same with the British just cuz the british dont want to do it on EUs terms then EU is a fool.

All this proof to me is that there is a lot of fools in high places in this world we live in, and sadly those can ruin everything possibel even start WW3 cuz its on that leverl of stupid these ppl work :rolleyes:

I hope we Danes can wake up and join the British ppl, the current EU model is unsustainable, and ppl that think somthing is broke should do ther best to fix it.
But like Penny in Big bang theroy some ppl react on the flashing chek engine light, and others just drive on like penny just to find out whats wrong when the engine throw a rod out of its side.

And i think the Check EU light have been flashing for a loooong time.
Germany will never leave, EU is ther last and only chance of ever getting world domination.
And we all know what happned the first 2 times they tried :D
Germany will never leave, EU is ther last and only chance of ever getting world domination.
And we all know what happned the first 2 times they tried :D
I think even with the countries on the list to enter, they are still a little short of matching their last try?

Maybe the cartoon is showing that the next to leave is everyone except Germany ;)
unfortunately that goes for every country, too many people of influence are only interested in what benefits themselves
There is a saying:

"One's own shirt is closer to the body."
I read a multitude of newspapers: Reuters, FT, Guardian, NYTimes, Alzajeera, BBC, Washington Post, and follow stocks and business news very closely. This hasn't been mentioned by any reputable news agency.
I'm a bit surprised that non of your favourite newspapers are carrying some of the most important news, but I guess they have plenty of news to choose from at the moment and are just picking what fits with their wishes.

This is no more proof of 'countries queuing up to trade with us' than me saying Gozilla is about to attack and holding up a DVD poster of Godzilla.
UK Business Secretary Sajid Javid is to hold preliminary trade talks with Indian ministers in Delhi on Friday, to kick off Britain's post-Brexit negotiations with countries outside the European Union.

During the EU referendum campaign Leave supporters said the UK would be able to make quick trade deals with other big economies outside the EU. So far the EU had failed to reach an agreement with India.

The business ministry said there will also be discussions with China, Japan South Korea and the US in the coming months.

Chancellor George Osborne reportedly, met a representative from the Chinese government on Thursday in London.
I'm a bit surprised that non of your favourite newspapers are carrying some of the most important news, but I guess they have plenty of news to choose from at the moment and are just picking what fits with their wishes.
My news is reputable and known, yours are two tabloids known for xenophobia, racism, and anti-EU rhetoric (aka propaganda).

You're mistaking discussions for progress. I'm holding discussions about our next camera doesn't mean there's progress. The problem that there will be is two fold:

1) What can we offer?
2) We're negotiating from such a position of weakness we'll be exploited.

Look at it this way, the EU for years has been trying to hike taxes on cheap Chinese steal that is state subsidised (not allowed in the EU as it's seen as anti-competition) in order to promote EU made steal so it is far more on a level playing field...but guess which country has been blocking that? I'll give you a hint:

It is two words. The first word begins with U the second begins with K.

Lets look at India as well. India essentially wants to take the British service sector and do it cheaply (I'm really paraphrasing a lot here to keep this to the point, but if you want any information/articles on this I'll be happy to send over my old reading list on this subject). So my educated guess about what will happen is that there will be tax breaks that use foreign services instead of UK ones...that's not going to go well.

When you're in a position of weakness don't negotiate. When you have strength negotiate. Nobody knows who the next PM will be, nobody knows when A50 will be activated. Nobody knows what deal we will be trying for with the EU. Nobody knows anything - and as such nobody wants to take a risk unless they get incredible benefits to make it worth their risk.

It's foolish at best to believe negotiating now is good, any country that is interested in only interested for them, we're interested for saving face.

Britain is in a time that no country has ever been in before, so far it seems we have made every mistake we could possibly make and now they're forecasting parity between the USD and GBP unless something drastically changes.

GS and MS have forecasted a drop to 1.115 by the end of the year. You're looking for the positives and of course you can find some, you always can, the problem is the negatives outweigh the positives by such a margin it's depressing.

Years of EU bashing and ignorance has led to this endorsement of ignoring experts and stating xenophobia and racism is acceptable, as a country we should have stood up to this, but we didn't and now we live with the consequences...I just hope when the EU money dries up, and prices are hiked and jobs are lost, the people who voted Leave aren't angry, but accept what they did and that they caused this.