COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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Just to give you all a feel of what is happening ("it's just like a flu) in a Bergamo, Italy, local paper's obituaries.
One month ago (Feb the 9th): 1 page + 1/2
Now (Friday, March the 13th): 10 pages.
Danes are showing their class,,,,,,, by stealing hand sanitizer from the hospitals.

Not that it in any way surprise me, i guess it is one of the reasons i feel better when i an not in Denmark.
Uk to Spain bound flight doing U-turn ad flying back home as Spain declare Virus emergency statusUturn British plane.jpg
I know, but in any other country i can play the happy ignorant card, besides if i was to move there i would personally feel for many years i was not allowed to complaint from a decency / newcomer standpoint.

A plane to Denmark last night from Stansted, it was supposed to take off with 195 people, but only 20 or so made the trip after it was announced before takeoff that Denmark will close its borders today.
Also the many Danes out in the world have a problem getting home now, cuz no airliner are making a Danes only flight to Denmark.

Police and military will be manning the borders here, i do hope that's very little police, like 1 at every crossing, cuz they have plenty to do elsewhere, and lowlife scum are already taking advantage, like ringing door bells at elderly and say they are from the care takers and have to give instructions relating to corona.
Several old people have already been robbed this way :mad:

TBH i would like to see the military in the streets too, not least in areas around the many ghetto areas here, cuz really the police can not go there, i cant either as a white person.
As of now, there is not such a thing as "herd immunity" for coronavirus because with no vaccines and re-infectation (which tougher outcome than first infection) half ot those 60% who got infected will go to hospital and will need ICU for 2 weeks or more.
But herd immunity is typically only viewed as a preventive strategy in vaccination programmes. If we don’t have a vaccine – as we don’t for COVID-19 – achieving herd immunity would require a significant proportion of the population to be infected and recover from COVID-19. So what would this mean for the spread of the disease in the UK?

The percentage of the population that needs to be immune to enable herd immunity depends on how transmissible a disease is. This is measured by the term R0, which is how many new infections each case will generate. For COVID-19, the R0 is estimated to be 3.28, though studies are still ongoing and this number will probably change. This means that for herd immunity, about 70% of the UK population would need to be immune to COVID-19.....

Achieving herd immunity would require well over 47 million people to be infected in the UK. Current estimates are that COVID-19 has a 2.3% case-fatality rate and a 19% rate of severe disease. This means that achieving herd immunity to COVID-19 in the UK could result in the deaths of more a million people with a further eight million severe infections requiring critical care."

Too many people are using a wishful thinking which, up to now, led all of us where we are now.
It does not work.
Numbers are numbers. Doctors will be infected too, the health system will collapse under such strategy.

Thanks Matt, this documents what I've been thinking about "herd immunity" very well. If no other option existed, or for non-fatal diseases, it might have merit- otherwise too many die. I did look into how S.Korea is handling this and their system does seem to be working great, but I can't see it working as well here in the US. We're too mobile and people reject intrusions into our privacy at almost any cost. And then there are the sheer numbers and distances we've got here. If a careless infected person were on an RV tour of the US stopping at every point of interest, before even the most powerful computers could find them by backwards-tracing contacts and locations they would have covered thousands of miles and infected thousands of people. It needn't be a tourist; we've got thousands of salesmen and technicians going all over the place constantly. Only a "stay in your house" type response such as Italy is doing can get the necessary effect here and quite frankly that would be unenforceable unless the Police and Military are allowed to "shoot on sight" anyone they encounter outside. Anything even close to that here will likely result in more chaos than is seen in war zones. American people aren't as civic-minded as most of the world is- far too many truly don't care about each other and see only themselves as having any value. It's a truth which pains me :cry: But so far nothing big has happened with the disease or with Government controls so for me it is still "wait and see".

Locally the Cities near me are postponing and cancelling anything related to public gatherings which are normally done such as meetings and sponsored events. Many private organizations are doing the same. Even Churches are cancelling their services and going online for their people. Americans are now taking this thing seriously and beginning to make the needed decisions to minimize the chances for spreading, so hopefully there won't be a need for government-led lockdowns, but I do expect that there will be quarantine areas set up to hold and treat the infected people should the numbers got so big that hospitals can't handle things. And now our media is directly confronting Trump over his very obvious lie about his dismantling our Pandemic response teams which he claims that someone else did and that he knew nothing about. It's becoming clear to my Nation what has been clear to me for quite some time- we've got a fool or idiot (or both!) steering our Copuntry's path, and now we're all about to pay the price for allowing zealots like him and his counterparts hold power. I hope that we both survive this mess ell and remember to do something about the evil politicians who allowed this to happen to us. Maybe we should return to what was done back in the mid-1700's: at the very least a public tarring-and-feathering of our national-level politicians is in order, for they all knew what was happening and didn't do what they should have to save us :( If the rest of the world sees Americans as idiots I really can't blame them for their perception now.

For the time being we all need to overlook our differences and work together for the good of all of us. This is a world-wide problem and only the world working together can make a difference for any of us. None of us is immune and this isn't going to be the last time something like this happens. I live in hope that we all come through this without great loss, especially of those who we love and care about. And I hope we learn from it that what may seem to be little things can quickly grow into hugely important ones which will affect us all.

Stay safe my friends,
Thanks Matt, this documents what I've been thinking about "herd immunity" very well. If no other option existed, or for non-fatal diseases, it might have merit- otherwise too many die. I did look into how S.Korea is handling this and their system does seem to be working great, but I can't see it working as well here in the US. We're too mobile and people reject intrusions into our privacy at almost any cost. And then there are the sheer numbers and distances we've got here. If a careless infected person were on an RV tour of the US stopping at every point of interest, before even the most powerful computers could find them by backwards-tracing contacts and locations they would have covered thousands of miles and infected thousands of people. It needn't be a tourist; we've got thousands of salesmen and technicians going all over the place constantly. Only a "stay in your house" type response such as Italy is doing can get the necessary effect here and quite frankly that would be unenforceable unless the Police and Military are allowed to "shoot on sight" anyone they encounter outside. Anything even close to that here will likely result in more chaos than is seen in war zones. American people aren't as civic-minded as most of the world is- far too many truly don't care about each other and see only themselves as having any value. It's a truth which pains me :cry: But so far nothing big has happened with the disease or with Government controls so for me it is still "wait and see".

Locally the Cities near me are postponing and cancelling anything related to public gatherings which are normally done such as meetings and sponsored events. Many private organizations are doing the same. Even Churches are cancelling their services and going online for their people. Americans are now taking this thing seriously and beginning to make the needed decisions to minimize the chances for spreading, so hopefully there won't be a need for government-led lockdowns, but I do expect that there will be quarantine areas set up to hold and treat the infected people should the numbers got so big that hospitals can't handle things. And now our media is directly confronting Trump over his very obvious lie about his dismantling our Pandemic response teams which he claims that someone else did and that he knew nothing about. It's becoming clear to my Nation what has been clear to me for quite some time- we've got a fool or idiot (or both!) steering our Copuntry's path, and now we're all about to pay the price for allowing zealots like him and his counterparts hold power. I hope that we both survive this mess ell and remember to do something about the evil politicians who allowed this to happen to us. Maybe we should return to what was done back in the mid-1700's: at the very least a public tarring-and-feathering of our national-level politicians is in order, for they all knew what was happening and didn't do what they should have to save us :( If the rest of the world sees Americans as idiots I really can't blame them for their perception now.

For the time being we all need to overlook our differences and work together for the good of all of us. This is a world-wide problem and only the world working together can make a difference for any of us. None of us is immune and this isn't going to be the last time something like this happens. I live in hope that we all come through this without great loss, especially of those who we love and care about. And I hope we learn from it that what may seem to be little things can quickly grow into hugely important ones which will affect us all.

Stay safe my friends,
Same to you Phil
just give a look at the Trump-load of passengers herding close to each other, getting probably infected ready to board plane and spread more virus to usa

1 meter is considered sort of “safe” distance. Then on the plane, who knows...
We live less than 10km to the North West of Leeds Bradford Airport and it's quite strange the lack of plane noise.

My youngest isn't 2 yet and loves waving at planes and you can see she's wondering why ones not flown over the moors for a while for her to wave at.

Flybe obviously no longer exist and all the local FB groups lit up earlier today as the Jet 2 flight started turning around.

The local newspaper is running a story of a group of women on a hen party who have gone with plan B and gone to Skegness instead after the plane returned them home and it seems many of the returnees are going with plan B.

It's not as though they were just at risk of picking it up at the airport and now they're doing their best to transmit around the UK while pi$$ed out their faces gobbling questionable quality sausages.

Anyway I hope all of you and your families keep as well as possible - we had something in the UK in October time and if that was standard flu it's the worst flu I've ever had and shut the local school after more than 50% of the children were taken ill.
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TBH I haven't looked deeply into what S.Korea and Taiwan are doing. I do know that once the virus gets out into the larger community there's no controlling it which is what has happened in Italy and some other places. It has to be identified and acted on quickly or you lose almost all the chances you have to control anything about it.

It is those who did not plan for something like this who will surffer the worst. And we didn't plan here in America; in fact our current "idiot-in-office" dismantled the planning mechanism for pandemics back in 2018 simply because the previous holder of that position implemented it- politics and hate over what is good for my nation and it's people. And he claims he's not responsible for that.

Sorry, but this is fake news. Ignore the headline and read the article.
A senior administration official said Friday that the NSC's global health security directorate was absorbed into another division where similar responsibilities still exist, but under different titles. The work of coordinating policy and making sure that decisions made by Trump's coronavirus task force are implemented is still the job of the NSC.
As to Trump's supposed "sluggish" response, while the impeachment mess was going on, Trump was already meeting about the COVID-19 virus before it was even news.
"late December" - news of the coronavirus became known internationally by WHO China-
Here's a timeline that shows the US response
1/1 - China shut down the Wuhan "wet market" -
1/12 - China shared a genetic sequence of the virus with other countries -
1/14 - the first case of COVID-19 is discovered in the US - by 1/29 the US had 13 cases nationwide
1/17 - The US begins screening air travel passengers for coronavirus -
1/29 - The White House established the coronavirus task force -
1/31 - The White House banned travel to and from China - (He was strongly criticized for doing that)
1/31 - The White House declared a national health emergency -
2/3 - The US begins quarantining all travelers from China -
2/11 - WHO officially names the Wuhan virus COVID-19 -
3/11 - WHO declares COVID-19 a pandemic -
3/13 - The White House declared a national emergency -
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it will never catch up with my funny picture thread, at least i hope not cuz that would mean this stuff will be a long while, and really from this i want to move on ASAP.
Okay we have our first death, i 81 YO old man already with health problems have died from the virus. :(
Normal flu conditions kill around 1000 Danes every year, just to put things in perspective.

Most Danish border crossings now look like this. ( we only have land crossings to Germany, the other countries i mention you have to sail / fly or cross water on a bridge / tunnel )


A few places will of course be kept open for goods and Danes, problem is if soon Germans don't want us to visit and the Swedes - Norwegians and British too.
As it is now you can still go shopping in Germany and return to Denmark, but if the Germans do like us that's a done deal.
Norway have instigated a 14 day quarantine for anyone coming from Denmark.
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Okay we have our first death, i 81 YO old man already with health problems have died from the virus. :(
Normal flu conditions kill around 1000 Danes every year, just to put things in perspective.
That puts you similar to the death rate in the other Nordic nations, all close to an average of 0.13% deaths per diagnosed infection. And presumably most cases don't get diagnosed, so you have very little to worry about. But why are the Nordic nations doing so well? (Italy is at 6.8%)
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everything is too late.
Deaths and official start slow. Then double overnight (or more). There is not such a thing like putting in the perspective of standard flu,
Doctors who are witnessing it directly say they have never experience such a thing, patients arriving one after the other (even some 20 or 30 years old) with crazy severe pulmonary infections.
Neither of these headlines should offer anyone any comfort.

Italian Doctors Suggest Age-Limit For Healthcare, Guidelines Invoke Wartime Measures

State Dept. 'hauled in' Chinese ambo—then put China 'on notice' for lying to world, blaming America for coronavirus

The actual numbers are much higher, only the most sick get tested and i think the number of tested now are 3500 and 801 are positive, but no doubt a lot more are at home in the bed sweating it out like a ordinary flu.

If you tested each and every Dane right now i think you will get well over 10.000 infected probably more like 30,000, and that's still far from the expected 10% of 600,000 people.
But the numbers are probably only going to go up.

IRan have applied for a emergency IMF loan to fight decease, if they get that it will be the first time in a long long time due to ongoing sanctions against that country.
Spain prepare itself for a lockdown italian style.
Having witnessed same inaction for all other countries, it way too easy to predict that all other countries will follow suit at a later time, unfortunately with a delay (without learning for other mistakes) which will only spread the virus more and resulting in the the lockdown being more severe and less effective.
It will probably be a little harder to get citizens to accept a lock down at a earlier stage, even in China with a pretty "whipped" people there was also a lot of protests when they locked down, and that was with corpses filling the streets.
Nations where citizens have a very strong sense of liberty and freedom and a government that is not that oppressive, such measures are probably harder to make them accept.
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