COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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If you tested each and every Dane right now i think you will get well over 10.000 infected probably more like 30,000,
That puts you 1% of the way to herd immunity, wiping it out, and freedom...
As long as the reaper take the right ones i am good, my stone cold perspective on the world also apply to Denmark and myself.
But i must insist on fate making the choice and not government by poor / lacking response.
I would like a few more years to atone for my bad ways of my youth, i think my karma account are still in the red.
Sorry, but this is fake news. Ignore the headline and read the article.

This is NOT "fake news". In 2018 the Trump administration disbanded the White House’s National Security Council Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense, established under the Obama administration as a result of the Ebola outbreak. The Trump administration also proposed cuts the CDC's budget as well as the Department of Health and Human Services.

If you are going to rant about "fake news" please don't go quoting Fox News who has literally been one of the worst purveyors of ultra partisan disinformation about the corona virus pandemic.

"I ran the White House pandemic office. Trump closed it."

Fox News is spreading Trump's coronavirus lies faster than the disease itself
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Brits have no time for social distancing - we're too busy panic buying and being mean to old ladies

Brits have no time for social distancing - we're too busy panic buying and being mean to old ladies

View attachment 50919

Yikes! So far everyone in my neck of the woods has been pretty civil but many types of items are out of stock and some shelves are bare.
As long as the reaper take the right ones i am good, my stone cold perspective on the world also apply to Denmark and myself.
But i must insist on fate making the choice and not government by poor / lacking response.
I would like a few more years to atone for my bad ways of my youth, i think my karma account are still in the red.
Clearly the secret to survival is to look like this:
But, is the chainmail required as part of the virus protection?
I might have difficulty with that bit...

Of the 76 cases detected in Iceland, none have required hospitalisation; in Norway, only a handful of the 277 cases have been admitted to hospital.

The Nordics have a population that is generally healthy and vaccinated against illnesses; there is also universal health care, not much industrial pollution and not many are smokers, said Oystein Olsvik, a professor of medical microbiology at Tromso University in northern Norway.
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Sorry, but this is fake news. Ignore the headline and read the article.

As to Trump's supposed "sluggish" response, while the impeachment mess was going on, Trump was already meeting about the COVID-19 virus before it was even news.
"late December" - news of the coronavirus became known internationally by WHO China-
Here's a timeline that shows the US response
1/1 - China shut down the Wuhan "wet market" -
1/12 - China shared a genetic sequence of the virus with other countries -
1/14 - the first case of COVID-19 is discovered in the US - by 1/29 the US had 13 cases nationwide
1/17 - The US begins screening air travel passengers for coronavirus -
1/29 - The White House established the coronavirus task force -
1/31 - The White House banned travel to and from China - (He was strongly criticized for doing that)
1/31 - The White House declared a national health emergency -
2/3 - The US begins quarantining all travelers from China -
2/11 - WHO officially names the Wuhan virus COVID-19 -
3/11 - WHO declares COVID-19 a pandemic
3/13 - The White House declared a national emergency -

It's not fake news Paul. Dig deeper because you're not going to believe me or anyone else who tries to tell you what went on. Look at official public records- do not believe what media talking heads on any side tell you. Go find the truth on your own as I did. Here's what Wikipedia has to say and before you go off on a tangent about wikipedia, do yourself a favor and look at the references given. Those are real- not fake. If there's any question of a lack of veracity and honesty happening with this outbreak, it is from the mouth of our disingenuous President who is either a liar or someone who would not know what truth is if it slapped him in the face.

"The Trump administration has come under criticism for its proposed cuts to overall health funding in 2018. Cuts to CDC slashed 80% of its global disease outbreak program,[493][494] forcing the four-year-old program to reduce operations from 49 countries to 10. In its fiscal 2020 budget, the Trump administration proposed eliminating funding for epidemiology and laboratory capacity at state and local levels.[495][496][493] A $30 million Complex Crises Fund had also been cut entirely, which would have allowed the State Department to fund deployment of disease experts in the event of outbreaks.[497] In May 2018, Trump's then-national security advisor John Bolton disbanded a National Security Council global health security team set up to lead the American response to a pandemic.[498]

While the CDC has announced plans to screen people for the coronavirus, only three of the 100 public health labs were reported to be fitted for that role even after delays, which has been attributed to the agency's funding cuts.[499] Trump has been further criticized for proposing further cuts to the CDC and National Institute of Health budgets, pegged at 16% and 10%, respectively. in a released 2021 white paper, seemingly during the midst of the outbreak on 11 February. The proposed budget also called for a $65 million cut to the US' contribution to funding for the WHO.[500]

Credit: Wikipedia Link to Article

The responsibility wasn't "Passed onto" someone else as Trump claims- it was taken from people who were highly qualified to have it and who were being very responsible with it, then given to someone who did not want it and was under-qualified to have it who failed to do their job with it. We went from having a plan and people to having no plan and no qualified people. Prove me wrong Paul, and do that without citing media sources which are always biased. You can't do that because I'm right.

This is not the time to focus on this- we've got bigger issues to deal with now that the disease is here and growing larger by the hour. But when this is over, this should be delved into officially and nationally, and those who were responsible for our awful response to this disease- whoever they may be and from whatever political party they came from- should be branded as traitors to the American people because that's what they truly are.

Yikes! So far everyone in my neck of the woods has been pretty civil but many types of items are out of stock and some shelves are bare.

Same here and I hope it continues. BTW, I didn't get past my small town or go to our one grocery store yet, but I did check a few smaller retailers. Still some TP and paper towels, no disinfectant wipes but liquids can still be found. And I got my blue jeans at an excellent price so I'm good-to-go now :ROFLMAO:

Bugs run at the sight of a burly man, sadly that is not the characteristics for most Danes nowadays. and the ones that do carry that size and temperament, well its often facilitated by steroid use, and so they are probably more susceptible to corona side effects with the things that come with abusing that stuff.
The online groceries here instigated their own MAX limits on some items days ago, cuz that was the first place lazy ass Danes looked up.
I hope those people choke on their hoardings.

BUT note to self, i do need TP soon.

I am not putting 80% alcohol on my hands, not with the pretty much always cracked skin due to my skin condition.

I never touch a banister, and on the door down below there is a button to press to open / unlock the front door, something i have not used before, but i do now, and i can open the door without touching the button or door handle with my hands.

PS: my sister work at a wholesale medical firm, so i am hooked up, she said they got 8 pallets of hand sanitizer yesterday, now they just need to distribute the stuff.
They also have a special drugs department, where you need special clearance to enter as that's where the strong stuff are,,,,, a thing a guy with Somalian heritage new employee did not understand so he stuffed his pockets with Opioids and was among other things fired.
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I hope we can somehow keep this thread on track in a manner that will be helpful and that the discussion can remain civil and interesting. As much as possible let's try to avoid partisan politics, nationalistic boasting or dissing of other countries, tasteless and inappropriate, frivolous jokes and images and especially the posting of questionable information, links, speculations or blaming.

In that spirit I recommend the follow two very worthwhile articles.

How Long Does the Coronavirus Last on Surfaces? - Researchers looked at how long the virus can survive on cardboard, plastic, and stainless steel, as well as after being aerosolized and suspended in midair.

Inside China’s All-Out War on the Coronavirus - During a two-week visit in early February, Dr. Aylward saw how China rapidly suppressed the coronavirus outbreak that had engulfed Wuhan, and was threatening the rest of the country.

I find this glimpse of what the Chinese government achieved to be fascinating in that such a massive mobilization could not likely have been accomplished in any other country but China as it is a wealthy collectivist society living under authoritarian rule.
Still, the organization, planning and cooperation of all involved is instructive.
Perhaps as a healthy democracy and free society South Korea is coming closest despite initially stumbling in the beginning. Time will tell.
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I hope we can somehow keep this thread on track in a manner that will be helpful and that the discussion can remain civil and interesting. As much as possible let's try to avoid partisan politics, nationalistic boasting or dissing of other countries...
Here, here!!! (y)
Same here and I hope it continues. BTW, I didn't get past my small town or go to our one grocery store yet, but I did check a few smaller retailers. Still some TP and paper towels, no disinfectant wipes but liquids can still be found. And I got my blue jeans at an excellent price so I'm good-to-go now :ROFLMAO:

I am still looking for a small town, however with the “wall” it is becoming increasingly difficult ;)
I must admit i am "concerned" about Corona-virus, to not say scared.
But if we look at statistics, this covid-19 means "nothing":

Deaths caused by Coronavirus today: 398
Deaths caused by Seasonal flu today: 1,236
Deaths caused by HIV/AIDS today: 4,278
Deaths caused by cancer today: 20,908
Deaths caused by smoking today: 12,737
Deaths caused by alcohol today: 6,372
Deaths caused by hunger today: 28,533

Toilet paper is available. But the price is ridicilous.

Yes, I flagged this. Hopefully this type of ad and those who post will be removed.

Snap 2020-03-14 at 16.07.04.png
Having never lived through anything like this before, I don't know what to expect, which makes me feel a bit scared to be honest. I'm not too worried about actually catching the virus, since I think there's so many other risks to my health that I don't worry about all of them. I'm more concerned about the practical and logistical issues that result from the world's reaction to this virus.

Thankfully, the UK is not yet in lockdown. I say thankfully, because if it is going to happen, then I don't think I'm ready.

I can't say what 'ready' looks like, but when I start to think about it, I can see why some people are panic-buying. How should I prepare our home, if our kids' schools are closed and I'm off work, and we're only allowed out for occasional food trips, only to find the stores half-empty?
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I was thinking this morning while tossing and turning in my bed for hours ( normal ) what if this became a regular thing every fall/winter/spring.
And what if every year it came back just a little different and maybe even more deadly.

Danes shopping TP
Having never lived through anything like this before, I don't know what to expect, which makes me feel a bit scared to be honest. I'm not too worried about actually catching the virus, since I think there's so many other risks to my health that I don't worry about all of them. I'm more concerned about the practical and logistical issues that result from the world's reaction to this virus.

Thankfully, the UK is not yet in lockdown. I say thankfully, because if it is going to happen, then I don't think I'm ready.

I can't say what 'ready' looks like, but when I start to think about it, I can see why some people are panic-buying. How should I prepare our home, if our kids' schools are closed and I'm off work, and we're only allowed out for occasional food trips, only to find the stores half-empty?

I'm not sure myself, I assume if there is a national emergency then the army will be called to help police areas and provide rations of the essentials?

UK deaths have now doubled, number of new cases is almost double each day - Also they are only doing testing in hospitals now, so number of cases could be much higher than this.
That puts you similar to the death rate in the other Nordic nations, all close to an average of 0.13% deaths per diagnosed infection. And presumably most cases don't get diagnosed, so you have very little to worry about. But why are the Nordic nations doing so well? (Italy is at 6.8%)
Because even viruses hate the cold.
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