COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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Four stage strategy .
Funny as hell, though it also very much appear that it is actually that way our countries are run.
Did you get "Yes Prime Minister" in Denmark? If not then you might enjoy some Youtube watching. Even the EU stuff still makes sense after 40 years!
China chose isolation, no hosts, nowhere for the virus to go, it is inconvenient, it doesn't take forever though
It takes until you have killed off every single copy of the virus everywhere in the world, until then you can't end the isolation or it will just start up again, and in the current situation it would take years and you would never be quite sure if you had waited long enough!
You can't keep the elderly isolated from everyone else forever, the sooner the overall population develops enough immunity for the virus to die out, the safer the elderly will be in the long run. There is no option for killing the virus off completely other than for the population as a whole to develop enough immunity, the only other option for protecting the elderly is to do as Wuhan has and close everything down forever.

Yup, you and Boris are certainly birds of a feather! The world's leading epidemiologists are advising governments all over the globe to do everything possible to slow down the infection rates not speed them up. Aside from saving lives, a slower infection rate will keep medical facilities from becoming overwhelmed. This process has been described by Dr. Anthony Fauci the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases as the need to turn the "peak infection rate 'mountain' into a hump".

COVID-19 cases are spiking in the UK and this chart doesn't include today's numbers which are already about doubled from yesterday.

Good luck with your herd immunity crash plan UK. :(

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What about Emu? Back in the 1990's Australian Emu was heavily promoted as "America’s next red meat". It was touted as tender, healthy and eco-friendly. Now you don't often hear about it or see it offered for sale.

The world's leading epidemiologists are advising governments all over the globe to do everything possible to slow down the infection rates not speed them up. Aside from saving lives, a slower infection rate will keep medical facilities from becoming overwhelmed.
I think the medical community need to buy all the time they can right now
COVID-19 cases are spiking in the UK and this chart doesn't include today's numbers which are already about doubled from yesterday.
Yes, over the last few days we have ramped up the testing rate to over 4x the USA testing rate, even though we are a much smaller country, and that has affected the results in your graph. The infections have not doubled in a day, it is more like 5 days in reality.
Yes, over the last few days we have ramped up the testing rate to over 4x the USA testing rate, even though we are a much smaller country, and that has affected the results in your graph. The infections have not doubled in a day, it is more like 5 days in reality.

You sound like a guy rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. Oh, I see the death rate is up dramatically too! Must be the testing.
As a regular UK citizen it's hard to know what to believe. I suppose we should trust our elected leaders?

I see what other countries are doing and I do wonder why we're not doing the same.
You sound like a guy rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. Oh, I see the death rate is up dramatically too! Must be the testing.
Must be all those elderly infected cruise ship passengers you sent back to us recently!

A British couple have told how their £11,000 cruise from hell on the Grand Princess where 21 passengers caught coronavirus ended with them being airlifted back to the UK on a windowless cargo plane where 'air stewards' wearing hazmat suits served them sandwiches and bottles of water.

Denise and Len McConkey say they and 100 other passengers endured a 'truly terrifying' flight back to the UK - as six passengers with confirmed Covid 19 were on board and kept in a metal box in the cargo hold and they were barked at by cabin crew using a megaphone.

'It was truly terrifying,' said Mrs McConkey. 'We were met at the plane by these federal agents all dressed in hazmat suits. It was like that scene in ET.
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As a regular UK citizen it's hard to know what to believe. I suppose we should trust our elected leaders?

I see what other countries are doing and I do wonder why we're not doing the same.
We should trust our scientists, followed by our medical experts, and since that is exactly what Boris is doing, for now we can trust Boris, even though I wouldn't normally say that about any politician!


Snap 2020-03-09 at 21.39.35.png


Snap 2020-03-13 at 18.39.39.png

Next week I expect every state to have reported cases.
I wonder how many reported cases will be counted before this is over.
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About every two weeks I go to Sam's to pick up consumables; water, toilet paper, kleenex, etc. I went today. The meat coolers were empty. The water aisle was empty. The paper aisle (toilet, towel, and kleenex) was empty. MANY products were completely gone.
The same thing is happening around here, but interestingly, only in the large chain outlets - Sam's, Costco, Kroger, etc., so much so that the empty shelves were featured on newscasts.

Normally we do our weekly shopping on the weekend, mostly out of habit, but decided to go today instead because of the madness. Rather than going to the larger outlets as we normally do we went to a smaller independent store. While they were busier than normal there didn't appear to be any 'panic purchasing' as just about everything normally available still was. The one exception I noticed was in the meat department where select items appeared to be in short supply, but that just may have been a matter of timing and the small butcher staff not being able to keep stock in the display cases.

What IS mind boggling to me is people buying gallons upon gallons upon gallons of water. That's something that's available on demand in every house and, compared to the price of bottled water, is nearly free. :rolleyes:
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Must be all those elderly infected cruise ship passengers you sent back to us recently!

Your arrogance and false sense of superiority about all things British combined with your condescension and outright hostility towards other nations will be your downfall, Nigel.
Yeah we got YPM airing over here too, but only for a couple of years as i recall.

I think someone misunderstood my post on the elderly, i thing elderly that have build this country should have at least 1 person each as a personal servant, they should want for nothing.
And if anyone just hint of bad behavior around a old person i will tear them a new one in a heartbeat, or try at least, cuz i am no spring chick anymore, but on this i will die trying.

Back in the 80 - 90ties we often wrenched on cars along the curb at my friends place, and ever so often this little old lady came walking, and seeing us she changed to the other sidewalk for passing us.
In the end i had enough of that and approached her, and told her that we might look like rascals but she could be very sure no one would behave badly towards a little old lady, and the little old lady lit up in a big smile and after that day she always said hello boys when she passed us, and never again changed sidewalk.
And we was bad boys back then, very bad boys, no doubt about that, but still well mannered bad boys.

I also helped a little old lady at the pharmacy today, the damn "pick a number machine" was acting up for me too, so of course i assisted her in getting her number,,,,, and holding the door as she excited with her stroller.
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Yeah we got YPM airing over here too, but only for a couple of years as i recall.
There are only 16 episodes, keeping the standard up gets difficult fairly quickly.

Always surprised by some of the countries our TV went to, the Yes Prime Minister books got translated into Chinese by the current Chinese Prime Minister's wife!
okay, that's why.
I also think when it aired i was preoccupied with other things.

Chinglish have reached mainland US too
IF ! you plan to travel to Denmark to give me a million dollars cuz i am such a nice guy :)
Well you will have to put those in a bank account to make some interest for a while, cuz from tomorrow at noon ( 9 hours from now ) Denmark are closed on all borders for none Danes.
Only goods will be allowed to pass the border, no planes - no trains - no ships with people in them.
Around 100,000 Danes are still out there in the world on holiday i assume, we need to get them home soon, they have been urged to head home at once.
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Pretty much all schools in California are closed until April. Grade - University. Announcements came out mid day today about grade schools and pandemonium hit. All shops got jammed packed.
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