COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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Not sure if the 'ad' Dashmellow posted isn't a subversive attempt. Even these not-so-bright people wouldn't likely go this public trying to create a more racially balanced picture for Fox News to show. I'd think they'd use an agency to maintain plausible deniability. And Tulsa County spiking right now too just piling on the apparent lack of intelligence we're seeing with these folks :(

I'm sure they'll try to hide the numbers of who gets infected by using HIPPA to keep things private, but if this creates it's own 'hotspot' the people involved might begin speaking out on their own then, which cannot be squelched. If that happens and the numbers are high it will be 'game over' for Trump. Of course he will blame Tulsa because of the case-spiking there, likely even blaming the hotel service workers who are usually minorities. I'm pretty sure those folks are using masks, gloves, and disinfecting well so chances are that they will not be spiking and hopefully the media will spotlight that.

Nursing home infections are probably the most awful aspect of this. Once it gets in the closed confines the people-density pretty much ensures an explosion among the most vulnerable people :cry: The residents in these places have nothing to do but socialize, and if you confine them to their rooms in an effort to control the outbreak you're taking away one of the few joys they have left to hold onto, similar when you restrict their visitors. Whichever way you go these poor folks will suffer greatly. I'm glad that my Mom won't have to experience this now even though my heart still grieves over losing her. She was a very social person and her heart would have broken to see her friends suffering and dying all around her. It's almost too horrible to think of what these people are going through right now even if the disease hasn't hit where they are- just knowing it could and what the results would be is more than I could bear myself.

Nursing homes have just been opened up for visiting family.
Also at midnight the border to Germany was opened, there was a mile long que of German cars wanting to go on holiday in Denmark, it is expected that as many as 16.000 Germans will travel up here on this day #1 of the open borders.

Many Germans have a summer house up here, also it seem many German boat owners have their boat put up up here, but no wonder we Danes are such nice people.
Nursing homes have just been opened up for visiting family.
Nice, but only if they meet outside in the clean air! Otherwise it is a big risk of killing people.

Also at midnight the border to Germany was opened, there was a mile long que of German cars wanting to go on holiday in Denmark, it is expected that as many as 16.000 Germans will travel up here on this day #1 of the open borders.
They have lower virus levels than Denmark, corrected for population, not much to worry about, but as always, keep your distance and don't talk to them for too long.

Could probably open up the whole of Western Europe now, yesterday Italy had most deaths, followed by UK, but as long as everyone is following the rules, holiday homes should be no problem. Can't judge it on the number of reported cases, some countries count far more than others, although that is also true of the deaths!

Looking at what is happening in Australia, there is no point waiting to reach zero cases, that is not going to happen until everybody is vaccinated.
They have been relegated to outside visits for weeks, i think it is under regular circumstances now.

The Swedes are PO that we have not opened our border to them.

In the past week we have had 4 days with no corona deaths
In the past week we have had 4 days with no corona deaths
It is a month since you started having zero death days, you have made almost no progress since then!
The last bit is very hard, especially when you don't have much immunity.
I was at a public office earlier to get my digital ID shi,,,, stuff in order, not more than 8 people allowed inside at the time, and we was like 10 - 12 there and some lady standing in front of the sign in touch screen LCD coughing.
Not sure if the 'ad' Dashmellow posted isn't a subversive attempt. Even these not-so-bright people wouldn't likely go this public trying to create a more racially balanced picture for Fox News to show. I'd think they'd use an agency to maintain plausible deniability.

It is not yet clear if the Craig's List ad for minority actors to attend the rally in Tulsa is authentic but it fits a pattern that has been seen before. The Trump campaign has a long documented history of hiring people to make his rallies appear more well attended than they otherwise would be or to feature "supporters" of different groups and constituencies. This Atlantic Magazine article from 2015 explains it well - "1-800-HIRE-A-CROWD -The business of generating fake enthusiasm, from flash mobs to the campaign trail"

So, you are correct that Trump's campaign committee hires PR and ad agencies to hire paid rally attendees for his events but there is clear evidence that they go to lengths to deny it and hide these activities. The practice is called "Astroturfing" and the hired attendees are sometimes referred to as "meat puppets". "Astroturfing" is a play on the term "grassroots".

When Trump came down the elevator at Trump Tower to announce his 2016 campaign for the presidency virtually all of the "supporters" waiving signs were paid actors. This fact was initially denied by the Trump campaign but they eventually had to admit that it was true after a case was filed with the Federal Electoral Commission and it was revealed that an agency (Gotham Government Relations & Communications) had hired the attendees from another agency (Extra Mile Marketing) that provides paid actors for events. Interestingly, there was a controversy over the fact that Gotham didn't get paid for their work until many months later, thus making their campaign event "technically" appear to be an illegal campaign contribution.

Since then there have been numerous examples of this at Trump rallies. Each time, campaign operatives acting as individuals post messages and ads on Facebook, Craig's list and elsewhere, delete them and repost them. This provides deniability for the Trump campaign organization itself when people encounter these ads on the internet such as we are seeing with the Craig's List ad seeking "enthusiastic" minority actors to hold signs while attending the Tulsa rally.



The Trump campaign apparently stealthily hired minority attendees for a political rally in Phoenix in 2017 using Craig's List ads posted by mysterious operatives.

The "expert" in the following article from The Intellectualist is Alan W. Silberberg, the well known political commentator and cyber security expert.
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Well that bottom picture, the lady in the lower Right corner, look as if she just need to get paid so she can get out of here :)
And the two guys behind her just kill time on Pokemon go
Why would he have to pay people?
Trump tweeted: "Almost One Million people request tickets for the Saturday Night Rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma!,"

So he has plenty of people, including many that would be delighted to stand outside with placards!

Although one million is over twice the population of Tulsa ... could he be lying again?

In the UK he would get thrown out of office:
The seven principles of public life apply to those who hold public office. This includes people who are elected or appointed to public office, nationally and locally. The principles also form the basis of ethical standards expected of holders of public office as set out in their respective Codes of Conduct.

6. Honesty
Holders of public office should be truthful.
Well the yellow man, might probably be as good a president as the orange man.
Maybe take DUFF man as vice president.
Inside the EU now, Belgium and Italy are joining in the manufacture of the Oxford vaccine:

Seems that China is also looking to start manufacturing for supply to China.

The USA has a lack of confidence:
US scientists have been critical of the Oxford team for the claim that they were 80% confident their vaccine would succeed at the beginning of human trials. Dr William Schaffner, an infectious disease expert at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and adviser to the US Government had said he “sat straight up” when he read it.
“We don’t usually see that in public pronouncements,” he said.
“Some of us in the scientific community here in the US have been a little surprised at the sprightly competitiveness of some of the comments from our colleagues at Oxford.”

Dr Paul Offit, of the University of Pennsylvania, also said: “At this point the Oxford researchers have no idea whether they have something or not.”
My molded 'dust mask' gets adjusted with the inside of my elbow as needed since that isn't going to be touching anything else.

I used my one N95 dust mask so much its elastics all broke several times until they are so short the mask is unusable.
Thats actually why when you see the British parliament, they have that golden "bat" like thing at the ready
Thats actually why when you see the British parliament, they have that golden "bat" like thing at the ready
It is called a "Mace", a type of club rather than bat, and it represents the queen, so if you start lying in front of that then you might end up with your head chopped off! Even the Prime Minister has to respect the mace. To avoid trouble, Trump wasn't even allowed into parliament when he visited, although Obama was invited in.

Although it is a ceremonial version of a club, it would not be much use as a weapon, it is only made of gold plated silver.

The real weapon is the sword, although these days some of the security staff are rather lacking in competence in sword use:
I know, i was tailoring to our American friend. :)
I used my one N95 dust mask so much its elastics all broke several times until they are so short the mask is unusable.

Bangood is selling a wide range of face masks, respirators and face shields. When the pandemic first hit their prices were totally outrageous but now they've returned to a more reasonable range. As it happens I ordered some 5 layer KN95 PM2.5 masks from Banggood on May 31st and they just arrived today. Seem to be decent quality but I haven't had time to really check them out thoroughly just yet. They are currently selling them for $15.55 plus $2.70 registered air parcel shipping. That's a decent price considering that I usually keep a supply of 3M N95 (non-medical) respirator masks on hand from the hardware store that are designed for drywall, sanding, dust, mold, microbes and other small particle hazards and they usually sell for more than that per unit, except that they are completely unavailable locally these days. I also bought a pack of surgical style face masks from Banggood but I haven't even looked at them yet. I use those, as I have for years when I'm out on my property running my big mowing equipment. They're also handy if you need to hand one out to somebody like the guy who came over to discuss and work on some machinery who didn't think he needed one until I insisted on it.

So, if you or anyone else happens to be in need of some protective face masks Bangood has them available.

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Trump tweeted: "Almost One Million people request tickets for the Saturday Night Rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma!,"

Although one million is over twice the population of Tulsa ... could he be lying again?
not hard to believe that he would make some claim like that without knowing the population, he doesn't let the truth get in the way of his self promotion
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