COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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Seems to have been a condition of the EU purchase that their Oxford vaccine is made in the EU, so Germany and the Netherlands added to the list for manufacture, or at least manufacture of components:
Soriot said the company will use manufacturing facilities in Germany, Italy and the Netherlands to produce doses of the vaccine for European nations.

And a few more countries taking an interest:
The British-Swedish drugmaker AstraZeneca says it is talking to Brazil, China, Japan, and Russia about supplying the potential novel coronavirus vaccine it developed with scientists from the University of Oxford.

Soriot is expecting 100% successful protection:
Soriot said the company will know for sure by the end of the summer whether its vaccine is 100 percent successful in protecting people from novel coronavirus infection.
Yeah i heard the news about that steroid today, good stuff, though it is no final solution.
Yeah i heard the news about that steroid today, good stuff, though it is no final solution.
I wonder if Trump has ordered stocks of the drug yet, he is going to need some after tripling the number of people going to the suicide rally!

Trump on Monday said the campaign would utilize the convention hall next to the "magnificent stadium" where the rally would be held -- adding 40,000 additional spaces to the roughly 20,000 who can fit in the BOK Center.
I think they still have the stockpile they confiscated from Lance Armstrong,,,,,,,, O wrong steroid,,,,,,, well sorry :LOL:
I think they still have the stockpile they confiscated from Lance Armstrong,,,,,,,, O wrong steroid,,,,,,, well sorry :LOL:
It is on the banned list, but apparently only enhances performance when people are suffering from mountain sickness, and about the only time it has been detected in competition was in Denmark :unsure: :
The virus have been found in mink on a farm here, all the animals will be put down, and the people living / working there isolated.

More cases found at nursing home, now upwards of 30 infected there
Well you can get people tracking and temperature measuring cameras, they are already deployed a lot of places.
I assume Chinese train stations are spammed in them, cuz thats one of the modes of transport out there not affected by current outbreaks.
But okay i assume a camera you have to "pose" in front are a much cheaper solution.

Sweden seem to have suffered a setback with a spike in new cases or was it deaths ( only heard it with what we Danes call "half a ear" )
Sweden are mighty pissed, not only for us Danes not opening our borders to them, but also thru it all Danes have been able to go to Sweden due to their lax approach, and visiting Danes apparently dont give a damn about the Swedish rules and etiquette regarding the virus.
So on this i am totally with out Swedish friends, they should fine the hell out of those people and send them home, maybe with a ban on visiting Sweden for X months.
Everyone walking around is not coughing into their masks.
Here, you are not allowed out in public if you are coughing, so the study is irrelevant!

4 feet apart with masks offers no protection. Does 6 feet apart help?
The risk of being infected decreases with distance, 2 meters gives half the chance of 1 meter.
You should not stick to these absolute numbers, always leave as much distance as possible.

In some cases masks are thought to be worse than no masks, such as when sitting next to someone, if they cough then the mask will direct the droplets towards you instead of them harmlessly going forward.

Also worth noting that eye protection is possibly more effective than masks, it has been shown to be of huge benefit to medical staff, giving an 80% reduction in infections. Glasses do actually stop the virus unlike masks. (I think the 80% requires the use of a medical mask too.)
Sweden seem to have suffered a setback with a spike in new cases or was it deaths ( only heard it with what we Danes call "half a ear" )
No sign of an increase in deaths yet, maybe it is a result of more targeted testing and there will be no increase in deaths?
Or maybe it got into their mink farms and now the mink processing factory staff have all caught it!

I'm amazed how many countries are still farming mink, thought the Dutch had banned it, but apparently it was a future ban for 2024, and they have also had to exterminate 10s of thousands of infected mink!
Copenhagen fur are one of the biggest players on the fur market, girls got to have their fur.

The Swedes got 102 dead in the past 24 hours, banning travle to Denmark, but France / Italy / Spain ASO are fine.
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Copenhagen fur are one of the biggest players on the fur market, girls got to have their fur.
We banned the farming years ago, planning to ban sales after the current Brexit-EU arrangement is over.
The girls can still have their fur, but synthetic fur, not produced through the suffering of animals.
Yeah i dont like it either, seem like one of those "WHY" things in the world.
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