COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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It would be interesting to know why Apple isn't prepared to use the UK's "accurate" distance measurement software in their "secure" system.
same reason they won't accommodate our accurate distance measurement software also, I think a part of it relates to their already poor battery life
The results of all "us versus them" approaches to anything are always bad from PC's to phones to politics. In doing things this way you lose sight of your own goal while you're focused too much on watching what the "other side" is doing :(

Seems that France got upset with Apple too:

France's digital minister Cedric O attacked Apple during an interview on Tuesday, saying the company could have helped France build its contact-tracing app, but chose not to.

"I think it's regrettable at a moment where everyone is mobilizing to fight against the epidemic that a large company, which has never been in a stronger position economically, is not helping a government to fight against the crisis," said O.

"We will remember this when the time comes," O added.

Might have been sensible for Apple to do all the work, get the app working all across the world and show how good their phones are! I imagine a lot of people are going to remember, even without O reminding us, "when the time comes".
Thursday saw 150.000 new corona cases worldwide, that's the #2 highest daily jump since this all started, so,,,,, it aint over yet.
Thursday saw 150.000 new corona cases worldwide, that's the #2 highest daily jump since this all started, so,,,,, it aint over yet.
Still mainly in the Americas with Brazil and Mexico joining Southern USA at the top, although India is starting to join in.

I see that Denmark's total death rate is returning up to normal after 6 weeks of less deaths than an average year.
In UK we have just gone below average but still heading down quite fast.
Kids from a kindergarden was sent home today, unsure if it was a kid or a parent that had tested positive, but the place got shut down at once.
Here is another statistic that has resulted from covid-19.
Bailout money does not just magically appear.
The USA is now officially at the gdp to debt level of the piigs when they had a bondholder revolt and had to cut services.

Snap 2020-06-20 at 13.49.38.png
The DNA of the covid found in the nursing home / schools / kindergarden / mink farms / dogs / people in northern jutland are unlike the DNA seen in the rest of the country or to our knowlege the world, it do seem to be a less agressive type, just one on the nursing home have died last night.
in the EU Denmark and a few other countries are against the planned bailout of EU countries which for decades have been riding the bare minimum limits, so like bailing Greece out it now seem like we have to bail out several Southern countries too.
And we are not talking loans those countries pay back, pretty much just billions rained down upon them, and then the rest of us pay for that ( again )
I am sort of hoping this will reset the EU project back to what it was, and away from what they try to make it into ( the country EU ) really the system now we should have learned from our American friends that it have its own drawbacks with semi autonomous rule in countries / states.

But of course Putin and others would rejoice in that, but there should still be means to shut that up.

Due diligence should be honored in economics i think, anything else promote anarchy.
it do seem to be a less agressive type, just one on the nursing home have died last night.
If that is correct, then you should go and catch that one, since then you will probably be immune to the dangerous one!

I doubt it is correct though... maybe it is because you have started using "wonder drug" Dexamethasone?

"We had some senior doctors writing to us saying, 'You really shouldn't be doing this,' and that dampening down the immune system in patients trying to fight an infection was probably not a wise thing to do,"

The results were greeted with some scepticism in the USA, where several experts said they would only accept them once all the data had been published and peer reviewed.
I see that Trump with his super duper weapons has run into trouble in the new virus hotspot:

Six members of the Trump campaign’s advance team in Tulsa ahead of Saturday’s rally have tested positive for coronavirus, NBC News is reporting.


This was written a year ago,
Donald Trump has done a few good things.

To be clear, he’s done mostly bad ones. He’s more personally corrupt than Chester A. Arthur, more surrounded by criminals than Ulysses S. Grant, and more shamelessly duplicitous than Richard Nixon. I believe the only reason we have not seen a national catastrophe costing tens of thousands of lives is due to sheer luck and the incredible incompetence that wafts from the White House like the lingering odor of reheated Big Macs.
Not a good sign if it's a new type, but there's every hope that it will be a less potent mutation and do less harm as it seems to be right now.

I'm all for proper clinical trials as you all well know, but in situations like this speed is necessary, so as long as safety testing is adequate, then at least a limited release is in order. Probably with a warning to those in gestation that they should wait till the trials are completed before they join in. In that span of time there should be enough evidence of effectiveness fouind to decide which way to go from there.

Anyone who does not yet see through Trump's facades probably never will, and I'm done spending my time trying to save the un-saveable. Perhaps they will all succumb to the full and true answers of the questions they have asked for all together, and quickly too. I'm just sorry that they're taking so many innocent people with them :(

I'm done spending my time trying to save the un-saveable. Perhaps they will all succumb to the full and true answers of the questions they have asked for all together, and quickly too. I'm just sorry that they're taking so many innocent people with them :(
Seems to be the same with most religions, not many go as far as Waco, but if Trump is re-elected then that is how the rest of the world will see USA. The above image along with the certainty of deaths to come reminds me of Waco.
Is that a RPG grenade on the muzzle of his machine gun :p

We can also add another mink farm to the tally, so now 10% of Danish mink farms will get tested ( that's about 120 mink farms )

I like to think i have already had it too, but like EBOLA and HANTA that shi,,,,, stuff dont work on me :giggle:
As far as i know, none of the sick on the nursing home have been so bad off it requieres hospital treatment, so probably just bad timing on a guy that already had both feet in the coffin and just needed to lay down and stop breathing.
Is that a RPG grenade on the muzzle of his machine gun :p
No, it is the plasma beam focuser on his Space Force weapon, you should have seen something similar before (although this is a wide angle close combat version):

The DNA of the covid found in the nursing home / schools / kindergarden / mink farms / dogs / people in northern jutland are unlike the DNA seen in the rest of the country or to our knowlege the world, it do seem to be a less agressive type, just one on the nursing home have died last night.

I posted last March in this thread that at least two different strains of COVID-19 had been detected with one being demonstrably more infectious than the other. At this point at least 30 strains may have been identified.

There could be as many as 30 different strains of coronavirus, a study of patients in China has claimed.
Well the Waco folks were shall we say unbalanced, but the response to that was even more unbalanced and blown totally out of proportion intentionally, as the Government expected to emerge looking like Heroes the next day, which didn't happen o_O Ditto for Jonesville, Ruby Ridge, Kamisayeh, and a whole laundry list of other places, things, and times :( And now we have a man who attempts similar things wanting to use similar means while expecting entirely different results. Clever, isn't it?

I expected mutations, but 30 strains already? Wow, that floors me. Really.

Seem like it is just minute differences in the DNA of the thing, but yeah probably also some strains of it, covid - 19 are just one member of a family not normally this aggressive.
Though as i recall SARS are also family.
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