COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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Seem like it is just minute differences in the DNA of the thing, but yeah probably also some strains of it, covid - 19 are just one member of a family not normally this aggressive.
Though as i recall SARS are also family.
Yes, viruses don't have male and female to allow evolution, so to evolve they must have a few mutations in every replication. Although they can also steal DNA out of the host's cells which sort of does give a male-female type evolution, most of the DNA in this virus is actually human DNA or DNA of human ancestors, mixed with some bat DNA. One scientist worked out from the mutations that it entered bats from humans 35 years ago and has now returned.
Funny thing :rolleyes:

In the 2017 / 18 flu season, the vaccine for the northern hemisphere was based on the flu on the southern hemisphere, but on the way up here it changed so the vaccine was more or less useless in Denmark at least.
So that season 1644 Danes died from the regular flu.
So far 600 Danes have died from Corona.
That should be 600 minus the number that have not died because the lockdown has reduced the amount of flu.
Like I said above, you have had less deaths than normal for the last 6 weeks even with the covid.
A serious protest when you have 2 Baby Trump balloons in the same place, they seem to have become the UK's most popular export!
Wonder if they still annoy him as much as the first outing in London?
We got one of those balloons to Denmark too, but then Trump cancelled so i dont think it got to fly here.
He must have had real high hops snagging up Greenland since he cancelled that fast, or maybe our PM did actually strait talk to him, this is just a surprise to us Danes as the commie ( female dog ) just run her mouth to the Danes.
Socialists they sure do like to throw other peoples money around.
And Social Democrat as our PM is, that got to be one of the longest lasting jokes in the world.

I am wondering how they are going to move them around with all that spaghetti in the air.
I am wondering how they are going to move them around with all that spaghetti in the air.
Yes, I was wondering that, they were designed to fly along with the march, chasing Trump around London, but Tulsa looks like:
(I like the name Bunker Baby!)

A serious protest when you have 2 Baby Trump balloons in the same place, they seem to have become the UK's most popular export!
Wonder if they still annoy him as much as the first outing in London?

I believe the Trump balloon was likely inspired by Algie, the famous Pink Floyd pig balloon which was another popular UK export.


Haha now there was the right place to fly a pig balloon

Animals did however never do much for me and i dont understand how they could make Wish you was here and Dark side of the moon before that album,,,, and then immediately follow up with The wall

I have never seen a Eddie the Monster balloon, i think we need Eddie back.

Maybe there is a Eddie version of those tube man thingies
No mention of the inspiration in the story , seems to have been expertly designed to annoy Trump, I guess by a cartoonist who knew how to emphasise the character quirks, such a great design that the Museum of London has bought the original.
Maybe a balloon version of the " big kneeling kid" that is permanent on display at the art museum in my birth town.

No mention of the inspiration in the story , seems to have been expertly designed to annoy Trump, I guess by a cartoonist who knew how to emphasise the character quirks, such a great design that the Museum of London has bought the original.

Does Trump Baby balloon remind you of the flying pig on Pink Floyd’s album “Animals”? That’s not a coincidence…
Pink Floyd’s album cover creator, Aubrey Powell reveals in an exclusive interview on Issue vol.8 the behind the scenes of this foolish yet political image.

London, July 2018
"During Donald Trump’s controversial visit London last week, a 20 feet tall balloon of Trump, depicted as an angry child, took flight over UK Houses of Parliament. With a mobile phone on his hand and wearing a diaper, the blimp accompanied a crowd of two thousand protestants flying at 98 feet high. Leo Murray, the British activist who organized its flight, said that the inflatable Trump represents the image of a president who acts like a spoilt baby, yelling and insulting anytime he doesn’t get the desired toy. Not surprisingly, the balloon has gone viral through social media making the US President feel very unwelcome in the UK’s capital. What surprised many, instead, was discovering that it carries out a tribute to Pink Floyd’s political activism…"
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They have both been used for anti-Trump protests, but I've not seen a direct connection.

They have both been used for anti-Trump protests, but I've not seen a direct connection.

Of course not Nigel, you wouldn't, despite direct commentary from the creators. :rolleyes:

In any event, you certainly don't seem to strike me as a Pink Floyd fan who could possibly understand their cultural significance.
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I would not be surprised i some guy sneezed on a bat 35 years ago, and now it coma back to bite us in the ass. :giggle:
It is sort of the same argument GMO protesters and other go about when we start to tweak genomes on something, " sure you have tested, and it is just a little mod, but what if"
Hell just breeding create havoc, and you can just look at what that have done for dogs, with most of the popular breeds have a range of potential issues they might run into.
As i understand it the popular dog breeds all have at least 3 things that might get to be problematic, and 4 or 5 if it is a really bad breed.

It ( mutation ) created us too, and sure the human eye are a lot better than the first eyes in things, but it is still a pretty flawed eye, needing our brain to do a lot of extrapolating,,,,,, which might be a good thing as that might have spurred on the development of our brain.
Not too many Americans understand the political machinations in the "Animals" album. It's one of my favorites from them. As I understand it, the original "Algie" was lost to a gust of wind shortly after the album's cover pic was made at Battersea, the coal-fired powerplant was part of what they were protesting against. If the music wasn't hugely successful here at least the cover pic was :) Got to see them on their "Division Bell" tour, one of my life's dreams come true :love:

While we're on music, the WW2 English musical sweetheart Vera Lynn passed away a few days ago at 103. Pink Floyd gave her a mention on "The Wall" album :(

I don't know what to expect from the people in Tulsa. Oklahoman's can be a rough and rowdy sort at times with many being well described as "rednecks". If there is any protester/anti-protester violence it could turn into a bloodbath. I'm sure that's being considered and preventative precautions being taken, but it can still begin and happen till it's gotten under control.

Trump arrives home, MAGA cap in hand, after the 1 million fake attendance turns into an actual 6000:

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