COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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They managed to do it in Dharavi, where it was least expected. A Herculean task but probably not impossible to replicate in other cities and states.

It's possible anywhere as long as enough money, resources, and dedication are devoted to the effort. The problem is that one of those three is usually lacking. The US has all it needs to do better except the dedication to the cause, which is currently being blocked by politics. If the people here push hard enough together we can overcome that- I just don't expect that based on the past :(

Well we all know better than to believe anything Trump says. And there's quite a bit of evidence that masks do work, but that takes specific conditions such as their use being universal and that they be used correctly. One infected person not using a mask will be spreading the virus wherever they go and your own mask wearing only parttially protects you from that. Better than doing nothing which is what Trump wants people to do.
Doesn't appear to be true, most people only infect others within their own home, and that can only happen while there is someone left at home to be infected, even then it is not certain to happen. Spreading within the home isn't really a problem, it doesn't allow the epidemic to continue for long.

There are a few situations well known for spreading virus such as meat packing plants, but you can only infect the entire production line once, so they don't keep the epidemic going for long either.

The spread that causes the epidemic to expand is from the super-spreading events, which appear to be caused by a very small number of people, maybe 1 in 50, in a small number of situations. Stop those events and the epidemic will die out. This is what the USA is currently failing to do while others have been succeeding. Above all, everybody needs to limit the number of strangers (infrequent contacts) they have contact with, the exact opposite of Trump's church visit. As soon as that R is below 1.0 the epidemic will die out, R will drop below 1.0 very quickly if nobody has contact with people outside their family, it will still drop below 1.0 reasonably quickly if contacts are limited to family and regular work colleagues. Closing down bars, theatres, music events, religious events, participation in sports is far more important than wearing masks.

Social distancing and frequent hand-washing are still the most important self-protection techniques, and that hes been fairly well proven.
An extra meter distance is roughly the equivalent of properly wearing a mask, is roughly equivalent to halving the contact time, is roughly equivalent to wearing glasses, is roughly equivalent to not touching your face, and hand washing can help too.

They should all add up to help, however wearing the mask tends to result in reduced distances, frequent touching of the face (mask), extended contact time, reduced hand washing, and masks are frequently not worn/removed/disposed of correctly.

Of course developing and producing a vaccine will have more effect than any of those measures, haven't heard much from the USA about successes on that topic either.
In Tokyo, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga told a press conference, "The government is firmly working on securing the necessary vaccines for Japan." Given the expected surge in demand, concerns remain that supplies of foreign vaccines may be limited and not available to people in Japan.

AstraZeneca, which is seen as among the leaders in the race to develop the world's first vaccine against the coronavirus, has said it is committed to offer access to the vaccine at no profit during the pandemic and is boosting production. It said it will start commercial supply of the AZD1222 vaccine, currently under late-stage clinical trials, from September.
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I see the USA, while setting record new case figures, has a shortage of Dexamethasone, and the manufacturers don't seem to have much in their stockpiles either, limiting orders to the size of past orders. Should have stocked up with it a few weeks ago instead of stocking up with huge amounts of the deadly Hydroxychloroquine ;) I'm still wondering how the UK Dexamethasone stockpile came to grow recently to contain more doses than we have people, almost as though we could see into the future :unsure:

This is a graph of excess deaths for Europe, including Sweden, Norway and all the countries of the UK.

Apparently this last week covid-19 has saved 1,385 lives, and while it seems unlikely we will get back to zero by the end of the year, it does look quite possible that Europe will have less deaths in 2020 than in 2018!


For Denmark, while the excess deaths from the 2018 flu are easy to spot, covid-19 is hardly visible, they appear to already have less deaths than normal:


In the USA, Trump is concentrating on saving the lives of the statues, so the vice president has taken over the coronavirus, and it turns out that he is even worse than Trump! , Trump also set out his plans for after his reelection: :panda:
well it seem like BLM have spurred on a hysteria of political correctness here, and the lefties are eating it up.

As if we Danes are soft enough, hell our new big gun,,,, well its a collaboration with the French,,,, people which we have had a pretty dark history with when we have sided with them.

As if we Danes are soft enough, hell our new big gun,,,, well its a collaboration with the French,,,, people which we have had a pretty dark history with when we have sided with them.

What are you going to use it for? Can it reach over the water to Sweden? Or maybe it is for moving your southern border further south?

Could you not have fitted it with an automatic magazine feed instead of having to put each shell on the loader manually?

Youtube responded by giving me a link to a new video explaining that the auto loader for the Mosquito 57mm anti-submarine gun is based on a cigarette machine, maybe you could fit something similar:

And the background on it, including someone who has used it:
It can shoot to Sweden just fine, but Sweden have their own big gun named Archer, and it have a 2 X fire-rate , plus if they need more they can just make them.
The Days of us Danes messing with the Swedes are long gone, we would get steamrolled if we tried, so nowadays we only play tough when we are with the other boys in the gang we joined.

but Sweden have their own big gun named Archer, and it have a 2 X fire-rate , plus if they need more they can just make them.
That looks better, but I'm still not sure what use it is in an age of drones and cruise missiles launched from nuclear submarines, with the bad guys now concentrating on developing hypersonic missiles.

In the UK, our latest strategic defense weapon looks like this:



The world class centre that will give the UK sovereign resilience and a global platform in the fight against Covid and many other diseases besides.

The Vaccines Manufacturing and Innovation Centre, a not-for-profit organisation established to provide the UK’s first strategic vaccine development and advanced manufacturing capability, has signed its first industry partnership agreement with gene and cell therapy group Oxford Biomedica plc. The centre will also serve as an emergency response capability for the UK government in order to produce vaccines against emerging infectious diseases and deliberate/accidental release of biological agents.

Look better than that black cube in Maryland.
Danes no longer have a want to defend them self, but we will give our lives and economical welfare to save you, even if you are the most miserable SOB which we have little in common with.
It is pretty sad. :cry:

I Say Danish lives & culture matter,,,,,,, before anything else that matter too.
That looks better, but I'm still not sure what use it is in an age of drones and cruise missiles launched from nuclear submarines, with the bad guys now concentrating on developing hypersonic missiles.

Sounds like the way the US military thought during the 'cold war'. When we got ourselves involved with conventional non-nuclear conflicts we discovered that we were ill-prepared to deal with those.

In modern warfare airpower wins the battles and renders the territory yours- this includes airplanes, missiles, and any weaponry delivered from above versus from ground level. But airpower cannot hold the territory it gains once that battle ends- "boots on the ground" are the only way to do that. So you have to prepare for both and maintain the correct balance between these two aspects in preparing. Yet even in conventional warfare you have to maintain air superiority throughout the conflict or your opponent will take advantage of that to destroy your ground forces from a distance where you cannot reach them to mitigate the threat. And nowadays there is a universal plenitude of relatively cheap airpower weapons which can destroy an unarmored ground or sea target with a single hit, which renders conventional field artillery and ships so vulnerable as to make them essentially useless unless you can otherwise fully protect them somehow.

So as impressive as these field guns may seem, they aren't likely to get off more than a few shots (if any) before they are taken out. Even with the vast resources available to the 3 main super-powers, none can afford to maintain a battle or war for long while incurring these kinds of losses, and no power of a lesser ability can do anywhere near this well. Wars are now decided even before the first shot is fired based on who has the economic means to longest sustain it, and with how well their preparations are to meeting the type of war that is being fought. Smaller nations would do well to take the Swiss approach, where every citizen is a ground soldier and the goal is not to take territory but to keep your enemy out of your territory. The strategy works well and maintains their peace because to take that nation would incur losses far beyond the value of anything which might be gained in doing that. And this is the most economical effective approach there is, as well as being the most successful way there is to keep from having to fight a war, which is always the best way to win.

Yeah shoot and scoot only work against a low level enemy, a higher tier one will counter that with precision / targeting munitions from planes or land / sea.
But i get the idea of them being self propelled for us Danes as we do not have heavy lift helicopters to ferry in M 777 Howitzers, which do the same except scoot and at a lower price.

And of course now we dont go to war without our friends in the gang, and they will pave the way for us, or with us cuz we do have good fighter pilots too over here, and they will soon be flying state of the art planes ( well thats what the seller tell us anyway )
Hell even our measly navy see action too, as soon as they asked we sent a frigate to fight pirates, and i also think they have acted as proximity guards for US carriers.

And if you take Afghanistan, and factor in population size, well then we had dead and killed soldiers over there in numbers matching the best ones,,,,,,, or is that worst ones when you have casualties ? the best ones have to be those with no casualties.
There is a 4 part Danish Doku on Afghanistan with English subs on youtube, it is called my war Danish Afghanistan documentary
Look better than that black cube in Maryland.
I've not managed to work out what black cube you are referring to?

The doughnut shaped building in my image above is our Diamond Light Source, used to "photograph" the atomic structure of covid-19 using x-ray light that outshines the Sun by a factor of 10 billion:

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Ahh, the UK equivalent, and the home of James Bond:

No, that's incorrect. James Bond worked for Her Majesty's Secret Service, aka MI6.

MI6 is more the equivalent of the CIA in the US and they often work closely together.

The Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) in the UK is really more the counterpart to the NSA in the US.
The Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) in the UK...
Nobody really knows what goes on in there, except that they won WWII for us by decrypting the German Enigma radio messages and they invented the padlock at the top of our web browsers which keeps the whole world's data and bank accounts secure through their Public Key Encryption algorithm, maybe the most important and timely invention of the computer age, of course they also built the very first electronic programmable computer!

And they are another doughnut!
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Well, as far as James Bond was concerned the GCHQ is basically involved in signals intelligence (SIGINT) as is the NSA.

MI6 and the CIA tend to use agents like Bond for on the ground covert activities, among other activities.

No one knows what really goes on at the NSA either, especially at their massive new
data center complex in Utah, where they allegedly store exabytes or perhaps zettabytes of data!

Well, we should really thank Alan Turing for that, for his work at Bletchley Park, and for all his other accomplishments.
Turing worked for GCHQ, then known as the Government Code and Cypher School, Bletchley Park was shared between them and MI6.
Turing worked for GCHQ, then known as the Government Code and Cypher School, Bletchley Park was shared between them and MI6.

"During the Second World War, Turing was a leading participant in the breaking of German ciphers at Bletchley Park."

Yes, Bletchley Park, like I said. ;)
Trump's vice president has taken over dealing with the coronavirus, and has decided that masks are a good idea, in fact they give 100% protection and are all that is needed, they will save USA from covid-19. Of course during his visit to the megachurch, the megachoir doesn't need to wear them while singing at max volume:

The vice president teaching the USA how to avoid a covid-19 disaster:
:eek: o_O:oops:

On a day when the USA daily new cases figure is 11,000 higher than any other country, 34,000 higher than the 4th place country and over 40,000 higher than any EU country, maybe they have got something wrong?
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