COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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A new pestilence record today with 1353 new infected out of 73.710 tested in the past day.
Best news is the pestilence have now taken out 8 ministers here including the PM, ( 5 infected - 3 maybe / isolated ) so less people to do serious evil in the days to come.
I think by next week the number of tested people here will be as many as there is Danes, though i do think some get tested pretty often, okay i dont know many people here but only 2 of them have been tested.

It is always the other guys thats to blame :sneaky::)
Cases in Delhi and other states are rising, 6,725 positive out of almost 60,000 tests in the past 24 hours (Delhi). State elections and the festive season is messing things up.

Seeing shocking videos from election rallies and some market areas. Zero social distancing. Looks like pre Covid-19 videos. :(
Typhoid Mary, and now Corona Trump.

I wonder if he will spend the rest of his life locked up in a asylum too :unsure:
There is a legitimate question regarding the accuracy of the tests being done.
This article is from 2 weeks ago but the science has not changed.

I would consider it hard to document a possible increase from a event like a rally, but Stanford material i am also not, and while i do like to argue a wizz kid, then i can not do it on math.
Here you can now get private tests and get a RPLY in 15 minutes, but these fast tests can be as bad as false 6 out of 10 times, and they are noot approved say for documentation for you traveling some place that need a corona test.

There is a legitimate question regarding the accuracy of the tests being done.
This article is from 2 weeks ago but the science has not changed.

Questions about accuracy of testing may be one thing but how many actual people need to die of COVID before quackery and the promotion of whacky conspiracy theories finally get thrown in the trash bin? Currently 230,893 confirmed US deaths since January 21, 2020. False positives do not kill people!
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Questions about accuracy of testing may be one thing but how many actual people need to die of COVID before quackery and the promotion of whacky conspiracy theories finally get thrown in the trash bin? Currently 230,893 confirmed US deaths since January 21, 2020. False positives do not kill people!
How many of those deaths are died with covid instead of died from it?
Was the diagnosis based on flawed test procedures?
I have no idea.
How many of those deaths are died with covid instead of died from it?
Was the diagnosis based on flawed test procedures?
I have no idea.

You may have no idea @country_hick, but the doctors, scientists, researchers, epidemiologists and medical examiners do.

For some reason, time and time again on this forum you put forth various right wing conspiracy theories, the last time being a litany of climate change denial allegations that turned out to be demonstrably false and were connected to right wing and far-right wing political operatives, think tanks and PACs funded by the fossil fuel industry and other vested interests.

This time you are basically parroting a QAnon conspiracy theory posted on Twitter, based on an incorrect understanding of the morbidity statistics that has been picked up and exploited by right wing conservatives as a political tool, even more so after it was retweeted by President Donald Trump. It started with a tweet from a follower of QAnon who misinterpreted the statistic to mean that only 6 percent of those deaths were “actually” from COVID.

Twitter later removed the tweet and told the Washington Post it violated the site’s policies about coronavirus misinformation. But the claims are still making their way around the internet—and they play well with previous coronavirus conspiracy theories, like the incorrect claim that hospitals purposely inflate their reports of coronavirus patients or that public health departments are inflating COVID-19 deaths.

I really wish you would engage in some critical thinking and due diligence before you buy into this kind of stuff, country_hick.

Do you really believe that thousands of the world's leading medical professionals, doctors, scientists, virologists, epidemiologists, healthcare workers, universities, medical examiners and coroners are engaged in some sort of wild coordinated conspiracy to convince everyone that 1,223,252 people to date have died since January from a global COVID-19 pandemic when they are really dying from some other unrelated maladies? To what end exactly?

COVID-19 is a new, complex disease that is more than just respiratory, in particular it is vascular and systemically highly inflammatory. Most people are dying of pneumonias and respiratory failure but many people hospitalized with COVID are dying of all sorts of comorbidities brought on by the virus itself, including sepsis, blood clots, strokes, heart attacks and other organ failures. The nearest analogue is when people with cancer technically die of multiple organ failure, not directly from their tumors, per se. There are many such examples in medicine where the actual cause of death was not the specific disease diagnosis but were ultimately caused by the various physical effects of a particular disease which might manifest differently in different patients. Also, people with pre-exisitng comorbidities are dying after they contract COVID-19 but these patients were otherwise not at any imminent risk of death until they came down with COVID.

Why not read some good, intelligent journalism and find out exactly what this "theory" that people are dying "with" COVID-19 rather than from COVID-19 is really all about?

No, 94 Percent of COVID-19 Deaths Were Not Caused by Something Else

The CDC's 6% COVID-19 Deaths Stat Is Causing Confusion on Social Media—Here Are the Facts

SNOPES: - Did CDC ‘Quietly Update’ COVID-19 Deaths To Say Only 6% Are Legitimate? - FALSE -
A rumor downplaying the seriousness of the deadly virus was promoted by a group of people that included U.S. President Donald Trump

Twitter deletes claim minimizing coronavirus death toll, which Trump retweeted

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According to a right now going press briefing, we Danes might have a covid "20" going here, after mutation in mink farms, so right now ALL mink in Denmark will get killed ASAP, actually it might wery well be the end of breeding mink in Denmark.
WHO and so on have of course been notified.
According to a right now going press briefing, we Danes might have a covid "20" going here, after mutation in mink farms, so right now ALL mink in Denmark will get killed ASAP, actually it might wery well be the end of breeding mink in Denmark.
WHO and so on have of course been notified.
Yeah, it's happening in other countries as well. Hadn't heard about COVID-20 though, but there have been reports of cononavirus mutations for months.

I often see wild mink on my property in winter time. They are really beautiful animals. Not surprised their pelts are so prized.

Coronavirus could drive the last nail into the mink fur trade


Scientific American: (May 19, 2020) How COVID-19 Deaths Are Counted

Assigning a cause of death is never straightforward, but data on excess deaths suggest coronavirus death tolls are likely an underestimate

"For COVID-19, the immediate cause of death might be listed as respiratory distress, with the second line reading “due to COVID-19.” Contributing factors such as heart disease, diabetes or high blood pressure would then be listed further down. This has led to some confusion by people arguing that the “real” cause of death was heart disease or diabetes, Aiken said, but that’s not the case."

“Without the COVID19 being the last straw or the thing that led to the chain of events that led to death, they probably wouldn’t have died,” she said.

“The challenge is knowing who died of COVID-19 versus who died with the virus that causes COVID-19,” Faust told Live Science.

"Meanwhile, as the political debate over the response to the virus heats up, some have argued that death reports are being deliberately skewed. Aiken rejected the notion of a vast conspiracy by medical examiners; medical examiners are designed to be independent entities, she said, and they run the political gamut from conservative to liberal."

“It always cracks me up,” she said. “Medical examiners and coroners aren’t organized enough to have a conspiracy.”
Well it was just a name a journalist used, our CDC said it is not up to us to name it or verify it, they did say in the north of Jutland around 8% of all cases are with this mutation from mink.

Yeah on the fur, here it is about a 3 billion DKkr/ yr trade, but not anymore.

Well it was just a name a journalist used, our CDC said it is not up to us to name it or verify it, they did say in the north of Jutland around 8% of all cases are with this mutation from mink.

Yeah on the fur, here it is about a 3 billion DKkr/ yr trade, but not anymore.


Those are gruesome, sad photos. Not quite sure how I feel about raising animals just for their pelts in the modern era.

Last winter one mink would come up on my deck and play around in the snow just outside the glass door so I got to observe him close up. Usually they are pretty furtive in the wild. I got to feel kind of attached to the animal.
Yeah it is a bit messed up.
Okay for people to dress in something animal is fair, but then i think it should be leather from all the cows we eat, the mink just go to rich people so the wife / GF can flaunt it.

It have also happened often here treehuggers raid mink farms and let them all out,,,,,, which are just catastrophic for the Danish nature where they are not native, and even then most of them die of starvation.

Last night a assumed German wolf slaughtered 8 sheep down in south Jutland, just maimed / killed them, no evidence of it feeding.
Yeah it is a bit messed up.
Okay for people to dress in something animal is fair, but then i think it should be leather from all the cows we eat, the mink just go to rich people so the wife / GF can flaunt it.

It have also happened often here treehuggers raid mink farms and let them all out,,,,,, which are just catastrophic for the Danish nature where they are not native, and even then most of them die of starvation.

Last night a assumed German wolf slaughtered 8 sheep down in south Jutland, just maimed / killed them, no evidence of it feeding.
This is a bit off topic, but that's never stopped us before! :happy:

For some years now I've been fascinated with the developing technology to grow meat in the laboratory with bio-engineering. SHMEAT. (meat on a sheet) This is an offshoot of the technology being used to grow human organs in the laboratory.

Shmeat: It’s What’s for Dinner

One company I've followed is called Modern Meadow, which was founded by the scientist son of a doctor involved in the development of bio-engineered artificial organs. His plan was to use the same technology to grow meat cells in the laboratory for the creation of artificial meats products like burgers and steaks. The idea is that meat protein can be grown with little to no cost to the environment in terms of fossil fuel carbon emissions or the need for resource intensive feed or vast acreage, or animal slaughter.


At some point the company abandoned the whole idea for meat production and switched to developing lab grown organic materials, in particular artificial leather. After watching this develop all these years, it is starting to gain traction in the marketplace.

The Future of Leather is Growing in a NJ Lab - No Animals Needed.

The vegan leather brewed in a lab

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This article is from 2 weeks ago but the science has not changed.
If you want accurate, look at the excess death figures, they tell a very different story, but still not a good one:
For some years now I've been fascinated with the developing technology to grow meat in the laboratory with bio-engineering. SHMEAT
This will lead to the extinction of cows, much better to have cows living happy but short lives than to exterminate the species, there are no wild cows anymore to take their place.
This will lead to the extinction of cows, much better to have cows living happy but short lives than to exterminate the species, there are no wild cows anymore to take their place.

Good Lord! What a bizarre alarmist notion!

Nobody is interested in the extinction of cows, just a dramatic reduction of their numbers for meat production and less harm to the environment. They will still be used for world wide dairy production.

Edit: There will no doubt still be some meat produced by cattle for some time to come, if not forever.

Come to think of it cows are a widely prized by many African tribes as a source of wealth and for their many uses, including the production of dung. This will likely remain so for a very long time.
Cows will also likely remain sacred in India. But in the scheme of things this is negligible and not at all like agribusiness which is the real environmental culprit in regard to beef production both for the destruction of forests and vast increases in methane emissions.
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