COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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Coronavirus vs climate change, which is the worst threat?

'We will not fight climate change with a virus': UN chief warns both climate and coronavirus emergencies 'must be defeated'

The world may be on the cusp of a global pandemic, but the scale of the climate crisis presents a greater long term threat and political and business leaders should not be "diverted away from climate action" as they seek to contain the worsening outbreak.

That was the stark warning issued yesterday by the UN as it published the annual World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) Statement on the State of the Global Climate, confirming that a record-breaking year of weather extremes in 2019 contributed directly to "rising hunger, displacement and loss of life".

Speaking at the launch of the report yesterday, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres rejected suggestions the escalating coronavirus outbreak could provide a silver lining for the climate in the form of lower greenhouse gas emissions this year.

"We will not fight climate change with a virus," he said, adding that both emergencies "require a determined response - both must be defeated".

Writing in the foreword to the report, UN chief António Guterres warned that the world is currently “way off track meeting either the 1.5°C or 2°C targets that the Paris Agreement calls for”, referring to the commitment made by the international community in 2015,
O man if only corona went in the gonads and ovaries and sterilized many people,,,,,, that would be so good for just about anything in this world.
3-4 billion people are plenty.
Hehe yeah so far here some military barracks have been instructed to make room available if need be, but no M.A.S.H tent units are planned for just yet.
Ours are not quite the same as M.A.S.H, as in the TV series!

"The hospital is a clean zone, kept uncontaminated by the use of airlocks. "
"It can be shipped anywhere in the world on five days notice and erected again, in just five days. "


Video (big enough to get lost in if you don't have a satnav!):
Yes forward medical care have come a long way, still many in WW 1 and 2 survived a visit to one of those just fine, which are pretty amazing.
We also have plenty of room in the barracks, the Danish armed forces have been severely downsized too since i was eligible to go there, but was dropped like i was hot.
The army / navy today are just a place to work and sharpen your elbows for a career in politics.
Also as news lately have testified to, plenty of corruption - thievery and nepotism going on with the people working there too, so after that they are dressed well for a career in politics.

I think Danish soldiers in Afghanistan at least went to a British field hospital too.
That graph could have been drawn by Trump!
It hides the orange and grey ones on this graph:


Nothing in this chart is being "hidden"!

As you did yesterday when you disingenuously tried to equate a sudden spike in reported US COVID-19 cases where the response to the pandemic is just ramping up against a dramatic reduction in China where infection rates have been dropping by 100's per day as a result of draconian government social intervention, you again are attempting to mislead with this chart. Of course, to date the US has slightly over 1100 cases recorded against almost 81,000 in China.

The "US Public Health Labs"noted in your chart is a subsidiary of the CDC comprised of labs from many sectors which together make up the backbone of the Laboratory Response Network.

The LRN is an association of labs from all over the country and beyond:
  • Federal—These are labs at CDC, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and other facilities run by federal agencies.
  • State and local public health—These labs are run by state and local departments of health. In addition to being able to test for biothreat agents, a few LRN public health labs are able to measure human exposure to toxic chemicals through tests on clinical specimens.
  • Military—Department of Defense laboratories are operated both within the United States and abroad.
  • Food testing—The LRN includes FDA and USDA labs, and others that are responsible for ensuring the safety of the food supply.
  • Environmental—These are labs that are capable of testing water and other environmental samples.
  • Veterinary—Some LRN labs, such as those run by USDA, are responsible for animal testing. Some diseases can be shared by humans and animals, and animals often provide the first sign of disease outbreak.
  • International—The LRN has several international partners who provide various levels of testing capabilities.
The chart you posted shows collection dates of specimen tests. The orange bars are interim data compared with previously logged, confirmed and correlated CDC data. Nothing in this chart is being "hidden". The US is a huge diverse country with many interrelated but independent entities, such that information will become public, even if it takes longer than it should. The orange bars simply show that specimen testing is ramping up rapidly and dramatically, as it should.

To illustrate what the chart is showing, the US state I live in currently has one known case of COVID-19. It was reported today that the case was confirmed via testing at a local hospital where the patient is in isolation but the "official" CDC results for the same specimen have not come back yet. So, the results from local testing in Vermont would be reflected in the orange bars before it is seen in the blue bars.

That said, the CDC appears to be under pressure from the Trump administration to minimize the data shown on their web site and elsewhere. Certain data, such as the current number of USA deaths has been removed. This is unprecedented and is already a subject of congressional scrutiny.

The fact is that this is a fast moving situation that is changing by the hour all across the globe. Spikes in all statistics will become common, Nigel, including in the UK which is experiencing it's own spike in reported COVID-19 cases as we speak.
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While scientists are trying to share facts about the epidemic, the administration either blocks those facts or restates them with contradictions. Transmission rates and death rates are not measurements that can be changed with will and an extroverted presentation. The administration has repeatedly said—as it did last week—that virus spread in the United States is contained, when it is clear from genomic evidence that community spread is occurring in Washington state and beyond. That kind of distortion and denial is dangerous and almost certainly contributed to the federal government’s sluggish response. After 3 years of debating whether the words of this administration matter, the words are now clearly a matter of life and death.

And although the steps required to produce a vaccine could possibly be made more efficient, many of them depend on biological and chemical processes that are essential. So the president might just as well have said, “Do me a favor, hurry up that warp drive.”...
Link to the full text:
That said, the CDC appears to be under pressure from the Trump administration to minimize the data shown on their web site and elsewhere. Certain data, such as the current number of USA deaths has been removed. This is unprecedented and is already a subject of congressional scrutiny.
I'm not sure why you would say that. News about the virus is on their homepage, and the links from there take you to the death count (among other things.)

One thing that has become obvious is that the higher mortality rates in some areas of the world are at least in part associated with the lack of testing. 80% of people who contract the virus are asymptomatic and therefore much less likely to be tested. South Korea, for example, where extensive testing has been ongoing, has a 0.6% mortality rate, while the US rate is 5% because many fewer people are being tested. A clear example of this is the Diamond Princess Cruise Ship, where 454 ( cases have been reported out of 3705 passengers and crew. for a 12.2% infection rate. So far, 6 have died ( for a 1.3% mortality rate. The virus is deadly, but primarily to elderly people with underlying health conditions. Below 50 years of age, the mortality rate is extremely low. "And deaths were at least five times more common among people with diabetes, high blood pressure or heart or breathing problems."

My wife has diabetes, high blood pressure AND breathing problems, so she is at extremely high risk for death if she contracts the virus. Most people are not.
Uuuuuu Danes in for a rude awakening, it is now recommended that bars and places like that close.

The DK numbers tonight are now 512 infected 2 in critical condition, it is said Denmark are now the EU country with the fastest increase in infected people.
Parliament expect to pass emergency laws tomorrow, so far it have all been down to voluntary stuff and recommendation.

From Friday : all public employees in non critical jobs are sent home.
Hospitals and nursing homes are expected to implement strict visitor rules.
From Monday all schools and daycare centres are closed.
Libraries and so on will also close.
Attendants on all educational institutions are also sent home as of now.

Sound like this is Denmark over and out.

Next week i will probably not be here to pester you all with my humour and intelligence. :LOL:

Looking forward to see what emergency laws will be passed tomorrow, and how they expect a very understaffed and already overburdened police force are going to enforce that.
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One thing that has become obvious is that the higher mortality rates in some areas of the world are at least in part associated with the lack of testing.
Most of the mortality rates are currently completely out because people who die normally do so in a few days, while people who survive are only declared survivors after a few weeks, so where the infection rate has only recently started increasing, there are hardly any survivors yet but significant deaths, the numbers won't become correct until things have been steady for a few weeks, which is going to be a long time in the future for most places.
Gotta be very vigilant about that Wife Paul, i also told my mother the slightest ill feel and you hit that alarm call to the care people.
After her aneurysms in the brain my mom have been on s slew of pills, some probably also blood related, it will just take a whisper of this to send her to the grave i am sure.
My father are also in a bad way he be wise to stay clear of this, and for that the chance are good as he are no longer able to get down the stairs from his 3 floor apartment,,,,, my sister are his care taker, he have no from the elderly care running...... IF you can call a 5 - 10 minute visit every week as running.
The UK is not far behind, we had our biggest rise in a single day, now at 460 cases, obviously thats not the whole story as testing varies from countries.

It doesn't seem like they are going to be introducing any stricter measures just yet, although they will be discussing an emergency bill tommorow
People only get tested here if the show symptoms and call a doctor, and it is barely they have test kits enough for that, you cant just go in on a hunch.
And no doubt there are Danish people out there thinking, this flu i can shake just like any one before it, and not live to regret it.
And the immigrants and what ever you will call them, well they don't do the infidel hospitals much as it is.
The UK is not far behind, we had our biggest rise in a single day, now at 460 cases, obviously thats not the whole story as testing varies from countries.

It doesn't seem like they are going to be introducing any stricter measures just yet, although they will be discussing an emergency bill tommorow
Remarkably few considering our strong links to China, I would have expected our numbers to be ahead of most, but currently they are still going up linearly, still on the 2nd round of infections, so I don't expect extra measures for a while yet.

We may see a lower rate of increase than most due to our low smoking rate:
Number of cigarettes smoked per person per year.
I'm not sure why you would say that. News about the virus is on their homepage, and the links from there take you to the death count (among other things.)

I don't have time for a thorough response to your post at the moment and I want to take to time to explore the links you posted but I wanted to reply to your first comment which I quote above.

For about a week now, the CDC has been under scrutiny for apparently changing the way they report COVID-19 data as well as removing certain data points or making them harder to access. The CDC COVID -19 pages seem to be in flux and are sometimes changing several times daily. Perhaps (edit: apparently) that data has been returned to the site? When I first read about this someone on Twitter had posted side by side screen shots of the CDC page and the changes and omissions were readily apparent.

This article from "The Hill" describes the basic story so far.
Democratic lawmaker calls out CDC for removing data on number of Americans tested for corona virus

The article from March 3rd includes the following statement:

"By Monday, (3/10) the CDC stopped disseminating figures on the number of people tested and the death toll."

I'll try to follow up later or tomorrow but in the meantime I just want to say that I sincerely hope your wife will be safe.
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Now is a good time to play hermit.

The count are now up to 615 here ( +100 from last night numbers ) and i assume you can add 100 more to that when we get new numbers later in the day.
If this don't get contained, Danish hospitals will only be able to cope with half of the projected patients,,,,,, i guess the rest will just be driven to the recycling yard, or maybe fed to the pigs we have so many off here.
If they manage to contain it as they hope, the hospitals will just be able to cope.

I have little fate in their projections or hopes, incompetence is a hallmark of Danish government.
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