COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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Looks like we are going to have some bright blue clear skies soon, similar to 9/11, most of the aeroplanes over the Atlantic are currently heading in one direction!
interesting read.
Numbers of critical care beds corrected for size of populationsituaion in Eu a, bit old
keep in mind these are National Average, E.g. in Italy ICU in the Northern regions (where the outbreak happened) are like twice per capita than those in the south.
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Maybe we can see more UFOs then.

My M8 are in pain soon too, on his way in right now to have 17 teeth removed in one go ( i assume that are his last teeth ),,,,, and he too will be driving home after that not in a intoxicated state.
Yes there will be a shortage of hospital beds here i recon, also lack of floor space at hospitals to put those beds if we had them in the first place.
I do hope this will be a awake up call for Danes that for years have been okay with downsizing of hospitals and other public functions, im in for a swift little revolution after this, and it can be any way they will have it.
To me this situation are really not a surprise at all, though i did not expect it of course, but if you had asked me 6 months ago what if something like this happen ? then i am sure i would pretty much outline exactly what happen and will be happening soon.

I don't know what they do with all the money Danes pay in taxes,,,,,, which are a lot.

Also hope companies following the JIT way of production get a wake up call ( JIT are short for Just In Time ) Meaning you get your parts from sub contractors 24 hours at the earliest before you need them for your products,,,,, which any sane person can say leave 0 room for mistakes, not least since having parts sitting in storage are also banned in modern production and manufacturing.

My last company freaked out when they found they had 3 mill DKKr worth of parts sitting on shelves,,,,,,, and so it should and must be when you are a company claiming to be able to do custom solutions for your customers with a days notice.
Cuz you cant make new axles, have them hanrdned and grinded and put together in a transmission in 24 hours, so you need some of those parts on the shelves so all you have to do is assemble the transmission, which can be done in a day + shipping.
O and the company, still have 3 mill DKkr of parts in store, kind of have to or they are like any other factory making transmissions " send us your specs and we will have tour transmission for you in a few weeks"
Maybe we can see more UFOs then.
Might help, although we still have aircraft flying here, we are not an EU country!

Interesting to see the shape of the EU under Trump's ban, I was wondering how he got to 26 countries, I didn't expect Iceland and Switzerland to be included, while Ireland has joined the UK, outside the Trump ban:

As for the high Danish infection rate, well it means that your country will be clear of the virus sooner than the rest of us!
Hehe yeah, we will burn thru this bug like we burn thru our tax money.
It will me like a hot knife to butter.

As a wise man once said.
Might help, although we still have aircraft flying here, we are not an EU country!

Interesting to see the shape of the EU under Trump's ban, I was wondering how he got to 26 countries, I didn't expect Iceland and Switzerland to be included, while Ireland has joined the UK, outside the Trump ban:

There are 26 countries in the Schengen Area, I though it was just the Schengen area included in the ban?
There are 26 countries in the Schengen Area, I though it was just the Schengen area included in the ban?
Trump said all travel from "Europe", and "not apply to the United Kingdom", "including the tremendous amount of trade and cargo".

But even though he was obviously reading a pre-prepared statement on a teleprompt, he still didn't get it accurate!

Yes, it appears that it is only the Schengen area, and without the cargo ban.
Trump, he is the presidential version of punkbuster. :) ( a game anti cheat service that i think never really worked )
Trump, he is the presidential version of punkbuster. :) ( a game anti cheat service that i think never really worked )

I imagine Trump is probably treated like a child in the White House, everything dangerous kept out reach in case he starts World War 3 or something
I imagine Trump is probably treated like a child in the White House, everything dangerous kept out reach in case he starts World War 3 or something
They are going to have to pre-record future "presidential address to the nation"s so that they can check them before broadcast!
I imagine Trump is probably treated like a child in the White House, everything dangerous kept out reach in case he starts World War 3 or something
Thing about imagination, it's usually based on and filtered through third party so-called 'information' and ones own biases.
after boring and gloomy data & stats, a bit of fun.
Babylon BEE.jpg
I think so, just hard for me to point fingers at other countries, though i personally love when others slam my home country, other people can get very offended.
And it is hard some times cuz really for Danes nothing is sacred with it come to getting a good laugh at someone else's expense.
Trump, he is the presidential version of punkbuster. :) ( a game anti cheat service that i think never really worked )
So now we know what was actually on the teleprompt he was reading from o_O

Five mistakes in Trump's speech
1) "We will be suspending all travel from Europe to the United States for the next 30 days."

The restriction applies only to foreigners who've been in Schengen zone within the last 14 days - not American citizens, permanent residents, or their immediate family.

2) "These prohibitions will apply to the tremendous amount of trade and cargo, but various other things as we get approval."

As Mr Trump was forced to clarify soon after his speech, "the restriction stops people not goods".

3) Health insurers "have agreed to waive all co-payments for coronavirus treatments".

Co-payments - the cost that falls on insured patients for treatments - will only be waived for coronavirus testing, according to the lobby group America's Health Insurance Plans.

4) "We have been in frequent contact with our allies."

European leaders said the US acted "without consultation"

5) "Testing and testing capabilities are expanding rapidly, day by day. We are moving very quickly."

On Thursday, the top US official on infectious diseases, Anthony Fauci, said that Americans cannot get tests for the virus easily and that the country's testing system is currently not meeting demand.
So now we know what was actually on the teleprompt he was reading from o_O


5) "Testing and testing capabilities are expanding rapidly, day by day. We are moving very quickly."

On Thursday, the top US official on infectious diseases, Anthony Fauci, said that Americans cannot get tests for the virus easily and that the country's testing system is currently not meeting demand.

Tests performed on March the 10th: 8 (eight)

The main influx here of the damn stuff seem to come from people being down south skiing, as many as 139 might have infected down there and then went home
Even the crown prince are suspending his ski holiday in Switzerland, and already now they probably given him the bug too just like the damn Aussies ;) gave Tom Hanks the bug.
The Danish numbers are now up to 674 infected / 2 have healed, but those numbers are as of 17:00 today, should be higher before the day is over.

One MP have been infected, so that's good with a little empathy for the suffering Danish plebs.
Tests performed on March the 10th: 8 (eight)

UK has just ramped up testing to 10,000 per day.
That 8 can't be right, must be sending them in for analysis using a 7 day delivery, so that the graphs always show things getting better over the last week... UK has just started work on a 10 minute test (no need to send it in for analysis).

Boris developing the 10 minute test kit:
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Bill Gates is donating $50M to the effort, focusing on creating and distributing D-I-Y testing kits (y) The test in use is by far the most certain, but there are other faster simpler tests that will detect Covid-19; the problem being that they also show positives for some other virus types :( Those would make for a good "triage" system where from those results you could at least eliminate the people not affected, so that the limited number of good Covid-19 tests could be put to best use ;)

It's pretty clear that the US government's response to this crisis is being totally screwed up by politics and politicians. We all should remember that when this mess is over, and then do whatever it takes to get all of that scum out of our nation or at least remove their ability to manipulate all the things which are critical to the public good :cautious: If like me you truly want to see our Country be great again then never forget that it was our current political system (both sides of it) which caused us to lose that status :cry:

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