COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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I see some are even experimenting with DIY respirators.

The emergency monetary funds here have been released, not least to help BIG,,,,,,,,, and small companies.

Still i think people should remember, cuz this thing, well it have been forewarned for many many years,,,,, and it could be much much worse, there are deceases with a much higher death rate than this.
So have your elect people done enough, or are they just doing damage control now, i think we should reflect on this and use that next time we go voting or confront our candidates to what ever office.
Here in my end i tend to feel the people in control are always doing damage control, real substantial permanent good changes they never seem to do not even in a relaxed political environment as that will most likely cost voters, and these people think voters before they think anything else.
Here in my end i tend to feel the people in control are always doing damage control, real substantial permanent good changes they never seem to do
A result of your voting system! If we had a proportional voting system like you then we could never have had Brexit, it simply wouldn't have got passed the politicians. With our non-proportional system, Boris with his single political party has a majority of 80 in parliament and can do almost anything he likes without bothering to get support from other parties, after the people decided him enough votes to sort Brexit out. I think your system is probably better than USA though, where they get actors and TV reality show hosts to run the country!
It's being reactive instead of proactive. Which is being utterly stupid when you can clearly know there's a risk ahead, even if you can't see it right now. And I don't think it has much to do `with our voting system, but more of what our voters have become like :( And more of what has happened with our politicians too. Nobody is "for" anything anymore except in their words, but only against whatever the "other" party and it's people are doing. You can't get a positive outcome from a negative approach :cautious: We've got nobody worth voting for because we've constantly voted in the wrong kinds of people who have manipulated things to the point where nobody else can be elected to any major political office :cry: If Jesus and the Pope ran as a team (in either order) for our President and Vice-President, they could not be elected as independents; they'd have to affiliate with one side or the other which would cost them about half of the support they should have and would have gotten. Even Trump with all his money had to do this; those of us who pay attention will remember that he started his campaign as an Independant.

You can see all of this in noting that Trump dismantled our pandemic response system more because Obama created it than in it not having a real value to our nation. All Trump saw was money being spent without an immediate payoff of some kind showing. This after we've seen SARS and MERS and our medical experts telling us those were only the beginning of what would likely come. Which has left us with no possible response except to react with the inherent delays, wastes, and confusion that are always inherent in such an approach :mad: The costs this time won't be monetary but rather in human lives that might have been saved which to me is totally unforgivable :devilish:

You can see all of this in noting that Trump dismantled...
I think your system must be worse then Denmarks. Trump appears to be free to dismantle stuff, but when he tried to build something, the wall, he was blocked, even though it was an election promise and voted for by the nation. At least in Denmark he would be blocked from both dismantling and construction! Here when Boris wanted sign off Brexit, or order 4000 zero carbon busses, no problem, doesn't even need all his own party on side.
No political system is perfect, and no type would be suitable for every place. Ours can (well once could) function well and keep excesses at bay, but it's gone too far past the point of being repairable due to politicians not having good intent. It seems you like Boris, but i must also see that there has to be people who don't, and they should also have a means of resisting any of his actions. And of course the reverse is true when "the other" party is in power. There really should not be any political parties, but rather only good people with good intent discussing everything together and finding a way forward that allows for everyone and harms no one.

The best possible government would be a 'benevolent dictatorship' where the ruler values all people and all ideas equally, then facilitating the implementation of the results. They'd use their 'veto' only when absolutely necessary to prevent wrongs and evil things from setting roots down. But with power almost always corrupting a person it is nearly imopossible to find the right person for that position. I've seen that kind of system work well in smaller organizations but more often is that the wrong person gets to the helm and all of whatever was good in the group gets lost. Idealism never works in the real world.


Our coronavirus science advisor in the UK is David Halpern.

He is not a scientest, doctor or epidemiologist.

His background is nudge theory!

Our coronavirus science advisor in the UK is David Halpern.

He is not a scientest, doctor or epidemiologist.

His background is nudge theory!
He is a scientist, and also only one of the team. It would be a mistake to only take the advice of the doctors!

Keep calm, carry on, stiff upper lip, tally ho old chum,,,,, and wash your hands, and keep away from Frenchy or he will hug and kiss you. :LOL:
and keep away from Frenchy or he will hug and kiss you. :LOL:
I think that might be politically incorrect, but our local press has been saying: "Many medical officials have also warned Brits over shaking hands and and to 'stop being European'. "
this bug thing, will probably make my online time go up with 1/2 % :sneaky: too much home time for this old chum, lets hope spring will get me fired up a bit more than last year.

I have already arranged with my M8 that we will have a new years evening #2 and maybe #3 too, we need to do something about that alcohol collection of his before he kick the bucket,,,,, or maybe now that he will getting all new teeth a woman might move in.
he will become quite a catch with teeth + dogs and a house, and even several cars.
It seems you like Boris, but i must also see that there has to be people who don't, and they should also have a means of resisting any of his actions.
They did have a means, but they lost at the election! And not having a proportional voting system, a clear win gives a decent majority and real power allowing the winner to get on with their promises. The last PM got stuck and couldn't implement Brexit due to only having a small win, so this time the public gave a clear win.
Can someone tell me if Covid-19 is more dangerous than the seasonal flu?
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The reaction to COVID19 is all out of proportion to the risk. In 2009, the swine flu hit. Before it was done, it had infected about 275,000 and killed about 12,000 in the US alone, and no one canceled any sporting events, closed any schools or amusement parks, or any of the other craziness going on. During the swine flu, the stock market rose by 40%. And young people were much more threatened by swine flu than they are by COVID19.

What's going on now is completely out of proportion to the threat. 30-60,000 people die annually from the flu, and nobody bats an eye. So far, about 125,000 have been infected with COVID19 and 4,613 have died. We're not even close to flu numbers. Annual flu infections are in the tens of millions.

The problem is we have global instantaneous communications that exacerbate every situation into a worldwide panic.

Is it a threat? Of course. Is it the end of the world as some would have it? Don't make me laugh. This too shall pass.

Did you know that the swine flu is now just another type of flue that we see each year and that you can get protected from by vaccination? The same thing will be true of COVID19 next season.
Can someone tell me if Covid-19 is more dangerous than the seasonal flu?
short answer, yes, particularly if you are in a high risk group, older, pre existing illness, smoker etc, if you're healthy you have a good chance of shaking it off

how it kills is explained in simple terms here

Can someone tell me if Covid-19 is more dangerous than the seasonal flu?

I don't watch TV so maybe I've missed something. This thread has some interesting information.
Because nobody has immunity, your chances of catching it are far higher than your chances of catching the flu.

Also, because it spreads faster, it is far more likely to overwhelm the hospitals than flu is, which is why the government is asking everyone with symptoms to stay at home, to slow the spread.

The actual symptoms are no worse than flu, in fact for most people it is just a cold, it is a cold virus, not a flu virus.

The difference to a normal cold is that it can sometimes cause pneumonia if your immune system is not working well, leaving you in the same situation as the flu can.

I don't see any evidence that it will claim more victims that a new flu virus would if the annual flu vaccines fail, and it is the same people at risk. The added risk is that the hospitals become overwhelmed because of the faster spread.

So if you have a poor immune system (old, diabetic, smoker, etc.), then it is best to avoid it by staying home until most people have had it and it dies out, otherwise don't worry but follow the self isolation instructions to slow the spread and thus protect the elderly. Note that coronaviruses are known to target smokers, it is coronaviruses that cause the coughing associated with smokers, and smokers are more likely to develop pneumonia as a side effect of the virus.
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It is a bit worse, but that are still way under the nasty things, something like bird flu or Ebola mutate,,,,,, we will be in serious problems.


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