COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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Journalist was also hitting hard of medical official tonight, but really stupid questions, like "so you don't know how many have it" - "and you don't know when it are / have peaked"

Which they of course do to some degree cuz even if they do not test all Danes every week, then the ones they do test they can see if there is a incline or decline in numbers
I really hate when journalists make then self to be dumb and need everything spelled out so their stupid viewers / readers can understand it.
You could see on the guy that he was about to give up answering the same question again and again, you don't need to test every single one, you just need to count the tested ones, and so if you in week 1 test 1200 and 15 are positive but in week 2 you test 2500 and 600 are positive, clearly there are a incline in infected people.

Here so far only 3038 have been tested, 674 are infected - 0 are dead - 2 have recovered ( assuming they then have been tested 2 times )
I am sure they test every one with a good enough reason to test the person, but it are up to personal physicians to refer you to the test.

Actually my part of the country are hit the hardest with our disgusting capitol just behind us.
Most hit age group are the 40 - 49 YO people with 202 infected - second age group are 50 - 59 :eek: with 128 infected.
145 in my area of the country are infected ( eastern / central Jutland ) the capitol are at 127 people infected.

ATM new cases have dropped to 160 within the past 24 hours, a few days ago we hit 200 in a day.
Okay,,,, I am acting,,,,,,, going to god damn bed as it is 2 AM and then some.
No bug can catch me safe and snug under my blanket :)
And it cant be electrical bugs, got a brand spanking new electrical meter for the apartment today, so now its all digital and i only have to check their remote reading of my power use.
@jokiin and @Dashmellow, you are welcome, I posted the same link it 2 pages ago (#82)
And for all our American friends in this forum (and this is fox, go figure) enjoy this "interview"....
@jokiin and @Dashmellow, you are welcome, I posted the same link it 2 pages ago (#82)
And for all our American friends in this forum (and this is fox, go figure) enjoy this "interview"....
I didn't see it earlier, someone else sent it to me, it's good info though which I think is worth repeating
I am sure they test every one with a good enough reason to test the person, but it are up to personal physicians to refer you to the test.
Testing doesn't cure people, the only people who need hospital help are the people who have developed pneumonia, and they need help whatever the cause of the pneumonia, flu, covid-19, or anything else. So the only purpose of testing is to understand the spread of the disease so that it can be controlled, it is way too late for it to be wiped out, so it is just a matter of control, and that does not need everyone to be tested, just enough to know what is happening.

The Formula 1 appears to have been called off after just 1 person tested positive, followed by a big argument among the teams and management, but after they flew 1000s of team members to Australia and just hours before the fans turned up! They must have known that a few people in the teams would have it, especially as Ferrari comes from Italy, so they must have had plans to deal with it? Currently it appears that they were just hoping nobody would have it and didn't plan! Realistically, it is going to spread through the population until enough immunity has built up to slow the rate of spread to zero, there is no need to cancel anything because a single person gets a cold, and the Formula 1 teams, which are currently fit and healthy after a long winter break, would do well to spread the virus amongst themselves and develop immunity so that they can get on with the rest of the season without needing to worry and without the risk of spreading it further. Catching it later in the season when everyone is stressed would not be so good. The only problem is if everybody gets it at the same time, so that help is not available to those who need help, the same situation we face every year with the flu.

"Dumb thing about leaving the decision to cancel the #GrandPrix until the very last minute is that it means the crowds have already shown up at the gate and waited for hours, when the point of cancelling was to avoid big crowds"
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Lots of sporting events, concerts, conferences festivals, and parades are being cancelled over here. Probably a wise move at this point to minimize chsances of 'community spreading'. But it's going to be tough on the businesses who make their money from the events :( My own little business should not be affected, though it would require some re-arranging of jobs and priorities should I lose one of my few main clients. They're financially stable and my/their market is solid, but not everyone is going to come through this OK financially, and with the loss of events and their advertising revenue, any businesses doing sports may suffer heavily. One good thing that should come from all this is that I expect there to be a stronger focus on dealing with things like this once it's run it's course ;) It would be nice to see an end to seasonal flus, colds, and epidemics and what we eventually learn from Covid-19 should bring us closer to that.

One good thing that should come from all this is that I expect there to be a stronger focus on dealing with things like this once it's run it's course ;)
Starting with a worldwide ban on eating wild animals potentially carrying dangerous diseases, and followed by enforcement of such bans, which seems to have been what was lacking at the start of all this. Unfortunately China didn't learn well enough from SARS etc., they won't make the same mistake again, but others will.
Starting with a worldwide ban on eating wild animals potentially carrying dangerous diseases
they don't need to be wild animals for it to be a problem, farmed animals aren't immune, poor handling practices need to change regardless
It's a common practice in a lot of places. In a lot of economically depressed places "bush meat" is the only meat the poor can afford and even when it's illegal to sell, there will be a 'black market' for it. Not to mention the many places where subsistence hunting is a necessary component for life.

We can at best reduce the problem somewhat but we can't eliminate it.

"bush meat"

I spoke to my friend yesterday, and i said when you get your new teeth ( dentures ) maybe we should test them with some prime Australian Camel steaks, cuz if they are as good as they say i be happy to help the Aussies with the Camel issue that way.
So have to google soon if that is something we can buy here in Denmark.
ATM new cases have dropped to 160 within the past 24 hours, a few days ago we hit 200 in a day.
With the UK's 500% increase in testing, we are now catching you up, just passed the Diamond Princess cruise ship!

Although with only 11.8 cases per million compared to your 138.3, we are really a long way down the list, USA is beating us on that, but that's probably due to lack of testing.
I spoke to my friend yesterday, and i said when you get your new teeth ( dentures ) maybe we should test them with some prime Australian Camel steaks, cuz if they are as good as they say i be happy to help the Aussies with the Camel issue that way.
So have to google soon if that is something we can buy here in Denmark.
Have never seen camel meat sold here, maybe it happens, crocodile and kangaroo you can buy in supermarkets, that's quite common these days
Have never seen camel meat sold here, maybe it happens, crocodile and kangaroo you can buy in supermarkets, that's quite common these days
That is because:

"The culls are leaving thousands of carcasses to rot, a waste of meat some say could be avoided. "
"Pastoralists exhausted from shooting hundreds of feral camels a day would like to see the otherwise wasted meat commercialised. "
Have never seen camel meat sold here, maybe it happens, crocodile and kangaroo you can buy in supermarkets, that's quite common these days

What about Emu? Back in the 1990's Australian Emu was heavily promoted as "America’s next red meat". It was touted as tender, healthy and eco-friendly. Now you don't often hear about it or see it offered for sale.
Tonight's Danish "lotto" numbers.

801 are infected -3998 have been tested in total so far.
23 are hospitalized - 4 in ICU and 2 are critical, still no deaths by corona, though a 80 YO person with yet another heart attack was tested positive for the stuff after he died, but it was a heart attack that killed him before the decease.
guy died on the hospital where he was brought to a few days suffering another massive heart attack at home, so already 1 leg in the grave so to say.

The confirmed infected people in general seem to have been infected in Austria and at home and with Italy on the #3 spot 265 of the confirmed have been to Austria :mad: damn ski junkies,,,,, Danes do not ski,,,,, GET IT !!!
158 have been infected here in the country and only 6o in Italy.
What about Emu? Back in the 1990's Australian Emu was heavily promoted as "America’s next red meat". It was touted as tender, healthy and eco-friendly. Now you don't often hear about it or see it offered for sale.
Have seen it on the menu in restaurants, not that common though, have seen it for sale in supermarkets in China, haven't seen it here, have never tried it so not sure what it's like
TV program i saw ( BBC ) the guy said most camels are also just shot and left to rot, but the AU farmes said that was a bloddy waste, so he rounded them up, and the best was sold to rich arabians as status symbols, and a few was butchered for meat, though not many butchers are able to handle those animals.

I guess some places a female camel with a droopy face ( what is popular now ) are like BMW in other countries,,,,, go figure.
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