COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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Good news.
"Among the evidence is a study of a nine-year-old British boy who contracted coronavirus in the French Alps but did not pass it on, despite having contact with more than 170 people at three schools. "

That is a well educated nine-year-old :geek:

Not sure why it is "good news", means Denmark has wasted the last couple of weeks, they should have relaxed a different restriction! And many countries have closed the schools and affected the children's education for months unnecessarily.
Yeah if that's true i assume the approach to this would have to be different on some levels.
But i will have to read that from one of the reputed medial publications, and some degree of peer review.

If / when this come around again, we will hopefully be a lot wiser, and react in a more controlled manner.
And i also assume there was good reason to do what we have done so far, it would suck immense if this is all down to panic.
This is an entertaining piece of fiction that gets close to the actual plans now presented by various states
This is parody.

Not sure why it is "good news", means Denmark has wasted the last couple of weeks, they should have relaxed a different restriction! And many countries have closed the schools and affected the children's education for months unnecessarily.
It is good news because now they can open up again.
But i will have to read that from one of the reputed medial publications, and some degree of peer review.
The medical science has already shown that the virus can't get into the children's bodies, only infect their throat/lungs, it uses a way into the cells that doesn't exist in children. I do think it is too early to say that they can't become infectious though, the Swiss allowing grandparents to hug their grandchildren seems far too risky considering that the grandparents have very little protection and can easily be killed by the virus.
And i also assume there was good reason to do what we have done so far, it would suck immense if this is all down to panic.
Lack of knowledge and caution about what we don't know is a perfectly reasonable excuse. Italy and New York did not use enough caution, many places have used more than required. The important thing is to learn from the mistakes, preferably the mistakes of others.
Soon we have bacon, and overpriced minimal design stuff and anything in between flooding the market.
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Soom we have bacon, and overpriced minimal design stuff and anything in between flooding the market.
Why is the bacon not selling?
Here, "Bacon and sausage volumes were up 22% and 33% respectively".

The minimal design stuff can always be put in stock for sale later in the year, the epidemic will be over at some point.
hehe yeah i think bacon are selling fine, i have not noticed pig farmers complain, there are some from the people processing the pigs, but that's normal as that sector get more and more mechanized and some also move to other countries.
Really you should not transport animals that far, EU should do more on this i think.
I dont think stores can afford to buy stuff to just put it in a shelf, i assume there must be some form of turnover speed for a given kind of product.

Here little stores ASO are also feeling the pressure in spite of money from the government.

If you have money in the bank, when things are getting back to normal i assume you could go shopping for good little stores / companies that have gone belly up during this.
A brand name / good reputation tend to stick with people for a while,,,, i think most of us have fond memories of so and so restaurant / store from out youth, that do not exist anymore.
The problem is some farmers are destroying crops and critters so they will not be available to be eaten by humans. The grocery store supply aisle works well. The restaurant supply aisle is not moving. Farmers unable to sell to restaurants have do something with their inventory that literally can eat even more into their profits. Additionally, some meat packing plants have shut down. The concern is not so much about the food available now as it is the food that may not be available this fall.
The corona virus death number (in the USA) is a scam.
Everyone thought they were reporting deaths caused by corona.
Instead in accordance with CDC procedure they are reporting all deaths WITH corona.
If while infected I was hit by a bus and died instantly it would be reported as a corona virus death.

Here is the infamous daily briefing where this was admitted after being asked the question.

The second chart down shows actual virus deaths.
When you click on the top of the second from left column you will see this (until updated)
Is this enough to justify a complete shutdown?

Snap 2020-05-04 at 22.30.34.png
I recall hearing that this virus cost Danes 1 billion DKkr every day, i am pretty sure our glorious leaders would prefer to use those money on something else, they love to spend other peoples money on things they like.
But maybe the virus are okay for them too, so they can appear as our saviors on the other side of it, and the Danes will probably be eternally thankful.
So i dont think the level of reaction from governments have been this large and costly for nothing, but we should all take what we have learned or feel about what have happened here and take that with us next time we go voting.
Personally this have just confirmed my utter disrespect for all Danish politicians and the Danish system, so i am still at the bottom of a deep black hole and i an still shoveling to get deeper.

Due diligence i think most here think are a settlement on Greenland, it have not been practiced here in any way for decades. ( unless we talk about buying American weapons i assume, to fight off that larger than ever red menace in the east or what ever devil they paint on the wall these days )
When you click on the top of the second from left column you will see this (until updated)
Is this enough to justify a complete shutdown?
You should look at the overall death rate in the 4th column before you make that judgment.
Notes: "2) Percent of expected deaths is the number of deaths for all causes for this week in 2020 compared to the average number across the same week in 2017–2019. "
In most states, less people are dying than in a normal year, the covid-19 is saving lives?
North Carolina - 42% of the deaths in an average year!

Don't take any of these figures too seriously ;)
The corona virus death number (in the USA) is a scam.
Everyone thought they were reporting deaths caused by corona.
Instead in accordance with CDC procedure they are reporting all deaths WITH corona.
If while infected I was hit by a bus and died instantly it would be reported as a corona virus death.

Here is the infamous daily briefing where this was admitted after being asked the question.

The second chart down shows actual virus deaths.
When you click on the top of the second from left column you will see this (until updated)
Is this enough to justify a complete shutdown?

View attachment 51542

GOOD LORD!! What kind of whack job, far right wing conspiracy theory Cool Aid are you drinking this time?!

Time and time again you seek to promote completely bogus and unfounded right wing political propaganda and conspiracy theories!

In this case, you are pushing a fringe story that essentially began nearly six weeks ago that has been repeated, modified and amplified over and over by numerous right wing "news" outlets and on social media until getting picked up and heavily promoted by Fox News concerning claims that the CDC (and "liberal" media) is somehow fudging the death toll numbers in order to make the Trump administration look bad. Well, I have some news for you, Country_hick. The Trump administration does not need any outside help making itself look bad regarding its inept, train wreck of a performance handling the coronavirus crisis.

Nobody with a lick of intelligence, common sense or critical thinking skills would buy into this fairy tale even if they were paying only a little bit of attention.

A good hint would be to look at the title of the link you posted to the information provided by the CDC. The operative word is "PROVISIONAL". Maybe you could even have scrolled down to the bottom of the page and read the explanation for why the information is incomplete, still pending and therefore "provisional". Maybe you should look up and study the word "PROVISIONAL"? -adj. - meaning 1. "Provided or serving only for the time being". 2." subject to later alteration; temporary or conditional".


This phony story you are peddling has been debunked every which way to Sunday going back to its beginnings and so apparently you are the one perpetrating the scam here.

First there's the Snopes investigation into the validity of the claim, published yesterday.




Then yesterday the Washington Post looked into the matter.

Fox News and Trump allies keep floating debunked theories about an inflated coronavirus death toll

It’s the notion that some Trump allies and conservative media figures just can’t kick: The idea that the official death toll from the coronavirus is being inflated. They use the argument to suggest, as Trump has, that outbreak is being politically weaponized against him. They also use it to argue for a swifter reopening of the economy.
Unfortunately, their latest theory is just as specious as its predecessors.

And Buzzfeed:

No, The CDC Did Not Revise Down The Number Of COVID-19 Deaths

Several tweets went viral that falsely claimed the CDC had drastically revised down the number of deaths in the US from the coronavirus — but it seems some people didn't read to the end of the page.

And Rolling Stone was onto the story about false COVID-19 death toll numbers weeks ago before it had the "legs" it does now and before the story shifted blame to the CDC.

Anti-Vax Doctor Promotes Conspiracy Theory That Death Certificates Falsely Cite COVID-19


One such theory making the rounds on social media is the idea that death certificates have been knowingly manipulated by medical examiners to inflate the number of COVID-19 deaths, part of a larger right-wing talking point that the government is using the pandemic as an excuse to infringe on American rights.

This theory has been propagated by everyone from conspiracy theorist David Icke (who is most notable for his endorsement of the idea that the world is controlled by a cabal of “reptilian elites,” or lizard people) to far-right figure Candace Owens, who tweeted on April 6th: “Turns out everyone is only dying of Coronavirus now.

And Vanity Fair - back on April 8th

Fox Hosts Now Convinced Coronavirus Death Tolls Are Being Inflated

After downplaying the pandemic, then praising Trump’s response, right-wing media has a new spin: The mainstream press is exaggerating deaths to make Donald Trump look bad.
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The doctors reports were not saying they were provisional deaths. The reports were showing as covid-19 deaths.
If you watched the video that was a press conference from the state house. There was no involvement of any news organization in its presentation.

Here is the daily briefing where the doctor admitted he was not looking at deaths from the disease after being asked the question. Rewind it a minute or so to hear the reporter ask the question.

This section shocked a lot of people including myself. I thought the death rate was based on deaths proven to be caused by the virus. So did many others. A reporter finally asked the right question. In response they were told the deaths being reported were not deaths caused by the virus but were deaths where the virus was present. Many people had no idea the numbers of virus deaths could drop because they thought the cause of death was proven when reported.

The reporter would not have asked that question if the doctor had already made it clear that the death rate being reported was only including possible reasons for the deaths. Yes, by leaving out this one piece of necessary information at the briefings that approach was wrong as it needlessly increases apprehension without explaining clearly that those numbers of death from the virus are certainly to high. Not everyone looks at the CDC depending on information coming from the state.

Swedens model is now what we should be following.
Leading scientists here now say Denmark could open up a lot more than already planned for.

Swedens model is now what we should be following.
We think that up to 25% of people in Stockholm have been exposed to coronavirus and are possibly immune. A recent survey from one of our hospitals in Stockholm found that 27% of staff there are immune. We think that most of those are immune from transmission in society, not the workplace. We could reach herd immunity in Stockholm within a matter of weeks.
No need to follow them, we are a week ahead :)
The Swedes have us Danes beaten in death toll with 4 to 1 as i recall, they also have a lot more infected people.
I dont think Americans or Italians would have liked to see 4 X more dead and 2X more infected people, but then again who am i to say that would have been happening if those countries had done less.

But in the grand perspective i dont know if that is winning or loosing, for one it dont matter if you have all people ready to work if there are no country to sell to.
And it dont take much to supply your own market with the basic stuff, at least so no one will die of starvation.
So maybe its all down to first world problems really.
Like when Terminator say " it is in your nature to kill yourself",,,,, but really most if not all people living in harmony with nature are not killing them self or the next village / tribe over, again its just a first world problem.
It is us first world people breeding and consuming, and we just must have our cheap beef and palm oil and what not, we are the danger to the people out there in the rain forest or where ever they live.
The Swedes have us Danes beaten in death toll with 4 to 1 as i recall, they also have a lot more infected people.
Today, yes, they have 3x the deaths (adjusted for population size), but you will catch up. Maybe you will manage to avoid a few, but if the figures don't end up almost the same, it will be more likely due to counting differences.

The UK has 70% more than Sweden, but it seems very likely that Sweden will catch up with us, as long as none of us overshoot the number required for herd immunity.

The only thing that will stop us ending up with approximately the same numbers will be if a vaccine arrives before we reach herd immunity, or if herd immunity requires a different percentage of people in different countries. The first is unlikely, and the second probably doesn't make a big difference.
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