COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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No need to follow them, we are a week ahead :)

And now with the highest number of Covid-19 related deaths of any European country too BBC article :(

In almost every professional report on Covid-19 the parameters and qualifications of all their determinations is given (usually as a footnote or citation). You don't get that depth of info from the always-biased news reports, nor do you get it with a quick scan of the professional reports. Maybe it's a 'shady' way of doing things but it's been done like this for ages now- this is nothing 'new' at all. The clue is often in the wording, such as Covid related; which can mean darn near anything you want it to as long as there is some kind of relation or seems to be.

Here in SC USA when the Cops investigate a car crash, if there's a beer can laying around which might have came from one of the involved cars it is initially reported as being an "alcohol related" or 'believed to be alcohol related" incident. The Cops do that to make it look like there are more drunk drivers than there are to hopefully fain more funding and to justify their excessive focus on them to the detriment of dealing with lesser traffic law violations. If no further evidence of alcohol use is discovered nobody gets wrongfully charged which to the Cops means 'no harm done' since they haven't directly lied :rolleyes: And you're getting the same thing with Covid-19; news reports sensationalize and there's funding being distributed based on how many cases are somewhere. In the 'footnoted' reports, that format has been in place for ages, and the professionals who it is aimed at know and understand that they need to refer to those footnotes while most of the public does not.

Again here in SC the State agency (DHEC) who does the official reports lists 3 numbers for the enumeration of cases; 1 for known cases by testing, another for the estimated number of cases they haven't tested for (they estimate 9 unknown to each known), and the third nimber in the column marked "Total cases" reflects the sum of those two figures. Not hard to see if you're paying attention, but those in a hurry just jump to the "total cases" number and jump to a possibly erroneous conclusion in so doing :cautious: Your brain is supposed to be doing more than keeping your ears apart, so use it!

"The truth is out there" as Mulder used to say :giggle: but it's not always obvious. Sometimes artificially so :mad:

And now with the highest number of Covid-19 related deaths of any European country too BBC article :(
In case anyone didn't realise, we are also one of the biggest countries by population, and so although we have the most deaths of any European country, the deaths per million people for Belgium is nearly double the UK figure, Italy and Spain are also still ahead of us despite us trying to get to the end of the epidemic quickish. Not sure how Belgium managed to get so far ahead of us without the issues Italy and Spain encountered.

There is nothing wrong with getting to the end of the epidemic first, so that everybody remaining is safe. So the press shouldn't be making it sound bad that we have the highest figures! The sooner we get there, the sooner our elderly and at risk people will be safe, and that will mean less deaths when the year's total is published.
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The doctors reports were not saying they were provisional deaths. The reports were showing as covid-19 deaths.
If you watched the video that was a press conference from the state house. There was no involvement of any news organization in its presentation.

Here is the daily briefing where the doctor admitted he was not looking at deaths from the disease after being asked the question. Rewind it a minute or so to hear the reporter ask the question.

This section shocked a lot of people including myself. I thought the death rate was based on deaths proven to be caused by the virus. So did many others. A reporter finally asked the right question. In response they were told the deaths being reported were not deaths caused by the virus but were deaths where the virus was present. Many people had no idea the numbers of virus deaths could drop because they thought the cause of death was proven when reported.

The reporter would not have asked that question if the doctor had already made it clear that the death rate being reported was only including possible reasons for the deaths. Yes, by leaving out this one piece of necessary information at the briefings that approach was wrong as it needlessly increases apprehension without explaining clearly that those numbers of death from the virus are certainly to high. Not everyone looks at the CDC depending on information coming from the state.

Swedens model is now what we should be following.

I'm sorry @country_hick but the only thing you are demonstrating here is how clueless you are and that you have a strong tendency to jump to conclusions based on limited facts, limited knowledge and right wing political confirmation bias.

NOBODY at any time is saying, as you claim, that, "deaths being reported were not deaths caused by the virus but were deaths where the virus was present". The cause of deaths being reported in people diagnosed with the COVOID-19 are simply not being identified by the MAINE CDC because that is not their mandate, it is the under purview of of the Medical Examiner. But YES all these people diagnosed and reported with the disease have died from COVIOD-19.

The number of cases has NOT dropped! As clearly explained by the CDC the reported numbers are PROVISIONAL and they can go UP or DOWN as the data continues to be reported, analyzed and confirmed. That is why the data is "PROVISIONAL". It is clearly stated by the CDC that the numbers can go UP or DOWN. These are interim numbers as they are being compiled as they filter in.

The CDC cautions that the data is incomplete and will be revised on an ongoing basis. For weird reasons all your own, you still see a conspiracy theory even though it has been pointed out to you that your claims have been debunked by numerous impartial sources.


According to your absurd takeaway from the MAINE CDC press conference, "If while infected I was hit by a bus and died instantly it would be reported as a corona virus death."

NO IT WOULD NOT! It would be reported as a pedestrian traffic fatality.

It would be no different than if a person with diabetes was hit by a bus. The dead diabetic would be listed as a pedestrian traffic fatality. His underlining health problems would have nothing to do with his cause of death.

You obviously have no idea what role medical examiners and coroners play in determining and reporting causes of death.

You obviously have no idea how or why deaths are reported the way they are or how official death certificates work.

So when your CDC director says, we are reporting when people diagnosed with COVID-19 pass away, they are correctly not reporting a cause of death because that is the job of the medical examiner who will investigate many factors in reaching a conclusion and the medical examiner is the only person legally authorized to sign the required death certificate after specifying a cause for the death. We know this because Dr. Nirav Shah, your CDC Director explicitly points that out when he answers the reporters question in the video you linked.

You obviously have no idea what people who have COVID-19 are actually dying from.

There is a growing and varied list of direct causes of death due to COVID-19. It is turning out to be a very complex disease. People with severe coronavirus disease are dying from acute respiratory failure, pneumonia, single and multiple organ failure, heart failure, kidney failure, blood clots, strokes, sepsis, secondary bacterial infections, acidosis and a few other things.

So these deaths "were deaths where the virus was present" but your claim that they were "not deaths caused by the virus" is completely wrong. These deaths were indeed "caused by the virus" but for different medical reasons. And this is where your interpretation of the MAINE CDC Director's press conference remarks are incorrect and where your logic fails.


On EVERY death certificate the Medical Examiner is required to enter an "Immediate Cause of Death" (ICOD) and an "Underlying Cause of Death" (UCOD).

So, for example, for a person who dies from a myocardial infarction (heart attack) The myocardial infarction (heart attack) would be listed as the ICOD (Immediate Cause of Death) and atherosclerosis (coronary artery disease) would be the UCOD (Underlying Cause of Death).

The medical examiner is the one tasked with determining the cause of death or presumed cause of death for legal purposes. As stated by the MAINE CDC Director they are ONLY reporting the number of people who died after a diagnosis of COVID-19.

Here are a couple of sample Death Certificates provided by the CDC for specific individual patient scenarios. Each and every COVOID-19 death is different.

COVID-19 will ALWAYS be the "Underlying Cause of Death" (UCOD)



These sample forms are to be found on the document Guidance for Certifying Deaths Due to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID–19) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention • National Center for Health Statistics • National Vital Statistics System. There's even a smartphone app you can download. (although I don't know if you need official credentials to access the app's functionality)

So, let's be clear @country_hick, in your previous post on this matter you claimed:

"The corona virus death number (in the USA) is a scam."

It has been well established that it is NOT a "SCAM". There is NO conspiracy.

You state: "Everyone thought they were reporting deaths caused by corona."

They ARE reporting deaths caused by coronavirus.

You state: "Instead in accordance with CDC procedure they are reporting all deaths WITH corona." (In all fairness, I believe your CDC Director did not do a complete and articulate job of explaining the answer he was giving to the reporter. He could have explained that people dying WITH corona virus are dying FROM different COVID-19 caused morbidities but it is not his job to report those . I believe this may be adding to your confusion).

But YES they ARE indeed reporting deaths caused by coronavirus except that you are apparently clueless about how ALL deaths are reported to the CDC and why.

It's curious that people on the far right are claiming both that the CDC is lowering the number of coronavirus cases and also over-reporting the numbers for political purposes. Obviously, you can't have it both ways. Go figure!

But anyone who really thinks "The corona virus death number (in the USA) is a scam." should take a good hard look at the refrigerated trucks parked outside many of the hospitals because they don't have the morgue space to store the bodies of the dead or witness the mass burials taking place on Hart Island in New York City's potters field where they are temporarily placing as yet unclaimed bodies they otherwise don't have the capacity for. Hart Island has a fascinating history going back to the 19th century and it is where many of the victims of the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic are buried.


Refrigerated temporary morgue trucks for COVID-19 victims parked outside a NYC hospital.
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For the record the number of people infected did not go up today. The number of people infected JUMPED up today. I believe it was 76 newly infected. A lot of people in 2 (work?) places all came down with the virus. Quarantine absolutely needs to be in place in those areas. In other areas, not so much. 10 counties, maybe 13 could have quarantine safely removed at this time.
According to your absurd takeaway from the MAINE CDC press conference, "If while infected I was hit by a bus and died instantly it would be reported as a corona virus death."

NO IT WOULD NOT! It would be reported as a pedestrian traffic fatality.

It would be no different than if a person with diabetes was hit by a bus. The dead diabetic would be listed as a pedestrian traffic fatality. His underlining health problems would have nothing to do with his cause of death.
That might be true in the case of the bus, but I'm sure many of the coronavirus deaths would not have happened if they had not had other issues, in fact from UK figures the average number of other serious health issues is 2.7, so in most cases the coronavirus has just pushed them over the edge when they were close to falling anyway, and some of them were almost certainly going to go anyway within a few weeks/days/hours, many more within months.

Most deaths are still not coronavirus related deaths, so many deaths with coronavirus are likely to happen before the coronavirus has had any significant effect, yet unlike the bus, they are almost certainly being counted.

For the record the number of people infected did not go up today. The number of people infected JUMPED up today. I believe it was 76 newly infected. A lot of people in 2 (work?) places all came down with the virus. Quarantine absolutely needs to be in place in those areas. In other areas, not so much. 10 counties, maybe 13 could have quarantine safely removed at this time.
Either you lock down until a vaccine is available, or you let the virus spread. If you let it spread then you will eventually reach herd immunity, doesn't matter how fast you get there, as long as the hospitals don't get overloaded, so your statement that "Quarantine absolutely needs to be in place in those areas. " is only correct if the hospitals are close to overloaded, and since there will not be a hospital specifically for those 2 work places, it is the entire community served by the hospitals that needs to be in lock down, if they are close to overload. No point implementing lockdown after an outbreak at a factory, you needed to do it 3 weeks before.

Lockdown should be driven by hospital capacity, anyone claiming otherwise has to explain why we don't lock down every winter for the flu, because the flu kills more people.

USA is starting a war:
US President Donald Trump has described the coronavirus pandemic as the "worst attack" ever on the United States, pointing the finger at China.

Mr Trump said the outbreak had hit the US harder than the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor in World War Two, or the 9/11 attacks two decades ago.

His administration is weighing punitive actions against China over its early handling of the global emergency.
A trade war yes, a real war I seriously doubt.
But the latest attack is not about trade!
Your country can't do these things without consequences, and when it is not about trade the consequences may not be trade related.
When other nations have to choose a side, which side are they going to take?

"The U.S. snubbed Monday’s G-20 vaccine initiative, objecting to the involvement of the World Health Organizatiom."

I am trying to figure out which version of the mask explanation is true.
There appears to be no science to support the use of cloth masks. The scientists seem to agree that they don't protect the wearer, and it is hard to see how they protect anyone else unless they safely store the exhaled virus in some way, I think it is clear that they don't. The only exception is if people are coughing/sneezing and spraying droplets everywhere, but at the current time those people should not be out in public, and even if they are, coughing into a handkerchief is going to be far more effective than coughing directly at someone through a thin piece of randomly selected cloth that is already full of virus particles from the last cough.

Almost no one wearing them here except people of asian appearance, and they seem to have obtained medical masks that are supposed to be reserved for the hospital and care home staff, and which we really don't want everyone to be using because they are single use and produce a massive amount of non-recyclable, non-biodegradable, biohazard waste.
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Israel has found an antibody that seems to be very promising. It may be made in India when tests say it is ready.

I am trying to figure out which version of the mask explanation is true.

If the Farter is wearing a full body fetish latex outfit, you get a god laugh as the farter inflate a little and you dont smell it.
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Faroe islands


So if they keep buttoned up up there on the island in the North Atlantic, it will make for a interesting study in possible resurgence and maybe mutation in among the 50.000 strong population.
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Faroe islands


So if they keep buttoned up up there on the island in the North Atlantic, it will make for a interesting study in possible resurgence and maybe mutation in among the 50.000 strong population.
On the cases/million population figure, they have just been overtaken by USA, does that mean that the USA is nearly finished too? :unsure:

They are still well ahead of the UK and double the rest of Denmark. Still a little low on immunity, but if it does return at least it wont spread as fast as it did last time and they have a very good chance of lasting out at zero deaths until a vaccine arrives.
yeah i dont really know what to make of it, the main thing is all tests up there now are negative, i just wonder if they keep being like that.
Test labs here are overwhelmed and on the verge of collapse, most have been working 30 days strait with no weekends and no holidays, apparently someone ( our glorious leaders ) forgot that when stepping up testing massive, you also need to step up on the people / Labs running the tests and the machines for it, and apparently that's not the case here.

I swear some times i feel like i fell down a rabbit hole.
i just wonder if they keep being like that.
Yes, there is no virus left on their islands, so the only way they can have another outbreak is if it comes back in through the ports, but it should be reasonably easy to prevent that, and they have enough immunity to be able to deal with it anyway.

Hopefully the whole world can get to the same state - no virus left on earth, may turn out to be fairly easy to achieve, although Australia is still struggling due to not having any immunity.

I don't understand why Denmark is doing so much testing. Is it helping? Or is it just so that they can publish numbers? Or is it only because the WHO says they should do as much testing as possible?

There is a time for a lot of testing, but until numbers are low enough that every positive case can be traced and everyone involved isolated, testing will not have significant effect. It is only useful at the start and at the end, when numbers are low enough to deal with.
That might be true in the case of the bus, but I'm sure many of the coronavirus deaths would not have happened if they had not had other issues, in fact from UK figures the average number of other serious health issues is 2.7, so in most cases the coronavirus has just pushed them over the edge when they were close to falling anyway, and some of them were almost certainly going to go anyway within a few weeks/days/hours, many more within months.

Most deaths are still not coronavirus related deaths, so many deaths with coronavirus are likely to happen before the coronavirus has had any significant effect, yet unlike the bus, they are almost certainly being counted.

I know a lot of vibrant older folks, some of whom are in their 80s and 90s leading active, productive lives, enjoying their families, friends and grandchildren all of whom love them dearly. Virtually all of them have some sort of pre-existing, sometimes serious health issues. We have two beloved older guys, 83 and 85 years old as well as a married couple in their late 70's in our in our weekly hiking group. One of the men is a multiple cancer survivor who has been through radiation treatments and multiple surgeries and another has some significant health issues of his own but they're vigorous, robust and still out there every week climbing mountains with us. They're a little slower than the rest of the group but they always make it to the summit and we cherish them for their good cheer and camaraderie, their fierce determination, their wisdom and their experience. We would be heartbroken to lose any one of them sooner than need be.

But of course, you Nigel, ever the callous, genocidal elitist, continue to speak in terms of "pushing them over the edge", "they would have died soon anyway", and "almost certainly going to go anyway within a few weeks/days/hours" as if these lives are merely just disposable cannon fodder to be culled along with as many of your fellow citizens as necessary to achieve (as fast as possible) a theoretical herd immunity which still remains unproven and questionable. Indeed, it has yet to be definitively proven that a state of true herd immunity can even be established with SARS-Cov-2 virus and if so for how long. There is even some preliminary evidence that the currently dominant strain of the virus is even more infectious than the Wuhan strain and that it may be able to reinfect previous victims. And yet always, you exclude yourself from the mass death toll you advocate. If you have such faith in herd immunity when are you going to go out and get yourself infected to "get it over with" as you are so fond of saying? We know the answer already. The mass deaths you advocate are for others, while you continue to hunker down like a coward waiting for the storm to pass regardless of the human cost to tens of thousands of your fellow countrymen.

It's uniquely twisted how you keep speaking in terms of whether the UK or any other country is "winning" but the UK does indeed appear to be the "winner" with more deaths than any other nation in Europe and still counting with nearly 32, 000 dead. As a competition you're approaching half the number of COVID-19 deaths in the US but with only about one sixth the number of cases as in the US. That's quite an accomplishment! It should get more interesting as your death count accelerates towards your imaginary "finish line". So, go ahead take a victory lap as you overtake the lead, despite your dubious claim that "most deaths are still not coronavirus related deaths", as if nearly 32,000 people were somehow at death's door before COVID-19 came along three months ago.

Then again, it appears that the UK may actually already have as many as 55,000 deaths, so there may some truth to the idea that your older population living in care homes are being "pushed over the edge", except that it was indeed COVID-19 that did the pushing and these jaw dropping numbers are far higher than even the most pessimistic estimates. That would mean that you are fast approaching USA death toll numbers but with a fraction of the reported case numbers or population. As for your claim that, "I'm sure many of the coronavirus deaths would not have happened if they had not had other issues", just yesterday I read that more than 1000 health care workers have died from coronavirus so far and quite a large number of these deaths were otherwise healthy people between 25 and 45 years old.

True UK coronavirus death toll 'over 55,000' as excess deaths surge, new study suggests.

Well, I guess you can thank your hero Boris Johnson for all the "winning".

How Boris Johnson refused to fight the virus

Timeline of failure

Through a deadly combination of arrogance and incompetence, Boris Johnson’s government ignored international warnings and allowed Covid-19 to spread largely unchecked in the UK.

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