CPL Status

...and cost in the UK?

Who is supplying here, how much, and when?
Isn't that FoxOffer price international? Price is very reasonable, more so than that $40 one.
I believe so, postage is pretty much the same to most locations anyway so wouldn't be too much different to that

Hey Jo, any idea on whom we can purchase this off Sydneyside? I'd grab 2 if i could.
Any idea when the CPL will be available on Amazon in the US?
Shouldn't be long if Foxoffer is showing them in-stock, just a matter of getting them to the overseas retailers.
I'm expecting my shipment in around the end of next week...hopefully. Should have the A119S and A118C2 then too.
Thanks. Since you mentioned it, is there a thread that compares the A119 to the S version?
You can buy the CPL from FoxOffer....However, they are in Singapore.....not seeing any sellers on Amazon yet.

cost of CPL $14,99

shipping to USA. SingaporePost $3.99 14- 28 days
DHL Express $24.99 4- 8 days

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I hope CPL get to European dealers. I do not want to wait over a month (Routine delivery time from China) to get the goods to Central Europe. And giving almost twice only for express delivery is nonsense.
I believe so, postage is pretty much the same to most locations anyway so wouldn't be too much different to that

Yes, postage is the same to the UK. I just bought one from Foxoffer, paid by PayPal (never the best exchange rate!) and the total, shipped to the UK, was £15.42.

Not sure how it'll fit to an existing A119, as I'm aware the current ones don't have the slots on the top and bottom of the lens housing to take the CPL's retaining "tabs".

Shouldn't Foxoffer have a disclaimer such as "...will only fit NEW model A119 with retaining slots" or "...you'll need to dig out your dremel for this to fit, so don't come moaning to us if it keeps falling off"... or suchlike?
Yes, postage is the same to the UK. I just bought one from Foxoffer, paid by PayPal (never the best exchange rate!) and the total, shipped to the UK, was £15.42.

Not sure how it'll fit to an existing A119, as I'm aware the current ones don't have the slots on the top and bottom of the lens housing to take the CPL's retaining "tabs".

Shouldn't Foxoffer have a disclaimer such as "...will only fit NEW model A119 with retaining slots" or "...you'll need to dig out your dremel for this to fit, so don't come moaning to us if it keeps falling off"... or suchlike?

I recently purchased mine A119 from Amazon....it has "slots" on the square outer frame of whee the lens in .
I recently purchased mine A119 from Amazon....it has "slots" on the square outer frame of whee the lens in .

What I'm referring to is the locating slots as on Foxoffer's photo of the A118C2, as seen at the top of the lens housing in this crop of their photo...

Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 20.13.16.png

The CPL has a corresponding raised "tab" which, when slid onto the lens housing, will clip it in place, as shown here...

Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 20.14.17.png

And so the existing A118 & A119 without the slot in the lens housing won't be able to use the CPL without some DIY fettling.