Dashcam Viewer for Mac and Windows

Also I know I am missing something easy, and hate to ask such a stupid question, but I can't figure out how to cut and export clips.

Not a stupid question to me, as I can't figure out how to do it either :D
See the Dashcam Viewer User Manual......#7

I don't seem to have that. Also when I click my edit menu button nothing happens.

I don't seem to have that. Also when I click my edit menu button nothing happens.

Oh, I see. That's too bad, I guess the Windows version hasn't implemented that feature yet. The Manual is under the "help" menu. I'm curious to see what the Windows Dashcam Viewer user's manual says about what features are available.
and I had the same issue. Nothing seemed to happen.

Hmm. Here's what I see when I run v1.9.3 on Windows. It takes about 10 seconds for the window to come up (an active internet connection is required or else the window will not come up). I'm not sure why it's not working for some folks.


but I can't figure out how to cut and export clips.

Use the Export to MOV feature, which is the 7th button in the toolbar. This will export a sub-movie from the current position forward to the number of seconds you specify.

I'm not sure why it's not working for some folks.
I tried it again and waited a bit with no luck. I was able to go to your site and grab the most new version. Everything is good to go now. Cut a clip of my MeHome camera that would not cut in RegistratorViewer. I guess the icons were missing from my older version, but they are there now.
probably a little known feature but VLC has cut and trim option built in also, maybe @traveler could look at how they do things and see if any possibility to include this kind of functionality


QuickTime Player on the Mac also has some little known but excellent basic editing features such as split, trim, rotate and flip as well as cut, copy and paste. I find the ability to easily copy a cut from another video and paste it into the one I'm working on to be especially useful. You can also export in different resolutions intended for viewing on different devices. It would be great to see similar functionality eventually incorporated into Dashcam Viewer.


How to: https://support.apple.com/en-ca/HT201066
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That's not a bad idea to add support for two single channel videos though. (Dual Channel customers that use two single channel solutions)

That would be awesome, not just for dashcams, but for quadcopters and the like too
traveler: Really cool project you have going here.
I see that back in October 2015, you added support for the HP f520g. I am considering that camera and was wondering if you had any thoughts on it?
I have sample movie files from the HP F520G provided by a customer (I must have the largest collection of dashcam movies in the world! Lol). The movies and GPS files work well with Dashcam Viewer (unlike most dashcams, the F520G records the vehicle altitude, count of satellites-in-view, and HDOP). Picture quality looks average-- not bad, but not the best I've seen. Since I don't have the camera itself I can't speak to the feature set, night-time image quality, or hardware.
Dashcam Viewer v2.1.0 Released for Mac and Windows

Version 2.1.0 of Dashcam Viewer adds multi-language support. You can now switch the GUI between English, German, Spanish, Russian, Turkish, and Vietnamese. Don’t see your language here? PM me to add a translation.

Dashcam Viewer is available for Mac OS X and Windows (64-bit and 32-bit). Download the free version from our website.

New Feature:
  • Added user-selectable choice of English, German, Spanish, Russian, Turkish, and Vietnamese language for the GUI. Select your language preference in the Preferences menu.

Dashcam Viewer in German

Special thanks to DashcamTalk.com members @alexsoll, @nosnad, @thancam, @delarmo, and Markus S. for their help with the translation effort. If you find any glitches, misspellings, or other errors let me know.

- John
Website: http://dashcamviewer.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dashcamviewer
Hi John,
Bug List, please consider adding the following:
  • Add the ability to click anywhere on the Video Time Slider Bar to change video time position. Currently I have to click on the bar cursor and drag it to where I want, I want to directly click where I want to view.
  • Add 3x, 4x, 5x, 6x, 7x, 8x Video Speed modes
  • When running in 2x+ speed video mode and the video jumps to the next video file, the screen blacks out. I have to go back to 1x mode for the video to reappear, and switch to 2x again to continue.
  • What's preventing 2CH version in Windows, for Panorama X2 for example?
  • Add checkbox "Show Next Time" to the popup Reveal in Explorer after exporting a clip to MOV file, and add this setting in program options to re-enable later if desired. Some of us use other programs like Total Commander for navigation and don't like/use Explorer.
  • Export to MOV strips audio, or at least I can't hear it.
  • The Export to MOV is too simplistic, I would like to be able to select start and stop position to export across multiple files, not just how many seconds I'd like to export.
  • When exporting, would like the ability to export from multiple video files, basically if I select start of 1st video and end of last video, it'd work as a JOIN all video files into one.
  • I'd like the option to blur or cover (box, rectangle, oval) with a user selectable color certain portions of the screen.
  • I'd like to be able to export in MP4 formats, x264/h264, maybe a couple of others.
It works almost well as a viewer, but I was expecting more, the ability to export video with sound is missing.
kandrey89, thanks for the comments and suggestions. See italics...

Hi John,
Bug List, please consider adding the following:
  • Add the ability to click anywhere on the Video Time Slider Bar to change video time position. Currently I have to click on the bar cursor and drag it to where I want, I want to directly click where I want to view.
    • Yep, I'm aware of this issue and will see what I can do.
  • Add 3x, 4x, 5x, 6x, 7x, 8x Video Speed modes
    • I've experimented with this on Windows and faster speeds result in choppy playback. I think it's a limitation of the video library I'm using on Windows.
  • When running in 2x+ speed video mode and the video jumps to the next video file, the screen blacks out. I have to go back to 1x mode for the video to reappear, and switch to 2x again to continue.
    • Sounds like a bug I need to address.:mad:
  • What's preventing 2CH version in Windows, for Panorama X2 for example?
    • It's technical but basically the video library I use for Windows isn't as flexible as the Mac video library. However, getting PiP into the Windows version is a top priority of mine.
  • Add checkbox "Show Next Time" to the popup Reveal in Explorer after exporting a clip to MOV file, and add this setting in program options to re-enable later if desired. Some of us use other programs like Total Commander for navigation and don't like/use Explorer.
    • Not sure I understand what you mean by Show Next Time.
  • Export to MOV strips audio, or at least I can't hear it.
    • Haven't heard this one before. I'll investigate.
  • The Export to MOV is too simplistic, I would like to be able to select start and stop position to export across multiple files, not just how many seconds I'd like to export.
    • The ability to merge multiple movies is a feature available on the Mac version. It is a work-in-progress on the Windows version. However, the start/stop position within the files is something that doesn't exist yet.
  • When exporting, would like the ability to export from multiple video files, basically if I select start of 1st video and end of last video, it'd work as a JOIN all video files into one.
    • See above
  • I'd like the option to blur or cover (box, rectangle, oval) with a user selectable color certain portions of the screen.
    • I like that suggestion
  • I'd like to be able to export in MP4 formats, x264/h264, maybe a couple of others.
    • Another good suggestion. Currently the exporting retains the existing format.
It works almost well as a viewer, but I was expecting more, the ability to export video with sound is missing.

I'm glad it *almost* works for you. ;) I will continue to improve the player and incorporate as many of the excellent suggestions you and others have provided. Making all the features of Dashcam Viewer work with all 30+ supported dashcam models somewhat limits what features are added and when they are added. Low-hanging fruit tends to be picked first.

I hope a fully working (as in the ability to connect to a PC) WiFi feature is still in that "to do" list.
I checked and VLC plays video and sound fairly smoothly up to 4x. I get choppy but still usable video from 5x and 6x.
There's a popup in your program when MOV is exported, it asks whether or not I want to open Explorer to see the file in the folder. My suggestion is to add a checkbox to that popup to ask the user if they want the popup disabled, and add a checkbox in the options to enable/disable the popup. I don't use Explorer, I use Total Commander and hate Explorer navigation, so a popup asking for Explorer is equally annoying.
I will continue to improve the player and incorporate as many of the excellent suggestion

Keep up the good work, I recommend your product to all our Mac customers. I hope you're getting a lot of paid registrations.

My top two feature requests are the ability to export a clip as easily as registratorviewer does it, and dual channel PiP support in Windows.
please consider adding the following:
  • Add the ability to click anywhere on the Video Time Slider Bar to change video time position. Currently I have to click on the bar cursor and drag it to where I want, I want to directly click where I want to view.

Done! It took a bit of hacking the widget but you can now click anywhere on the movie scrubber to jump to that position in the movie. Works much more naturally now. The Mac version always had this ability but for some reason the Windows scrubber widget didn't support it. Thanks for reporting it.

Dashcam Viewer v2.1.2 Released for Mac and Windows

New Features:

  • [Windows] Users can now click anywhere on the movie scrubber bar to jump to that position in the movie. Formerly, users would have to click and drag the scrub handle to jump to a movie position. Thanks to dashcamtalk.com user @kandrey89 for the suggestion.
  • Added "N Up" checkbox in the Map Window. This button controls whether the map is oriented in the North Up direction (the default) or is oriented dynamically based on the vehicle’s direction. Note that Bing and Google Maps APIs only allow their maps to be rotated if there is high-resolution 3D imagery available for that region. Regular “road” maps and “satellite” maps don’t support rotation. Zoom-in deep to see if “3D imagery” mode appears for your region. Special thanks to user Eric Sanders for the suggestion.

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed bug in which graph line colors would not show if user had Always Auto Fix Timezone checkbox unchecked.
  • [Windows] Improved behavior of Dashcam Viewer when the master scrubber is moved.
- John
Website: http://dashcamviewer.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dashcamviewer