Dashcam Viewer for Mac and Windows

I remember back in the day using Norton, that would flare up regularly on sites, and also often alert me to people scanning my IP address.
So i did contact a few ISPs in that regard but i never heard back from anyone.
Anyone get GPS to work with Blackvue DR900S?
Dashcam Viewer v3.4.0 Released for Mac and Windows

Dashcam Viewer v3.4.0 was released today for both Mac and Windows with a bevy of new features and bug fixes:

General Improvements:
  • Introduced Dashcam Viewer PRO for Mac and Windows.The Pro versions adds more capabilities, including GoPro HERO support and OpenStreetMaps, and increased number of Geotags. Differences between the Free, Standard, and Pro versions are shown below.
Key differences between Free, Standard and PRO

The new Pro version is $75 and an upgrade path from Standard to Pro is available.
  • Added new Audio Event Detection capability.
    Important events in the video series are often characterized by sudden changes in volume. For example, the sound of a collision or the sound of a horn can be heard against the normal driving noise background. Dashcam Viewer’s Audio Event Detection can assist in locating key sound events in a series of videos.

Audio Event Detection widgets
Audio events will appear as little squares along the graph time axis. You can quickly jump to an event by using the blue forward and back buttons. The detection algorithm sensitivity can be varied by increasing or decreasing the sensitivity control from 1 to 10. As the control value is decreased, more squares will appear. Red squares indicate the most significant events, yellow less significant, and green squares are the least significant events. The detection algorithm is applied independently to each video so red squares in one video may not have the same event significance as those in a different video.​
Sudden sound events do not need to be loud to be detected by the algorithm. The sound of a car blinker or a sudden voice can stand out against the background if the background is quiet enough. This could be either desirable or undesirable depending on what the user is looking for in the audio track. Event detection algorithm will continue to be refined based on user feedback.​
  • [Windows] Added new option to control whether Map, Dashboard, Graph, and Control Center windows are hidden when DCV is put in background.
  • [Windows] Dashcam Viewer is now a 32-bit application for increased compatibility with users’ systems.
Bug Fixes:
  • [Windows] Fixed bug in street address lookup when creating a geotag. The request for street address was failing due to the OpenSSL DLLs not being present in the app directory.
  • [Windows] Fixed bug in which Check for New Version didn’t work (same issue as above).
  • [Windows] Fixed the issue where the video window would occasionally become black until the video was un-paused.
  • [Windows] Fixed bug in window export to JPG/PNG toolbar function that would produce black images.
  • Fixed bug in Garmin 45 reader that resulted in incorrect lat/lon values.
  • Fixed occasional bug in timeline when videos are enabled/disabled.
  • Fixed issue in which GPS data in Transcend DrivePro 230 videos of 5-minutes would not be found. This is a temporary fix.
  • Embedded subtitle formats: No longer require the videos to have uppercase .MOV or .MP4 extensions.

Dashcam Viewer 3.4.0 running on Windows 10 with 4K display

The free version is fully-functional and allows the loading of up to 2 videos at a time.

- John
Website: http://dashcamviewer.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dashcamviewer
(y) on adding action cameras, sadly mine don't have that fancy stuff onboard.
OMG! This is so awesome!
Dashcam Viewer v3.4.1 Released for Mac and Windows

Happy Monday everyone :rolleyes:. Just wanted to let you know Dashcam Viewer v3.4.1 was released today for both Mac and Windows with the following features and bug fixes:

General Improvements:
  • Better synchronization between 2-channel videos, especially when the two channels differ in duration. This was implemented to solve an issue with the AutoVox X1, but it may apply to other dashcam models too.
  • Increased max user speed on speedometer from 200 to 300 km/h or mph.
  • [Windows] Dashcam Viewer is now released as a 64-bit application for increased stability.
New Camera Supports:
  • Added support for Guardian G1 Bodycam
  • Added support for Alfawise LS02 (a.k.a. AZDOME BT07)
  • Tested compatibility with NavMan MiVUE 680
Bug Fixes:
  • Improved support for Transcend DrivePro 230 w/firmware v1.12
Dashcam Viewer is PC/Mac software that allows you to playback your dashcam’s videos while simultaneously viewing your vehicle’s location on a map. There are many other features in the software which are detailed on our website (http://dashcamviewer.com). The free version is fully-functional and allows the loading of up to 2 videos at a time.

Dashcam Viewer showing Guardian G1 bodycam video

The free version is fully-functional and allows the loading of up to 2 videos at a time.

- John
Website: http://dashcamviewer.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dashcamviewer
Dashcam Viewer v3.4.1 Released for Mac and Windows

Happy Monday everyone :rolleyes:. Just wanted to let you know Dashcam Viewer v3.4.1 was released today for both Mac and Windows with the following features and bug fixes:

General Improvements:
  • Better synchronization between 2-channel videos, especially when the two channels differ in duration. This was implemented to solve an issue with the AutoVox X1, but it may apply to other dashcam models too.
  • Increased max user speed on speedometer from 200 to 300 km/h or mph.
  • [Windows] Dashcam Viewer is now released as a 64-bit application for increased stability.
New Camera Supports:
  • Added support for Guardian G1 Bodycam
  • Added support for Alfawise LS02 (a.k.a. AZDOME BT07)
  • Tested compatibility with NavMan MiVUE 680
Bug Fixes:
  • Improved support for Transcend DrivePro 230 w/firmware v1.12
Dashcam Viewer is PC/Mac software that allows you to playback your dashcam’s videos while simultaneously viewing your vehicle’s location on a map. There are many other features in the software which are detailed on our website (http://dashcamviewer.com). The free version is fully-functional and allows the loading of up to 2 videos at a time.

Dashcam Viewer showing Guardian G1 bodycam video

The free version is fully-functional and allows the loading of up to 2 videos at a time.

- John
Website: http://dashcamviewer.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dashcamviewer

Hello John - I am new to dash cams and have a Viofo A129 Duo. I'm interested in using Dashcam Viewer. What does this mean, "The free version is fully-functional and allows the loading of up to 2 videos at a time." Thanks.
it just mean you can only load 2 segments at a time with the trial version, your drives are made up of a multitude of segments so if you are looking for something it make more sense to load up the whole drive so you can watch it as one long video or FF thru it to get to where you need.
So i assume since you have a 2 channel camera you can just load 1 front and then 1 rear video ( i do think DV support playback of 2 correlating files from dual systems so you get a window with the front camera and a window with the rear camera )
Or of course if it is only the front footage that interest you 2 consecutive or random front camera segments.

I am not sure if DV support it yet, but the old dead registrator viewer would automatic analyze your memory card and automatic bundle all your videos up into the drive sessions they was made during, so in case you wanted to save 1 whole drive session it just took a couple of clicks to do that and export it as one whole seamless video.
If it is not there i hope it is a feature DV will support down the road.

Personally i do not use dashcam players any more, it is just the video i am interested in and that i can playback with any player software.

The good thing it it is fully functional so even with just 2 segments loaded you can totally explore all the features of DV
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Is anyone else getting a ton of "false positives" in Dashcam Viewer?

I have 2 different dashcams, an Innovv K2 and Viofo A129 Duo. When I load the videos into Dashcam Viewer, almost every single video file is marked with the "wrench" icon. The error messages vary; sometimes it's "Found fewer GPS points than expected for this movie. Attempting workaround.", other times "Some GPS data points out of chronological order. Applying a fix."

The only *mp4 files that don't have the wrench icon are incomplete ones. That is, video files where the camera shut down before recording a complete 3-minute file (since I have both systems set for 3-minute videos).

In no case does there seem to be an actual lack of, or wildly incorrect, GPS information. I've watched many of the clips with "errors," but didn't see my vehicle position jumping around in an impossible manner. Moving-map depiction pretty much tracks with where I was actually driving/riding. It does "vibrate in place" by a few meters, when the vehicle is parked in my garage, but that's normal position noise for a consumer-level GPS device.

I'm not sure whether this was happening before, but it has definitely been happening with Dashcam Viewer v3.4.0 and v3.4.1.
Is anyone else getting a ton of "false positives" in Dashcam Viewer?
No issues for me running 3.4.1 with SGX2PRO+ video files. Nor do I remember ever getting those kind of messages prior to the current version.
They've got to be false-positives. I'm not getting any indication of GPS problems on either system, outside of Dashcam Viewer.

If it were only one cam or the other doing it I would suspect the equipment. But both at the same time? Less likely.
They've got to be false-positives. I'm not getting any indication of GPS problems on either system, outside of Dashcam Viewer.

If it were only one cam or the other doing it I would suspect the equipment. But both at the same time? Less likely.
Since it's happening with 2 different cameras from different manufacturers I assume there's different memory cards as well. Key here is to look for a common link, say a card reader, and remove that and see if the issue persists. Also redownload and reinstall the S/W on the off chance something went flaky there.
I generally use the same memory cards (Samsung Pro Endurance 128 GB) in both systems, but I tried a Sandisk High Endurance 32 GB (SDSDQQ-032G-G46A) in the Viofo yesterday just for kicks. Same issue.

2 different card readers, which have never given me any trouble before. So that leaves reinstalling DCV. Doing that now.

Unfortunately, the vendor does not provide md5/SHA or any other integrity-checking hash values for the download. At least not that I can find.
I emailed the vendor (John @ Earthshine Software). We'll see what he has to say.
Uploading some vids now. FWIW, you'll notice they're bigger than "standard" because I'm now using Frostie's upgraded, higher-bitrate v0.67 firmware.

Sorry there are only 2 files, but my Internet upload speed is terrible & it would take too long to share more. Should be enough for folks to experiment with, anyway.

I saw the same GPS issue with the official (unmodified) v0.67 firmware, so I don't think it's got anything to do with the high-bitrate firmware or not.
Is anyone else getting a ton of "false positives" in Dashcam Viewer?

I have 2 different dashcams, an Innovv K2 and Viofo A129 Duo. When I load the videos into Dashcam Viewer, almost every single video file is marked with the "wrench" icon. The error messages vary; sometimes it's "Found fewer GPS points than expected for this movie. Attempting workaround.", other times "Some GPS data points out of chronological order. Applying a fix."

Good question. Dashcam Viewer puts the raw GPS data through a post-processing step in an attempt to cleanup any inconsistencies. Why? Early on I discovered that GPS data from these dashcams is not equal. For example, some dashcam models handle the 'no GPS signal' differently than others (some don't write any data, some write zeroes). Some dashcams have a quirk in which the data comes out in non-chronological order. Some dashcams have too few points, duplicate points, or extraneous points at the end. Some write GPS data at > 1 Hz. And so on. You can imagine with over 100 dashcam model supported there are a lot of quirks to be found.

But not all the data issues are the fault of the dashcam: if you go through a tunnel and your GPS position suddenly jumps to sub-Saharan Africa before returning a few moments later, it's simply a matter of poor signal strength. In any case, these quirks have to be found and handled or else the vehicular tracks on the Map will look like modern art by a 3 year-old.

The post-processing step attempts to remedy the data inconsistencies. If there are too few points, it adds points to fill in the gaps. If the data is out of order, it puts it in order. If the date/time stamp is wacky, it guesses at what it should be. If two consecutive points are too far apart to be physically possible for your Ford Focus (indicating a bad signal), it attempts a correction based on the last good point. Etc.

So if there's been any correction to the raw GPS data, a wrench icon 'error code' is issued letting you know that Dashcam Viewer applied some kind of correction to the data.

In no case does there seem to be an actual lack of, or wildly incorrect, GPS information. I've watched many of the clips with "errors," but didn't see my vehicle position jumping around in an impossible manner. Moving-map depiction pretty much tracks with where I was actually driving/riding. It does "vibrate in place" by a few meters, when the vehicle is parked in my garage, but that's normal position noise for a consumer-level GPS device.

That's a sign that the corrections are working! Keep in mind that most of the corrections are small and the wrench can largely be ignored.
