Ddpai m6 plus

I can't believe I've already gotten copyright complaints for my videos. Good Lord, you can barely hear the radio....

Your kidding!!! You mean someone has nothing better to do than watch youtube videos to see if they can hear something playing on a car radio???

I had to crank the volume right up to even make it out....
the process is automated, probably the same type of algorithm that services like Soundhound and Shazam use to ID songs, YouTube just go with the 'Guilty until proven innocent' method
The DDPai iPhone app just got updated today with a bunch of changes. The changelog is in Chinese. Can anyone translate it?
They added some new statistics to the GPS tracker called "Driving Score": Rapid Acceleration, Sharp braking, Sudden turns.

I doubt the GPS is sensitive enough to detect all that. Does the dashcam also have an accelerometer or gyroscope or something similar?
Using Google translate I get this:

New traffic data analysis support compatible iOS 10 docking Nanjing traffic police reporting platform supports 2K video sharing new original quality and traffic flow alarm to remind optimized file sorting albums with the new camera functions related to the operation guide video sharing compression optimization (faster and clearer

That's all clear then.
I just installed the app on my iPhone. It asked me to register so I entered an email and password which took me to another page where the requirement isn't to clear but it seems to be asking me for a phone number. Can anyone help explain what's required here and is it normal to require a phone number to use this app ? Thanks
Techmoan said he registered to test what new features would be included. He concluded it is completely useless to register unless you want to access their social media style feature (videos sharing, social chats, etc.) Registration is completely unnecessary to use the dashcam in full.
Thanks for replying and good to know the functionality isn't affected by not registering. I usually use an email address I can afford to burn for these things but didn't want to give a mobile number
I just installed the app on my iPhone. It asked me to register so I entered an email and password which took me to another page where the requirement isn't to clear but it seems to be asking me for a phone number. Can anyone help explain what's required here and is it normal to require a phone number to use this app ? Thanks
The Chinese have a social forum named QQ. It has a number of functions including online chat, sharing forums similar to Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram, and other functions. If you join, you can share videos and pics on those forums as well as view other peoples'.
Do you know anyone who has registered? I tried adding a phone number but it said I needed a valid phone number. The field to enter the number has some Chinese script so I'm not sure what it's asking for
I'm sure there are Chinese customers who have registered. QQ is very popular in China.
Techmoan said he registered to test what new features would be included. He concluded it is completely useless to register unless you want to access their social media style feature (videos sharing, social chats, etc.) Registration is completely unnecessary to use the dashcam in full.
Mainly for sharing, only register user can share the images, like XiaoYi APP.
Hello, New owner here, just what I discovered a few seconds ago :
the GPS logging format is broken (but not unusable).
First of all the files are named ".gpx" but aren't gpx files at all, they're nmea logs with custom messages. Due to the custom messages (and their lack of CRC), most - if not all - the software dealing with GPS data won't be able to make much sense out of it.

So far I've spotted 2 custom messages :

$GPSCAMTIME 20160817195248

at the beginning of the files, it gives a hint about the date, as all the other messages are only GPRMC, lacking any date information (which is normal for GPRMC messages).


When I press the remote (funny because I get no jpeg when I do so), I have no idea about the signification of those fields (apart from the obvious date and time).

It would be really great that if DDPAI would actually (1) name the file correctly (2) add CRC to their messages (3) document their custom message (4) use standard message and get rid of this nonsense (there are already enough messages format in the NMEA norm)

Have you spotted any other messages in the gps logs yourself ?
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Another question : is the upgrade download slow as hell for everybody ? I get 12 to 25ko/s at best which is verrrry slow when you try to download a 24Mo file :(
I tried with european and american proxies, with not much difference. I'm downloading the update right now.
It was fast for me. I did have some glitches where it said it couldn't connect to the internet. I'm not sure why those happened, but once it connected it was pretty fast. The 25 MB update probably took a minute or two at most.
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I also get the error message about being unable to connect to the internet, but then it switches wifi signal (from camera to my hotspot) and begins the download (I'm now at 0.82Mo woohoow \o/ ). I even tried to download the file directly (the url is available in clear with a tcp dump) and got similar speeds. I'll just wait, at least I know that some people get decent speeds, thank you Paul.
Hello, New owner here, just what I discovered a few seconds ago :
the GPS logging format is broken (but not unusable).
First of all the files are named ".gpx" but aren't gpx files at all, they're nmea logs with custom messages. Due to the custom messages (and their lack of CRC), most - if not all - the software dealing with GPS data won't be able to make much sense out of it.

So far I've spotted 2 custom messages :

$GPSCAMTIME 20160817195248

at the beginning of the files, it gives a hint about the date, as all the other messages are only GPRMC, lacking any date information (which is normal for GPRMC messages).


When I press the remote (funny because I get no jpeg when I do so), I have no idea about the signification of those fields (apart from the obvious date and time).

It would be really great that if DDPAI would actually (1) name the file correctly (2) add CRC to their messages (3) document their custom message (4) use standard message and get rid of this nonsense (there are already enough messages format in the NMEA norm)

Have you spotted any other messages in the gps logs yourself ?
The remote button may not be connecting to your camera. The manual provides a process for getting it connected. With the camera on, hit the button several times until you hear a click like a shutter makes.

It works fine for me. The only surprise was it downloads the 11 second video to your smartphone along with the jpeg but also stores the jpegs in the 101photos directory. I was expecting the videos to be in the 100videos directory.
The remote button seems to work (I hear the snap noise and the 11s video gets created) but no jpeg on the SD card (I didn't check the phone, and it's downloading the update right now ;) ).
I have one of my microSD cards mounted on my Mac. Here's what I have:

~ pschmehl$ ls -lsa /Volumes/DASHCAM2/DCIM/101photo/
total 1792
64 drwxrwxrwx 1 pschmehl staff 32768 Aug 17 12:50 .
64 drwxrwxrwx 1 pschmehl staff 32768 Aug 17 10:57 ..
64 -rwxrwxrwx 1 pschmehl staff 4096 Aug 17 12:50 ._N_20160817110052_0017_D.jpg
1600 -rwxrwxrwx@ 1 pschmehl staff 800720 Aug 17 11:01 N_20160817110052_0017_D.jpg

The smaller jpg is a thumbnail of the bigger one.
Thanks !

I just downloaded Google translation, to know what the latest version (which I'm still downloading) brings to the table :


1. New Sport function
2. Shutdown process optimization
3. Optimized MP4 file storage
4. Resolve gsensor low probability of abnormal bug
5. Solve preview to switch back to thumbnail low probability of download failure bug


Latest edog (which is also a tgz file ) :
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