GitUp Git2- Support, FAQ, Review

Hi everyone,
I paste a url of video with jello efect. Is from a partner in spain forum and he is very desillusioned.
I spoken very well of Git2 in spanish forum, that's why I feel responsible because some people buy the cam after that

We have contacted with the user, downloading the original video now.
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if i have time, i may experiment with my git2 and my quadcopter (since a quad has PLENTY of vibration to introduce the jello effect!)

1) mounted directly to quad frame with zip-ties, gyro OFF
2) mounted directly to quad frame with zip-ties, gyro ON
3) mounted to camera mount plate (which has silicone vibration damping "balls"), gyro OFF
4) mounted to camera mount plate (which has silicone vibration damping "balls"), gyro ON

I fully expect jello effect in 1 and 2, but none in 3 and 4. that's what the silicone dampers are for - to prevent vibrations from the craft from making your video look bad.

this is similar to my camera mount plate - you can clearly see the black rubber isolators.
I think you can ask this user about details of his mount:
He is satisfied about the Gyro IS of GitUp Git2.

if i have time, i may experiment with my git2 and my quadcopter (since a quad has PLENTY of vibration to introduce the jello effect!)

1) mounted directly to quad frame with zip-ties, gyro OFF
2) mounted directly to quad frame with zip-ties, gyro ON
3) mounted to camera mount plate (which has silicone vibration damping "balls"), gyro OFF
4) mounted to camera mount plate (which has silicone vibration damping "balls"), gyro ON

I fully expect jello effect in 1 and 2, but none in 3 and 4. that's what the silicone dampers are for - to prevent vibrations from the craft from making your video look bad.

this is similar to my camera mount plate - you can clearly see the black rubber isolators.
ok, did those recordings today at lunch. now i just need to find time to edit them together and post em up. haven't reviewed them yet to see whether they even have the jello effect. i fully expect the non-isolated ones to have the jello effect since even though i balanced the props when i first got them, i didn't rebalance them after crashing it. :P

almost wish i kept the camera on for my next set of practice flights... i did a few gentle turns around the yard, then started trying to fly in a circle at about roof level (i have a 2-story house) - not around the house, but just over my back yard. suddenly, the wind picked up and pitched it sideways. i lost my orientation and corrected massively in the wrong direction, tried to save it, spun around i don't know how many times, then lost sight of it around the corner of the house. i cut throttle before i lost sight of it, hoping it would simply hit the side of the house (no windows there thankfully), but no, it hit the roof (aslphalt/FG/composite shingles). as i ran around to see where it hit, i heard something sliding down the roof, hit the rain gutter then tumble into the yard (couldn't see what it was due to privacy fence). walked around the side of the house to pick it up, and only found the battery on the ground. the quad was not on this side of the roof. walked around some more and found the quad on the front of the roof, and it was right side up! if the stupid battery had stayed attached, i could have simply flown it down (though it would have been tricky with the tree there). instead, i had to drag out the 24 ft extension ladder to go get it. damage: slightly peeled one layer of carbon-fiber on one of the arms, scratched up a couple props, scratched the label of the battery. flew fine after reattaching the battery. that sure would have been a good test of the Git2 and its protective case! but i think i'll wait for less windy days to practice flying at altitudes above about 10 feet. :P
just watched the videos from earlier. no jello effect even with gyro off and camera attached to frame without the silicone dampers. granted, i simply used one zip-tie to hold the "foot" that normally snaps into a bracket, so maybe that wasn't transferring any or enough vibration to the camera. guess i need to attach it differently, or maybe try a lower throttle speed, as i think i MIGHT have seen a few frames of jello as i spun it up for takeoff. that should be easy enough to test for, even at my desk. i can point the camera at my monitor with some text and/or lines on screen, then slowly spin up the props perhaps while holding the quad down with one hand) and see whether we get jello.

either that or take the balancing tape off a prop or two and see what that does.
Hello all. Me very intresting how Git2 can make video: 1) with noise suppression: Minimum and maximum in night time(low light)?; 2) Make timelapse with long exposure in night with sky. Thanks!
USB charging camera how long does it usually take?
Is there a way to tell when it is fully charged? besides looking at the battery bars on the camera.
USB charging camera how long does it usually take?
Is there a way to tell when it is fully charged? besides looking at the battery bars on the camera.
Around 2 - 3 hours from empty.

The Green LED at the front should be on and the rest off when charging is complete. (You need the latest firmware)

Hello all. Me very intresting how Git2 can make video: 1) with noise suppression: Minimum and maximum in night time(low light)?; 2) Make timelapse with long exposure in night with sky. Thanks!
1. There are no options to record maximum noise. I'm not sure I understand the question, why would you want noise?
2. Yes, you can use timelapse and long exposure together in photo mode, you can even use raw photos if you want, but you would need to make the photos into a movie yourself. You can not use timelapse in video mode with long exposures.
I used the close focus lens again:
Hello all, i'm very new to the whole action camera thing but fancied documenting some of my work and hobbies so went with the git 2 as my first cam. So far i'm very impressed but do have a couple of questions. firstly is batteries. The life isn't great so does anyone know where i can get some spare batteries and possibly a charger? secondly is a question on firmware. i just followed all the steps on the gitup website to update but it did nothing, no blinking lights or anything, would this mean i'm already on the latest firmware? In the information bit on the cam it says "GIT2_V1.1_1130, is this the latest firmware?

thanks in advance
Use max 32GB card formatted by camera when doing firmware updates.
Look at front LED when doing update.
I think you can find on GearBest or a dual charger and spare battery.

Thanks for that, been doing it with a 64gb card so will try it with my 16 gig in a sec and I shall have a look on gb. Are they the same batteries as the sjcam?
You can use regular SJCam batteries in Git cameras, but the reverse does not apply.
I just read that the git2 doesn't support the image rotation but in the xiaomi Yi (same sensor) you can flip the image. Is there any chance to obtain that feature in a future update?
(I'm waiting my git2, I hope to receive it next week)