GitUp Git2- Support, FAQ, Review

Just bought a Git2 from and had a few questions for member Gitup:
1. Is there an extended battery available?
2. Do gopro hero skeleton cases fit Git2?
2. Has order #GTTEXPNKJ shipped yet?

I purchased Git2 with 4.35 lens because Gopro doesn't offer other lenses. Thanks for listening to customers! :)
i don't know about #1, but i can answer #2 - yes, any case for gopro 3 or 4 will fit the git1 and git2.

@gitup will have to answer the rest.
#2 may be no when using a Git2 with a long lens. The 4.35 lens will not fit in the Gitup waterproof case.

For #1, you can use a USB powerbank. There is also a new Git2 battery due soon which gives an extra 20 minutes record time.
You're right Nigel, I completely missed that he says he got a different lens. The case will fit the body of the camera but you might need to remove the lens cover first.
Last night I wanted to take some photos in timelapse mode with long exposure time.
Unfortunately I noticed that there is a kind of blooming effect on the right side of the images that is not due to a real light source.


I also took some photos in complete darkness to test this, notification LEDs and display backlight were off.


Any idea what that could be...maybe a component near the CCD that becomes to hot? Or anyone having the same issue?

Any idea what that could be...maybe a component near the CCD that becomes to hot? Or anyone having the same issue?

Quite a nice effect :)

Looks like some light leaking under the edge of the lens mount to me, heat wouldn't create straight light beams like that. Are you sure everything is off and it is sealed in a black box in a dark room at midnight?

Definitely shouldn't do that.

Have you done a hot pixel calibration in real darkness? Possibly the calibration was done when there was some light leaking in and you are now seeing the bad calibration instead of real light.
Yeah...nice effect for party photos, but not for night sky timelapse. ;)

I think you are right, heat would cause an other bloom pattern. However, I'm pretty sure that there was no visible light source.
I did a hot pixel calibration a few weeks ago, but that couldn't be the reason....I looked through my photos and found one that was already taken last year where you can also see the effect.


At that time I thought it was the front notification LED, but obviously it's not.

Best regards
Hello everyone!
It's already been a while with my Git2 and the experience has been a little bit sweet and sour.
I have recorded very good videos for some purposes but I don't get the camera to record as good as I would want for it's main application, airsoft recording.

Recording in the woods or places with a lot of... "textures"¿? everything seems to blurr . Leaves, branches, etc seem poor defined.

Why this happens? Is there any good setting configuration for this case.

I have a mobius as a self cam with the only setting changed to wdr and this doesn't happen. In fact, sometimes I get the impression the mobius quality is better.

Thanks for your help!
Hello everyone!
It's already been a while with my Git2 and the experience has been a little bit sweet and sour.
I have recorded very good videos for some purposes but I don't get the camera to record as good as I would want for it's main application, airsoft recording.

Recording in the woods or places with a lot of... "textures"¿? everything seems to blurr . Leaves, branches, etc seem poor defined.

Why this happens? Is there any good setting configuration for this case.

I have a mobius as a self cam with the only setting changed to wdr and this doesn't happen. In fact, sometimes I get the impression the mobius quality is better.

Thanks for your help!
The Mobius has a more sensitive sensor, but a lot less resolution. In dark conditions like under trees the Mobius will have a faster shutter speed and thus have less motion blur. Your problem will be not enough light for the sensor, the only real solution is to get more light.

If you think you have enough light then you could try increasing the bitrate to high. You could also try recording at a higher resolution and then reducing the resolution down to 1080 and adding a bit of sharpening on your computer, this can help a bit in dark conditions.

The Git2 is always best in bright sunlight, under the trees a Git1 would do a lot better since that has a more sensitive sensor than the Mobius although it doesn't have gyro stabilisation, or for what you are doing a Git3 might be good.
The Git2 is always best in bright sunlight, under the trees a Git1 would do a lot better since that has a more sensitive sensor than the Mobius although it doesn't have gyro stabilisation, or for what you are doing a Git3 might be good.

Is there really a Git3 available, or is this a joke?
So, why do some people talk like if its features and physical dimensions were known?

It called my attention too...
I think it is reasonable to assume that Gitup knows it's features and physical dimensions! And when he wrote "If you like such camera and prefer low light performance, you just need wait Git3." in response to a post containing "it would fit just nice on my rifle scope", you should be able to see why I connect that post with the post above talking about low light performance under trees and "airsoft"?
Yeah its not fair, they fully know i cant even afford to buy a git2, and now they dangle a 3 in front of me :(

Still just for the hell of it i look forward to see what they come up with.
No, way to early for that.
Gitup did post a timescale, but that was posted over a month ago on another forum so I won't quote it, these things do tend to change and depend on people like Novatek releasing components/SDK features. It suggested sometime before autumn.
a couple of test vids mounted to my crash helmet, only short vids settings were 1080p 6fps high bitrate and all others default and image stabiliser on. comments welcomeb

I was looking at the Yi 2, but it hasn't external mic support and i need it.

Can somebody throw an estimated release date for the Git3? more or less.
Yes, we are working on Git3, even Git4, but maybe we will not call it git3 or git4 while release.
Git3 PCB sample is available, but far away for release, too much work to do.
hehe yeah making a new camera is no mean feat, but i wish the gitup ppl good luck and hope they can keep their products really good.

And if they need some one to beat on their products don't be a stranger, tho i am not that active personally i still have ways to combine cameras and action :)

As a matter of fact i think i might be days from seeing a Sj4000 camera do +130 km/h across a lake, no doubt the footage will be a shaky affair to watch, but at least then we can say been there done that ( again )

Same boat as this one.