Joovuu X cam footage

Current beta - we've started to really focus on the IQ now. Still not what we want in terms of quality but definitely moving in the right direction so gotta keep plugging a long.


I meant ours, I think the screenshot from ours he posted is our current beta which has some IQ issues we're sorting still
I meant ours, I think the screenshot from ours he posted is our current beta which has some IQ issues we're sorting still

Ahhh that makes far more sense! Sorry!

I'll take this as my cue to enjoy my last day of holiday!

I'll be getting a blog up this week(end) about progress.


That was yesterday on the drive before u upgraded to V 7 on the SG.
Yeah @jokiin upped to V7 when i got home,,,,,,, annnnnd just now remembered i forgot to do the settings after doing that :rolleyes:

Lucky cam is still here on my computer table.

Will keep with experimental firmwares as i ATM have 2 cams pointing forward, so between them i should have a good capture in the case i need it.
Will chime in if i have anything special to comment on the V7 firmware.
V6 and V7 both have image issues so video won't be as it should but if you don't mind that its still helpful to continue running it so that the other functionality can be tested while we're working on the IQ fix

If you were only running the one cam then the release version would be the better option of course
No problemo :) glad to help, but mostly the other guys beat me to it, ther bigger addiction and i assume more time actually driving got the edge on me.
Okay boys, here is a little alternative footage, at least if you think of the X cam as a dashcam.
Be advised the youtube servers are proberly still chewing on the footage.

If you like to DL one of the clips in RAW give me a shout and i will UL it to MEGA for your downloading plasure.

My friends pond need a visit of the pond doctor, the water is pretty dirty, and with the new large filter we installed in the start of the season the water should be clear.
Chem tests on the water is fine in all regards, so i think we better get the coi carp specialist to drop by

PS, i more or less digged out that whole pond by hand, its 1.7 M deep all over and 5 x 3 M or so, thats just the kind of friend i am :D it was backbreaking work, not least the old pear tree that use to stand there, man what a root system it had :eek:

Biggest fish in the pond is one of the sturgeon there is 3 kind of those in the pond, its about 5 feet long, most of the carps are allso pretty big, the oldest ones are over 10 years old.
Okay guys its screen grap time again, this time its the x cam head to head with the SG9665GC at night.

X cam is beta hardware and firmware, the SG9665GC is on test firmware.

Pictures in order.
1. my old home town at night
2. a forrest with high beams
3. a forrest with low beams
4. a forrest with only position light, ( dont try this at home )









Be advised the minions in both the SG labs and joovuu labs are hard at work making sure you get " the best of the best of the best,,,,,,SIR" :D
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Okay boys, here is a little alternative footage, at least if you think of the X cam as a dashcam.
I'm hearing a buzzing sound at the beginning of the first and third videos - not real loud but it's there. Clears up near the end.
yeah all the beta units have this issue, i belive a fix for that was engineered long ago, mic will be relocaded compared to these units.

I was hoping it will be upgraded, the microfone dont seem to be in leauge with the one in a SG9665GC for instance.

I have not gotten around to do my real MIC test, thats me pretending to be a hard-ass state trooper giving myself a hard time...
Should be fun :D

But my trip to the drive thru last week does not bode well for the current microfone.
probably not a good comparison if you're on one of our last two betas as the image quality is noticeably down in these versions, some side by side with the March firmware would be interesting though to get a better idea of where the X is at
yeah i know, but i mostly made this to see night performance / light sensitivity., the optimal would proberly be a static test where it would be more easy to resolve Image noise and so on.
I just couldent help myself dooing this granted half assed comparison :)

But yeah, i might have to dust off that old firmware for a second run, i feel most bad about the daytime comparison, but at least i did mention my SG camera is on test firmware.
Here is a short clip with a near miss recorded yesterday with Joovuu X Cam Beta version:
I been back to problem land with my camera, am installing now FW and APP now, and hope that will fix it.

Going for a trip to the forrest with the little RC trucks tomorrow, and i would like to make a time lapse recording of our trip.

I will be driving my friends Jeep as my Toyota is broken to the tune of +100 dollars, and i cant afford those repair bills ATM :(
did a run with roof mount and high res recording, had to downgrade recording to 1080p as i flipped it ( that dont work on my sample )

What is this madness...trailers and caravans left on the side of the street. Bollards out in the road. Cars parked in opposite directions on the same side of the road. Bicycles everywhere. Roads clearly marked. Most cars are four cylinder. You live in an awesome country @kamkar1 and seeing daily life there where you live is great. Here in Australia we could never adapt to what you guys do. I thoroughly enjoyed your video and the camera works well.