Joovuu X cam footage

Dashcamming in a big world.!G95QRASa!wRoTRidkVWdAfmUY4BKvO1ayVo7DTFlbqXye-OdTrlM

Dashcamming in a normal size world, with minimal dash reflections.

( modified with YT sound to block my swearing )!ilwhBSbA!pXbC-1frYhZXGu6LLT538xhRvb0N6YVsSAQBv0G2R4w ( a little swearing )

You encounter the wirdest things in Danish forrests, this time its the annual Viking GTG in the forrest south of Aarhus.

IMO 21 century vikings look a little weak, but i have allways been saying its been Downhill for Denmark since the year 969 or there about :p!PtZjTa4L!xysxpFa5IgHpc8Xqm_qsshZdi1vBqA6AaquMp1zDMWU

Did not get around to install the cam on the outside of the car, did not like color of the sky today.
Allso i have not been working on wifi issues today, right now i have been avake for 37 hours strait, and i think now unlike last niight i will have no problems falling asleep.

PS. my little RC car died today only 1 mile or so into our trip today, i think my motor is toast though its a pretty new one, and today was only its 3 drive.

Too bad we had plans to make our way past the Viking camp to see the blacksmith at work and other stuff they have going every year.

PPS. Seem like the vikings we saw today is just the ppl there in good time, or maybe 25 and 26 of July is just the days where ther GTG is open to the public, anyway i doubt they would have stopped us today as we are some of the last true vikings and a little blood would just have made our rage larger ( unlike the guy in the clip 1:20 which got a little cut over his eye )

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Cool videos mate, I wonder if the Techno Viking ever makes an appearance at Viking GTG?
Well you never know, but its been a decade since i was there last, but it seem they get ther act more and more together with increased realisem in ther gear and what not.

I think the GTG is overseen by moesgaard museum, and they do ther best to keep it real.
I really shound go see the new and upgraded museum, they opened the new buildings some months ago.

I allways liked to have a ulfberht sword but i am not more viking that i would like to have one of the most fine swords they make in Japan.
Thanks for the video kamkar1. This cam is looking promising, if can increase the video bitrate from 10Mbps to 15-20Mbps, then it should have a good balance of IQ vs file size for a car dashcam. For action cam purpose, then may be 20-30Mbps.
Thanks for the video kamkar1. This cam is looking promising, if can increase the video bitrate from 10Mbps to 15-20Mbps, then it should have a good balance of IQ vs file size for a car dashcam. For action cam purpose, then may be 20-30Mbps.

no A7 looks great at 10mbit so if looks ok now it should show good improvements once they bump that up
Well it is VBR for sure cuz night footage i have captured in my static 24 H tests in my window is 15mbit.
I assume this 10 mbit is normal bitrate and there is fine and S fine above that in the app, i do hope and pray its not Normal X mbit - fine 10 mbit and S fine 15 or somthing mbit.

But thats still to be determined or unlocked for use in the app ( which i still havent gotten to work )

As soon as i can i will be making a lot of clips at the different resolutions and FPS and + - HDR and what else is supported, and i will try to make them all in 1 go driving the same streach of road again and again with each setting.
I will only do that with the highest availebel bitrate as i see no reason to bother with the 2 lower settings, at least not at first :p
Highest bitrate = most heat generated and so thats my goal as i am here to beat on the thing till it get released or go to sleep on the fields of fried sillicon.
There is a lot of things to do, i allso have to figure out how i can tell if HDR is working or not.
But i will figure that out when i get there, there might be some form of static test i can do to be able to "see" the HDR in action.

Right now i am putting the 32 Gb SD card in the camera and putting it in the window for some more static recording, and then i assume i will be sleaping for 12 houres.
Then i am back to working on the wifi problems i have, and in a more non frantic way as the last days have been in regard to wifi.

PS. yesterday i out a old 4Gb card in the camera, so it have cycled thry that many more times in 24 houres than it would have done with a 32Gb card. and in that regard the camera have been perfect :) not even 1 beat dropped :cool:
You haven't got VPN software on the Android phone have you mate?
O no thats way past my needs on the phone.
Same with my tablet, or at least my own lollipop, and on my friends kitkat change is banned as he have a hard time handling such things.
@kamkar1 Thanks for all the hour you putting in as a beta tester.
I don't know if it was possible for you to upgrade the firmware in cam. But when I hear the sound from Padwanjoe camera its clear, but on yours I hear some static click. Do you think its hardware problem or software on your camera?

Padwanjoe video

I wish there were more video upload from other beta tester.

Could someone test if the microphone is sensitive enough to record a man/women (police) talking through a half open window next to a busy road. Use a parking lot for safety.
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I think the microfone is awsome, and the static noice problem was fixed after the first beta cams shipped out, my memory is bad but at least 1 microfone have been moved in regard i think to the noice problem.
The pickup of voices i think is good, in the viking clip you can hear some of them talk around us, and the closest ones was about 2 M avay and then extending avay from us on the bench.

The viking getting wounded allso dident really yell out Auuuu when he got the sword to the face and then take a kneee, allso at a time there is 2 ppl with lances in front of us and you can easy hear the tip of those getting bounced off the earth, its allso easy to her when one of them is dropped to the ground.

It should be no problem capturing the violation on anybodys rights thats witin 16 feet or so of the camera, only problem in that regard i can see is highway background noise maybe blocking out the voice.

I will do a experiment on that later on, pulling myself over and violating my own rights thru a partly opened door window, just for the fun of it, and i will make sure to do that along a pretty buisy road.
Still, that excessive reflection is bit unexplained issue. I understand and accept, that having no focus and having all of the detail as clear as possible is the aim, how come other DashCams having less of reflection? (ref, my GT680W) or is it some way of self adjusting or digital filtering? as IE reactive(self adjusting) exposure in accordance to lighting ?conditions
I think to compare dashbord deflections and how different dashcams pick them up you will need to do that in the same car, and position and time of day.

As i udenstand it there is a vast difference on how bad it is on different car brands and models.
If i had a CPL filter i think i would use it, and let it be on at night too as the footage all cams capture at night isent stellar anyway and so there is little negative in that, at least not with a good dashcam.

I am trying to see if i can modify my 0806 CLP filter to go on the X-cam, problem is i cant afford to leave my apartment often, and i cant afford to buy anything i can use, so i just have to keep my eyes open and see what i stumble over.
I think to compare dashbord deflections and how different dashcams pick them up you will need to do that in the same car, and position and time of day.

As i udenstand it there is a vast difference on how bad it is on different car brands and models.
Yeah exactly mate - placement can make a big difference like you say - my car has a long sloping windscreen which is a nightmare for reflections which is why I went down the path of various CPLs and dashmats etc.

One camera might have no issues in 95% of cars but issues in the other 5% and vice versa. Suction mounts usually hang a bit lower than adhesive mounts and the distance between the lens and glass can make a difference too.

@kamkar1 things will get better mate, they always do!

@BMbler you might find the JooVuu X in your car would have no issues so don't get too worried that it has reflection issues in a different car :)
Here is my sample with a DIY CPL filter, all it took was a pice of PCB tube, the glass of the 0806 CPL filter, and a little sanding.





I think its safe to say the CPL filter from the joovuu labs will be along the same lines :D

I allso have a YT video of it in action, please remember i have no viewfinder and the CPL is just put on and lined up by eye, but to make sure i got the full effect of the thing i drive and ajust on the thing so you can see how it work on the reflections of my airvents in the bottom part of my windscreen.
And please remember too my sample can only do 1080p / 30 - 10mbit as i cant change settings on it yet ( for some reason )

FF 2/3 in before i start to ajust on the CPL filter while driving.

Dont let that lens cover fool you, the pics are taken with my phone as the Dslr was out of juice :rolleyes: but the old HTC 8S did a allright job for this sort of thing.
Here is my sample with a DIY CPL filter, all it took was a pice of PCB tube, the glass of the 0806 CPL filter, and a little sanding.





I think its safe to say the CPL filter from the joovuu labs will be along the same lines :D

I allso have a YT video of it in action, please remember i have no viewfinder and the CPL is just put on and lined up by eye, but to make sure i got the full effect of the thing i drive and ajust on the thing so you can see how it work on the reflections of my airvents in the bottom part of my windscreen.
And please remember too my sample can only do 1080p / 30 - 10mbit as i cant change settings on it yet ( for some reason )

FF 2/3 in before i start to ajust on the CPL filter while driving.

Nice job!
the CPL is just put on and lined up by eye
Put a white line at the top so that you know exactly which way up it goes, find the top by looking through the filter from the camera side at an LCD TV/Monitor, when the image on the TV is completely black you are exactly 90 degrees out.
Good news, i am now able to get into the settings of my sample,
Sadly there seem to be a little problems with firmware and APP versions, so its a little up and down with what features is open for use.

BUT fear not i seem to be on the ball now, as as i can i will have footage for you guys.
Right now i am set up for a drive with 1080p/45 FPS and S-fine image settings, so i will have some evening/night town footage with those settings for you shortly ( adter 1 episode of big bang theory and sorting and upload of footage.