Joovuu X cam footage

Hi, I got my X cam yesterday afternoon. So I spent the evening to try to accommodate with it. I like it's form factor and I quickly manage to connect my smartphone to it via WiFi being able to start recording videos and even taking some still pictures. The app is very complex and I look forward to be fully be able to test all the tweaks.
This morning I mounted on my car windshield with the suction mount supplied and the X Cam. All recordings were at 5 minutes, full HD and I here is a small example:
Please take into consideration that is BETA sample unit.
...driving by the rules... sort off!, if I was pedestrian, I'd've climbed over that white car on your right! ( :P
lovely ladies...
Annoying black car driver on a right (on tram lines)

... and footage? alright Beta, but it is unclear, too much reflections, just not great at all, I'd say same as what my fake 0801 did manage, before packed up...
Looking forward for tweaked firmware shots, very much!
We're running into that age old adage of:

Omg ambarella why do you hate us? It's like you want us to fail because we are not gopro - all we want is one simple error code to be resolved.

You know that famous adage? no? That's the one we are living by at the moment.

We have a connection problem on the WiFi that is having a knock on affect onto other things. I'm hoping the Ambarella gods will bless us with a solution and then we can escalate everything. We have the firmware pretty much ready to go (obvs not tested but coded), we're just waiting. It's the 3rd day now with now news after a deluge of emails and phone calls sent their way but still nothing.

Hopefully soon...hopefully.

The footage at the moment I am pretty happy with - considering we have not actually started refining it yet I think it is a pretty good starting point. It is certainly nothing spectacular but considering this has not been optimized or refined yet I'm pretty happy with it. Hopefully once we get past this connection issue it should be a lot better.


We're running into that age old adage of:

Omg ambarella why do you hate us? It's like you want us to fail because we are not gopro - all we want is one simple error code to be resolved.

You know that famous adage? no? That's the one we are living by at the moment.

sadly I know exactly what you're dealing with, the politics within their company are frustrating to say the least
sadly I know exactly what you're dealing with, the politics within their company are frustrating to say the least

They go from being really helpful to...does this company even exist any more or was it just a figment of my imagination within literally 5 seconds....never come across anything like it.


The app is very complex and I look forward to be fully be able to test all the tweaks.

Is it possible to see some screen dump from the app. Is it intuitive to use?
Is it possible to see some screen dump from the app. Is it intuitive?

The Joovuu X app is not complex (or I hope people do not think it is if it is we'll get it changed), but the app we currently are using whilst we solve this connection issue is a bit different.

I'll leave it to the beta testers to show the app (they're more than welcome) I sadly have to go back to trying to get a response from Ambarella.

We had a really good contact in the American office but he has sadly changed jobs (bastard).

Hi. I choose the wrong word. The JooVuu X app is not complex ie hard to use but covers much specifications that can be changed. Here are two screenshots:
Screenshot_2015-07-21-15-05-36.png Screenshot_2015-07-21-15-06-36.png
they'll be happy if that's all you have to complain about ;)
Well I could complain about minor things like the WDR "off" not being a switch graphic like the Loop Recording "on" and "PHOTO" being all capitals when "Mode 1" is mixed case, but I guess they are going to fix things like that without me pointing them out!
It's the wrong colour - totally doesn't match the x.joovuu website!

We are aware of this - the background is temporary and will be changed before release.

Well I could complain about minor things like the WDR "off" not being a switch graphic like the Loop Recording "on" and "PHOTO" being all capitals when "Mode 1" is mixed case, but I guess they are going to fix things like that without me pointing them out!

That'll be updated in todays app update. We can release all of this once we have the the damn fix to wifi...but we are now putting other plans in place to get round this.


Yeah its a bit slow going, for me at least.
First i had probelms getting started, then i got that fixed.
Then i have spent about 24 houres desperatly trying to get the wifi working, and since it is not working that good for me i have not been able to do other things but record in the 1080p default resolution.
Then i tried updating firmware, which " bricked" my camera so all weekend i have not been able to do anything.
Then yesterday i got back up and running again, but still cant get wifi & app to work at all, so all i can do it record in 1080p, and that the camera have been doing for 24 houres now, and it look like it have worked fine, but i have yet to review the latest footage on the 32 Gb card i use.

Had i been able to mix things up in the app i would have at least 5 Gb uploaded to YT and MEGA now, but i dont think you would get anything out of seeing different 1080p/30 footage.

I would allso have uploaded pics of the menus in the app, but i cant seem to get either of my tablets to take a screen dump of those, so i might film the app instead later today.

I am really sorry for Dan and you guys i have not been able to provide more information and footage, but after working so many desperate houres and not getting things to work, it do get a little frustrating when you have a wish to perform and deliver right here and now.

Just took a quick look at footage, and it look like the camera do the owerwrite thing just fine, only 1 "error" i yanked the USB power and the last clip dident get ended proberly so it cant be played ( dunno if that a CAP problem or most likely in the code )

This problem with the last clip i have seen before as i have been yanking the USB every time i move the camera around, only for problemshooting the wifi issue have i been using the on/off button .

Weather forcast for tomorrow look dry, so then i will go for a drive with the cam outside on the car for good clean footage without annoying dashbord reflections.
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Okay here is a little video of the inside of the APP for the X cam, allso this is early going so there will allso be changes there in the future.
But as you can see there should be all the bells and whistles a man would need.

This is allso filmed by the X cam, maybe a little too close at times, but using pause on YT you should be able to take it all in, and anyways there isent anything special, you have most likely seen it all before in the menus of dash or action cameras.

We are aware of this - the background is temporary and will be changed before release.
PlS test app in direct sunlight, some color work better than other. I don't think we need beta tester for that.
Just put you computer screen in sun light, when you select the color.

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Yes i dont think this white/blue combination is the best in high sunlight, thankfully my own tablet have more light than my friends tablet which i use in the clip above.

Allso the section in the end where you can change sharpness and so forth, its hard to navigate around in there without not beeing able to change some of the parameters for the recording, as it can allso be seen in the clip above.
I just saw this pop up on FB earlier:

It sounds daft but getting footage like that with the JooVuu X could get you a viral video on your hands which would generate a lot of interest ;)