Kingston MobileLite Wireless Memory Card Reader £18

Found some hints & tips for getting the most from this device...

'...update the firmware first. Make sure you are connected to the mains power for this.

Reading the review on Amazon there is mention of using the URL to access the device as the software is not great. Remember that the speed of the SD card and the Controller on the phone that writes to the SD card are likely to limit your speed. Also alot of HD video takes up a lot of space so copying the files even over a wired connection can take ages. Most Wifi (including the chipset in this unit) will also have a limited throughput, it is enough for 3 concurrent video streams but that is still not a huge amount and these devices are tuned for battery life not throughput. Also use Wifi Analyser free app on Play store to check the channels in use to make sure there are not conflicts and the wifi signal is not part of the problem. How big are the files you want to send from the phone to the device?.

This is a great accessory for travel. Charges from a standard usb charger, let's you backup photos from your digital camera to a usb drive, and most importantly it streams movies and tv to your devices - I've tried it with my iPhone and ipad using nPlayer. The supplied software works ok but has some peculiarities where you can't stream mkv's but can stream mp4s.. To stream an mkv I had to use the web interface (not really publicised, access from and then copy and paste the http URL of the file into nplayer. You can use "send to" with a variety of players but this forces the file to copy entirely before playing, not necessarily a bad thing but you might have to wait a bit before watching! The software allows you to navigate around both USB and as cards, a facility to more easily select a lot of files would be beneficial as backing up many photos can take quite a time to select multiple files. Recommended product at a reasonable price.

The reviews mention MoliPlayer for iOS and Android and nplayer on iOS. I have used MXPlayer for playing MKVs even DTS is supported but you need to install a custom codec for this (also free).'
Transferring 5 min clips from my Mobius was fast on both My Galaxy s5 and iPad 2. So far, I found transfer speeds good. I've transferred a movie without issues.
I don't have one of these yet ( I did receive my eBay purchase recently ) and I see this is kind of an old thread, but I do have some questions:
- Must you mount the camera's card on this device, or can you mount the camera directly and play video from there? I have a Mobius and Innovv C1, a couple of iPads , iPhones and AppleTV's in the family as well.
Answer: The camera can be mounted directly and movies displayed straight from the card in the camera.
- Will this work wirelessly with AppleTV so you can watch on a big screen?
Answer: No. The AppleTV has no application that will interface with the MobileLite Wireless, though it will connect to the WiFi.
- Is best usage of the device with the Kinston app or are there better app choices for i-devices?
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@russ331 , How has the Kingston WiFi microSD card reader worked out for you since early 2015? (all good with the SGZC12RC?)

Anyone try one with a SG9665GC yet? I thought there was someone that reported one working, but couldn't find the thread or post elsewhere.
@russ331 , How has the Kingston WiFi microSD card reader worked out for you since early 2015? (all good with the SGZC12RC?)

Anyone try one with a SG9665GC yet? I thought there was someone that reported one working, but couldn't find the thread or post elsewhere.

I would be curious to know about this too. The reason for my curiosity is SG9665GC's lack of a DCIM folder in the directory makes it impossible to load videos onto an iPad from the camera's microSD card and I wonder if the Kingston might be a work around for this issue or whether it too requires a DCIM folder. Along the same lines I wonder if the SGZC12RC also lacks this conventional default directory structure common to almost all digital cameras.
All Zoran based SGZC12SG, SGZC12RC (and Panorama S, X2) do not use the DCIM folder. They use a Normal and Event folder.
All Zoran based SGZC12SG, SGZC12RC (and Panorama S, X2) do not use the DCIM folder. They use a Normal and Event folder.

Thanks for the info. So I guess the question is whether the Kingston can be a workaround for this.
@russ331 , How has the Kingston WiFi microSD card reader worked out for you since early 2015? (all good with the SGZC12RC?)

I now have an Android phone with easily accessible external MicroSD card slot, & a 7" Android Tablet with MicroSD card slot. It's quicker & easier to use the Android devices to review video clips, so the Kingston wifi card reader is now gathering dust. The SGZC12RC is doing a fine job, no problems at all.

I was given a HooToo TripMate Nano Wireless Travel Router as a Christmas present. Haven't played with it yet, however, it has a full size USB slot & I believe that, with a DashCam's Micro SD card in a USB adapter, it's easy to view / copy files to / from Android & IOS devices, etc.

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The HooToo seems like a potentially great product and the price is very appealing. Based on the hassles many report trying to load video files onto iPads, including me, I'm still not 100% convinced this will work but some of the customer reviews I've read so far seem to suggest it will. As much as I enjoy my iPad, Apple makes connecting anything but their own products to it unnecessarily difficult.
I know this is not about Kingston but I have Verbatim MediaShare device and it simply creates a SMB share, so that I can browse whatever is on the device.

There are apps for Android and iOS allowing basic file operations (read, copy, etc). I use it in my car for kids to watch our movie collection.
I'm more interested in the WooToo one for price, features, and good reviews, but here is an answer from someone on the Kingston one:

I'm more interested in the WooToo one for price, features, and good reviews, but here is an answer from someone on the Kingston one:


That answer doesn't really resolve the question........"Whether you can actually play the video file depends", he says. I think a person who owned an iPad would probably not have answered the question in this manner and it sounds like he may not know what a DCIM folder is. The question is whether the iPad will allow for the file import in the first place regardless if the device is a wireless router. From my experience, if the iPad doesn't see a DCIM folder you won't see any import options appear after connecting to another device. Maybe someone else on Amazon who is more familiar with the issue will eventually answer the question?

Come to think of it, @Pier28, the problem may be with how you've posed the question in the first place. Perhaps the question should read, "Does this device support importing .MOV or .MP4 files to an iPad from a dash camera product that doesn't create a DCIM folder on the top level of its microSD card's file directory?"
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I used the HooToo TripMate Nano for the first time today. I wanted it so I can connect my iPad to the Internet when in hotel rooms that only provide wired Internet access, etc.


It's ability to view / play / copy files from a DashCam's microSD card to other devices doesn't really interest me, however, I can confirm that it works with my iPad.

I didn't bother reading the written instructions ... the first few minutes of this video told me what to do ...

The TripMate App is ok for playing video clips. I didn't have any luck saving clips to iPad with it, so I tried one of my favourite Apps ... GoodReader. It worked a treat, & I successfully downloaded clips from Mini 0805, Mobius & SGZC12RC to the iPad.

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From my experience, if the iPad doesn't see a DCIM folder you won't see any import options appear after connecting to another device.

Here is another new option.’s-new-lightening-port-card-reader-lets-you-transfer-microsd-content-to-your-ios-device.18598/#post-242037
" it doesn't have the same restrictions as the official Apple camera kit. I've popped a few video files in the root folder just to transfer to my camera roll for mobile editing. it works fine."
Here is another new option.’s-new-lightening-port-card-reader-lets-you-transfer-microsd-content-to-your-ios-device.18598/#post-242037
" it doesn't have the same restrictions as the official Apple camera kit. I've popped a few video files in the root folder just to transfer to my camera roll for mobile editing. it works fine."

Have you "popped" a microSD card from a SG9665GC in there? When it only sees the CARDVR folder does it load the files when you do that?
Have you "popped" a microSD card from a SG9665GC in there? When it only sees the CARDVR folder does it load the files when you do that?

I have not, just learned of this today. It sounds like you have full folder access via their special app based one what I'm reading everywhere.
I have not, just learned of this today. It sounds like you have full folder access via their special app based one what I'm reading everywhere.

It could be an interesting workaround for the lack of a DCIM folder on the SG9665GC. We need to confirm if it really works or not when there is no DCIM folder for the OS to see. Since the DCIM folder is a long established industry wide convention that is built into iOS I'm not sure how the device can do it by itself but perhaps it is possible. It is always been a mystery to me why Street Guardian chose to ignore the DCIM convention.

Frankly, for someone like me who has already spent 30 dollars for the Apple Camera Connection kit that works with every other dash camera I own (and all my other photo gear as well), the idea of having to go out and spend yet another 20 bucks just so my SG9665GC can have that capability too doesn't sit well. Twenty dollars is like spending 10% extra for the GC just to get something I've been otherwise getting all along.
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